
Year 2020: Impact on Scorpio sign

It’s your year. Year 2020 for Scorpio sign people brings immense hope, end of all past troubles and beginning of an entirely new era. As you move ahead, there will be end to your ongoing Sadesaati which has been suppressing your potential since long. This year will finally bring end to it which will open up a fresh phase of life. In this year you can surely expect life to move ahead with end of past struggles, conflicts, delays and recovery from traumas and emotional suppression will occur rapidly. It’s a year to heal inside out and recreate your life. Year 2020 without a doubt is going to be a milestone time for you from where your life is going to take a major turn. It’s time to leave all of your past behind and look forward to fresh, very encouraging life which is full of possibilities .Let us move to details as to how you are going to experience this positive, decisive and life infusing change in this year.  

With end of your Sadesaati phase, career opportunities are going to come freely now. The suppression, delays, lack of clarity in your career graph going to end completely. This year you will find major fresh vibes when it comes to your work life. There are strong possibilities for finding new jobs, rise in work, gain of much better position, regaining authority and finding jobs, work that suits your talents and justify your efforts of past .For those who have been on break and not having any work ,can surely think of resuming their careers this year .It’s one the best years after a long phase to make a grand comeback.  For those in business fields, this is nothing less than a blessing as all restrictions and phase of dullness has been lifted and now you will you are free to start/improve your business. This is very good year to invest, start your business, move into new areas, get into partnerships, take risks, even switch from jobs to business. When your intention is right ,when you have learnt the lessons of past and are willing to give your best, noting can stop you now to achieve your dreams now .Your time is here, this year will bring back your lost glory. A grand return to healthy career growth is assured now. Do not look back, nether hold any fear ,let all the impressions of past melt away ,you just chase your dreams  ,it’s time for your career to boom again.      
You are also going to find much more money this year. Now you will see more inflow of wealth. The element of uncertainty, dullness, lack of money flow, debts all such suppressive patterns are going to end and this year will help you get back to decently good start which will help you recover from earlier setbacks .It’s time to earn very well .Rise in salary ,getting better work with better financial compensation, more profits from your business and even opening up of new earning sources this year will help you regain lost financial security.Gains from properties, help from family ,getting back your lost/stuck money ,gaining from stocks,from selling old properties/assets will bring wealth to you. You just need to remain open, receptive and aware about any incoming opportunities. Trust the process of life, avenues appearing now should be trusted and worked upon as they will take you to much better financial state. Your times to earn and save well are back.

You are also going to make tremendous recovery in your health. Many of your earlier health issues will majorly reduce and even for some it will be time to get completely healthy. More importantly, on your emotional level you are going to heal. Success in work, movement in life, delay factor ending, support of people and better financial flow all will raise your confidence. Life events this year will help you gain more stability ,your belief will be back. The most important point for you is to let go of your old impressions, your past failures and stagnation. It’s very important for you not to project your past in your current and future life which can prevent you grow freely. Believe that it was all time and now you can make it. Do not allow your past image to become a bondage, restrictive pattern. It’s a major year which will bring comprehensive healing in all areas. Just cooperate and allow let go of past without holding back.

Area of relationships is also positively impacted. You will see end of many earlier conflicts within your family and peace making comeback. At personal level, family, love life issues will also settle majorly. Though ideally its not the time for new relations to develop, rather whatever people you have in your life, they will be sorted. The ones who are not meant for you will leave, the ones who still have role to paly will somehow make a comeback. This is year for twisted relations to straighten. You will see peace in your life so that you can give your energy to your work, earning well and making a comeback in mainstream life. As this is blessing year, some of you can see end of meaningless relations, breakups and wind up of any rotten bond. Without a hint of doubt it will all happen for good. So if you see anyone moving away, any relation falling apart, let it go .Its all happening for a reason, for you ,for your wellbeing ,for your peace .You need to make space for that. Ideally there isn’t much scope for new relations, but neither is any restriction as well. It just means neutral to healthy ground zero from where you can make a new start. Still patterns this year are more inclined towards better career and financial states, so any lengthy engagement in area of relations is not favored for you.

Travels are not really favored, though can come if really needed. As stated above, there are no as such restrictions now, though main focus is your growth. So if your growth needs to you travel, it will happen. Else unnecessary movement, wanderings are not favored. Pursuit of education looks good, students will excel and will find streamlining of their energies. Coming to timelines now, phase of Jan to March is very good. Then April is decently fine. There can be delays, stagnation and some resistance from people developing in middle part from May to July end. August is average while best of growth will be back from September again.

There are no as such strong Spiritual lessons, you already had long phase of learning in your Sadesaati. Now this is very mild year and Spiritual growth is only seen when you are truly focused on it. This is the time for growth, for recovery, for moving ahead which means time to apply lessons of past in your current life. Travels are there though not many, you can get busy in putting your life together which will leave very less time for any Spiritual pursuit. Though it’s absolutely fine and this year indeed in essence signifies focus on material aspects which were scattered since long. Only important thing for you is not to forget what you have learnt in past and rebuild your life around those leanings. Let not arrogance, ego, or blind pursuit of materialism generate complications again. Once you have really learnt, assimilated the lessons of Saturn from past, this year will give you wings to fly .Yes it’s time to fly ,it’s time to make a grand comeback. This is a milestone year for you.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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