
Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to your second house which brings immense ease for you. This transit stands for ease coming in life in family, health, work. Its transit where you will be free to move towards actual growth. Phase of planning and wait will be over now.
  • It will impact sixth house which stands for higher focus and new work opportunities to flow in directly. It also stands for ease in health matters and end of some old health issues or simply end of tensions and conflicts.
  • Eighth house is activated as well which will brings good wealth and for those eligible it will also bring inherited money, wealth, help from family in form of money and support. For genuine aspirants it can be time to move deep into Spiritual practices as well.
  • It will impact tenth house which again focus on work life strongly. Its time to move ahead. Career shifts of pleasant nature, future course becoming clear and better avenues to perform will unfold. Good transit for lighter feel, good opportunities, more money and happiness to rise.

Positive impact on gross level

  • Career rise, expected growth and promotions, rise all can be expected from this transit. Career is strong focus of this transit.
  • Wealth rise is also equally good in this period.
  • Your health will improve majorly. More impact will be felt in your mental health. A sense of lightness, relaxed life, better relations, career breakthroughs will bring happiness and great ease.
  • Your relationships will also improve, though not significantly but you will feel greater support of people in your life .Work relations, family relations will get solid gradually.
  • This is good transit to build assets and focus on financial management will come strongly.
  • Good time for any self-learning, working on yourself. Good time for research, improving your attitude though constant practice. Self-learning is another strong highlight of this phase.

Challenges ahead

  • Challenges are going to decline in this transit.
  • Only minor challenges will come in how soon you achieve all positive aspects as mentioned above.
  • Another challenging area is wealth management. You are prone to make wrong judgements and this transit can create some losses and conditions where you can repent later about your financial decisions.
 What needs to be done
  • Pursue your career goals very strongly. This is the time to go for that dream job ,to make a jump, to take risk .Career is all set to rise, it all depends on your intent and preparation now.
  • Take financial management seriously now .Do not make random decisions just because there is feel good factor. Any major decision needs to be taken with proper advice and planning. This means major investments should be done after research and expert guidance. You should also plan to learn about finances in this phase.
  • This is extremely good transit to improve your family bonds. Pay attention to family matters, concerns of your family members and their needs. This is good time which can increase harmony and will end past troubles .You can easily achieve happiness and healthy bonding. You simply need to bring your attention here. Desire is root, rest this transit will bring soothing opportunities in work, in family, finances, health. All you need is to genuine wish, plan and act. Odds will get in your favor.

Spiritual significance

  • This is decent time and spiritually there is not much directly though your growth will be sustained strongly owing to past lessons and this transit will bring continuous assimilation avenues. Actually this is time to learn in silence. Your mind seems active and in constructive mode which means you will assimilate lessons of past now which will keep your evolution alive .It will all go in background. So while this transit will bring visible success in all material aspects, your spiritual growth will also occur silently. Main lesson for you is to look back and link events. Its time you try to find out reasons and look for gains through hard times of past. You are sure to see many valuable lessons.

Heart of the matter:

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of this sign. 

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