
Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Capricorn sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves in your Moon sign. This transit is of great significance not in terms of gain or loss but in terms of shift, change of perception and overall attitude shift. It signifies new life force, greater focus and better events in life compared to past which will allow growth to sustain.
  • It activates trine houses. It impacts fifth house which is good for formal and self-learning both. It means more focus, dedication ,extension of thought process and family as well.
  • It impacts seventh house which stand for strong marriage possibilities. Focus will come on relationships and blossoming of new bonds is seen. This aspect will create a balance between pure personal growth pursuit and with social life, relationships in your life.
  • It aspects ninth house which signifies greater life fore, visions developing in you. This transit in nutshell will provide you inner strength to face challenges of life. Its important to note that in itself this transit is not gain oriented, rather it will provide you moral support, will bring your enthusiasm back and will provide you ways through which you can move towards growth and harmony. It will give some counterbalancing power to handle harsh tests from Saturn.

Positive impact on gross level

  • Better energy and enthusiasm will come. This transit will bring you back mentally. Excessive pressure situations, isolation will end.
  • This is decently good transit to bring new learning opportunities .Its good time for anyone seeking higher education or simply to learn new skills.
  • Favorable time to move to foreign lands for work and education both.
  • Good time for marriage and long term commitment for those looking. In same spirit, time is also very good for those looking to conceive and plan family.
  • You will see higher support from people around. Those relations which went silent in past will again be activated. You will feel more connected.
  • You will also make new friends and greater reach is seen ahead. This will come as result of better events leading to better energy. Your improved mental state will invite people to connect with you.
  • This is good transit for travels, for making new connections for getting into new work fields as well.
  • Career is seen to grow gradually. There might not be major milestones but you will get needed skills, energy to carry ahead. This transit signifies doing things which will pay off in future.
 Challenges ahead
  • Challenges can come in health. Your health, mental well being still needs lot of attention.
  • Your work life can remain extremely hectic. Overall schedule seems highly pressurizing.
  • Career growth will need great push and constantly evolving. People can question your worth, you have to learn new skills and have to work for long hours.
  • For some of you love life, married life can go through challenging times. Also health, well being of spouse can need lot of attention.
  • You can feel less confident and are prone to take wrong decisions in such state. Self-belief and peace within can decline rapidly.

What needs to be done

  • You need to dedicate yourself to learning. This transit though direct and indirect means will bring awareness in areas where you need to improve. If you are not willing then this realization can come as jolt and in forced way. So remain eager to learn, to improve.
  • You should give health a top most priority. This includes both physical and mental health. Intentionally you have to take up better eating, have to keep yourself engaged so that your mind do not get attracted to negativity and pessimism.
  • You can feel lot of resent, pessimism and feeling that life is unfair .You really need to keep pulling yourself out of such cyclic emotions. This transit does represent good opportunities to progress but pace and intensity will be very slow. So self-work, self-motivation and not focusing on what’s gone is extremely critical for you.
  • Life currently is not at pace, you can feel stagnation in work. You can use this time to upgrade yourself. For those having intention for higher education, learning new skills,doing some certifications etc, this is very helpful transit .You should consider this phase as opportunity to step up.This is the best way how you can use this phase without getting into any cycle of negativity or getting stuck at some emotion.

Spiritual significance

  • Spiritually this is intense transit, not in terms of progress but in terms of intensity. The events occurring in this phase will have immense lessons in them though the most important point for you is that such lessons might not be of any value right now as you can lack proper assimilation. You will not feel any significance and hence any value in what’s happening right now. Its like the Spiritual essence of these times will have to be preserved and these lessons will be realized, digested later on .So your main task in this phase is to simply go through what’s happening with faith that there is meaning ,purpose in what’s happening right now.


Heart of the matter:

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of this sign.


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