
Year 2020 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius sign people have been undergoing through intense phase of Sadesaati. Year 2020 brings a shift as Sadesaati moves to third and last phase where its intensity starts to decrease. Year 2020 for Sagittarius sign people is going to being hope, relief and avenues for growth opening up gradually. Many of the obstacles are going to end. This is the year to bring yourself back from deep slumber and start to get back to your goals with better determination. The essence for you is end of previous extreme stagnation .In a way the worst and most complex phase of Saturn’s test is now going to get over and gradually there will be new opportunities  coming in and rise of hope and better life force in you .Let us directly move to details about how this year is going to bring you relief,hope and how new avenues are going to open up.

Career matters are surely going to look up now. This year will end extreme stagnation in your work life. The previous years have been extremely testing and have put limitations over your growth. There are certainly new opportunities for rise, job changes are now possible and if your individual charts favor, then promotions are also seen now though will involve greater responsibilities and more workload. Possibilities of changes in job are surely there though you must be ready to step up, take up more work and be ready to perform with more sincerity. Atmosphere at workplace will still be demanding but main point is end of dullness and complete lack of opportunities. Business expansion is not really favored though you can still proceed very gradually with caution. Amount needed for investments should be small and this is not the year to take major risks. Only calculated, well planned and determined approach will work out. Changes in career will take lot of effort, preparations and workload will rise as well, so do not expect fairy tale rise, you still have to perform and working hours will be long ,your worth will be tested and you have to learn to perform under pressure, though the better part is opening up growth and clearing up of path in your career graph. Things will move ahead in steady manner.

Financially as well its time to grow very decisively. This year will bring end to dullness and lack in financial matters as well. Extra expenses, feeling lack and extreme conditions of lack will end. Now this year you will see rise in salary and some strong help coming from family. Even new partnerships in work, help from partners and greater support from family, friends, relatives will come timely when in needed. Debts will start to end and you will gradually come in position to find stability. This year for sure is going to bring back your lost financial stability as you reach the end. Gains from properties are weakly favored and you should not ideally go for any major investments, rather should save as frequently as you can. This year make a resolve to start savings on daily or at least monthly basis. When your intent is on savings, blessings of Saturn will multiply and more earning avenues and increase in flow of wealth is assured. Gradual but assured financial betterment is coming your way.

There are great trends when it comes to your health which include both physical and emotional states. This is strong year to witness rapid healing. Earlier health issues will start to end and most critical aspect now is that your ongoing treatment will start to show results. You should think of changing the treatment process and movement towards Ayurveda and more holistic traditional methods will give better results. Your earlier emotional suppressions, traumas, inner conflicts and accumulated stress will start to reduce majorly. For many of you its year of complete healing and you can surely get back to normal mainstream life. You need to take care about respiration, lungs, stress and eyes related problems in weaker phase of this year. Though without doubt this is the year for intense recovery and healing will occur inside out.

One of the most important change will be felt in your area of relationships. This year you will see major improvements in your people relations. The ongoing tensions in family, especially in your love life, with family members will end majorly. You will see tensions reducing and events around you will help you to react more rationally. Better understating is assured and people will start to understand your view point as well. Communications gaps, people assuming about you and your impulsive reaction pattern, all will end this year. This is good time for falling in love, formation of new relations is seen. You will meet new people, tend of isolation is going to end. You will move out of your limited world and will start to mix freely which will lead to better feeling leading to end of many complexes. This is also very good year to get married and extend family as well for those looking eagerly. Time this year is completely supportive for constructive patterns in relations. When your intention is to make things better, you are certainly going to find better avenues and positive signals from everywhere. Even many earlier problems in professional relations will end and better equation with people you work, with seniors is seen.

Time is also very good for pursuit of education, for many travels and this year there can be even foreign travels happening .For these looking to move to new place for higher studies can surely take up .You will also see many religious travels and those interested in exploring new places will find this year as very open and supportive. Coming to timelines now, time remain stable from Jan to April and then phase of mid-May to mid-August is where most of the challenges, career setbacks, health lows and intense delays are seen .This would be your testing phase as you can see falling back to old patterns but for some time only .Time ahead of September will start to get stable once again .Jan, June-July are weak time.

There are numerous lessons that will come your way this year. Spiritually this is very active time. With Sadesaati going on and also Jupiter moving in your own sign, this can be very intense year where you have to learn many subtle lessons. Lessons related to people, relations and most importantly about self which will lead you into self-improving phase are seen. Externally there are pilgrimages for sure and higher aspirants can surely expect a major leap now. Living in places of Spiritual significance, meeting prominent people, Guru and getting initiated into Higher practices all is possible. This is very strong year to go into occult areas, get into mantra-tantra and yogic practices. In fact the best of this year is reserved for those who are ready to go within and learn some subtle lessons from Spiritual point of view. This is year of growth and end of major stagnation for sure, though the visibility of growth will be very slow, so patience is absolutely necessary. Collect yourself, look ahead, this year will bring back the movement and will take you ahead towards your goals.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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