
Year 2020 : Impact on Cancer sign

Its time to walk the talk. Cancer sign people will experience higher decisiveness, greater productivity and sense of responsibility in year 2020.Year 2020 for Cancer sign people brings immense focus and a sense of urgency and linearity in energies which will help you do what you always wanted to do and achieve more. Its the kind of year where you will realize need, urgency and purpose of getting dedicated and becoming attentive for your goals. This is time to deliver and patterns in this year are of growth, progress, more wealth but coming after you show your worth, you do what’s needed and postponing doesn’t occur. Essence for Cancer sign people then becomes rise of discipline, dedication and focus followed by growth and alignment. Let us now see in detail as to how time patterns this year will impact you in various aspects of life.

Career changes are seen though can come via frustration, a phase of struggle which can act as catalyst. Though majorly changes of satisfactory in nature will come and this year has full potential to give you desired job, work satisfaction. Workload, pressure and expectations from you will be high and that’s where need for hard work, dedication and getting aligned will come. Business expansion is mildly favored given when you are totally prepared, and risk element is not huge. New partnerships can certainly be developed but make sure you are working in defined, legal framework and not at verbal level commitment. Rise, changes in work will also accompany more responsibilities .You can expect to move to higher position but be ready to handle more work that you expected along with coming in focus in front of higher authorities who can keep an eye on you. Making very bold career moves like switching work field, leaving job for business are ideally not favored but if you are ready, have proper plan and risk elements are also considered well then jump can be made in favorable periods of this year. Essence for expansion in work is becoming committed and not postponing your plans. Do things now, have plan for everyday, there will not be any room for causal approach or lethargy which will cost you badly in terms of image and even your job itself. Weaker phases do have some instability patterns and career threats where caution will be needed.

Slow yet steady financial growth will come in this year which will accelerate specially in second half. Your earnings will grow, there are steady gains from business, but it will directly depend on your hard work and sincerity. You should ideally learn to invest wisely and this year is good time to focus on savings. Note that unless very much needed, you should avoid taking major loans or borrowing money from anyone, especially in weaker phase of this year. If you are confident enough and have a plan then you care surely go ahead, but only in smooth part of the year .Expenses will also be there and at times you can feel like walking on the edge, hence there is strong need to save whenever possible. You will also be required to spend on family needs, on health of self and family members and some responsibilities involving your house or simply earlier loans. It’s important not to exaggerate any of your action and remain humble, aware at work to avoid any matter escalating .This year does have a sensitive phase in the middle where you can get into useless controversies and for some of you, if shown in personal chart, then legal hassles are also possible. So stay straight, simple and avoid any sort of excesses or getting into risky areas.

You do need lot of proactive care, decisions when it comes to area of health. This year you can see some discomfort and slowdown owing to health lows. You can see effect of your habits, lifestyle coming on health directly which will be seen at both physical and emotional level. You can feel dull, slow, chained and not really alive, fresh if you allow your past unhealthy or messy routine in this year as well. This year will pull your attention to neglected health issues, you have to improve your lifestyle, pay attention to your body and start taking your health, your body more respectfully. In weaker part of this year, health can decline ,issues can pop up which means initial three months and then later half of this year has relatively better degree of freedom, in the middle part you need restrain and avoiding any imbalances, excesses or neglecting health. Stress from work, old health issues, problems due to unhealthy lifestyle, not paying attention to needs of body or treating your body badly can active problems. Its time you pay attention and when you are ready to devote your time, this year has potential to bring best out of you when you become aligned and settled by treating yourself well.

Area of relationships has low scope for expansion and infact this year you can feel limited, restricted owing to some work, family and health compulsions which means your social life can get dull, you can feel burdened by duties and your movement beyond your routine can decrease. Some of your relations, associations, friendships can end as well, given they are karmically over, rest it would remain till level of conflicts and sharp arguments. Married/love life can also go through tough tests and you must come to terms, accept realities and work on ground rather than creating illusionary images about love and love life. Acceptance of practical life, giving your partner more freedom and working to mold yourself in accordance to life conditions will bring better happiness. Rest in weaker phase conflicts, arguments, even end of some relations can come. Its time you handle your relations well. Essence then becomes making your existing bonds better rather than making new ones.

Coming to timelines, phase of three months Jan to March is stable and then September onwards. The middle part of April to July end is weak where all unstable patterns in work, threats, health issues and problems in love life, relationships can come. This is the time to practice restrain and avoid making any major decisions or take risks. Specifically, the two months’ time of June and July can get intense where utmost care and awareness will be needed.

There isn’t much when it comes to Spiritual progress. You can remain entangled, bounded in routine, in work, in bringing balance and working towards your duties. Lessons though will certainly come with your worldly experiences, through people who will show their real face, through heart breaks and lessons in family and love life. So in a way growth is intense but not in theory and neither you need to go to any place or get into Spiritual practices, rather your own life, people around you, your habits and Samskaars will teach you intense lessons. Just be aware to acknowledge these lessons. Year 2020 for Cancer people is certainly of growth but scope for casual attitude, wastage, being rude and careless is extremely narrow which means to make and then sustain growth you will need to bring out your best, remain focused and learn subtle lessons that life will offer you. Once you are ready to learn, improve without postponing and do not get stuck with shocks and pain associated with struggle or in ego issues, your growth is assured. Get focused, resolve to work on self and make room for growth by leaving behind your clutter.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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