
Year 2021 for Scorpio


Expansion areas

  • Strong year to experience great progress in almost all aspects of life. You move ahead, out of many issues, gather internal strength, courage and there is much to look forward to.
  • Career changes are seen strongly. You can expect to get desired job with consistent efforts. This year, steady rise in work, decent progress can be surely expected.
  • Good time to see rise in your overall assets .There can be gains from properties, lands, vehicles and other fixed assets. Your overall worth and savings will rise. Financially this year is focused on increasing your worth.
  • Relationships are in focus intensely. It means strong year to get married ,fall in love and its time to take your relation to level next .For those eligible ,marriage is strong possibility.
  • This is also the year to intentionally and aggressively work on any family issues, problems .It means you will get chance to participate in family issues and make your contribution. Towards the end of this year some of the prominent family level maters can come to end.
  • Very good year for better public, social relationships as well .You will feel more connected which means better visible support from friends, family will come .Professional relationships will also improve to decent extent. Its time when people will start to appreciate your worth.
  • This is good year for intensely deep introspection, finally finding out what drives you, where you need to work, what are your life goals. Basically, you will get plenty of time to explore yourself which will set long to very long-term goals.
  • More travels, foreign travel ,moving to different place and fresh vibes are there in this year.

Challenges ahead

  • You will have to work hard in this year. Career opportunities are there but will demand slogging and also movement outside your comfort zone. Middle part of the year post April can bring pattern of relocation which can create uneasiness in you.
  • There is high amount of pressure as well. You will see hue work, strong targets ,rising expectations and hectic schedule in this year.
  • Health seems all fine but its more about mental level turmoil, stress ,feeling restless, lacking time as well. So self-care can be neglected .
  • Health of elders in family can need attention. Also well being, career, health issues of sibling can create tensions as well.
  • Stagnation is another pattern which can remain operative during April to Sept part of the year. It means you can feel life is moving slowly, your efforts are going wastage and progress can come dim.
  • There are few strong instances of professional level troubles which can remain active mainly from May to August time. This is also the frame when job security seems to fall down.

Lessons and needed approach

  • You need to learn time management strictly else you can feel messed up and not being able to fully take out potential of events.
  • Lesson this year is to work hard for things that matter. Growth is totally assured but events will get demanding. You will have to fight for what belongs to you .You will have to show your worth, work for longer duration, leave any attachments with certain places or how things used to be. Comfort zone can become very harming this year .Learn to accept what it takes to grow ahead.
  • You will also have to protect your image and status this year .It means fight for right cause, standing up for yourself, not letting others dictate how to live and behave. This will also need you to stick to ethics, right professional attitude and following integrity even if things look fine on surface.
  • One of the better aspect of this year, which though might not feel to you as a gift ,is about clarity that you will get about your motivators and about your long term goals. This year will surely bring clarity about what you stand for, what drives you and what you truly want in your life. Accept such insights, trust your inner voice, value your gut feeling. This year you will get many realizations through your experiences about your short and mainly long term goals. So just be present and aware when such realizations come to you.
  • Don’t shy away in taking strong decisions, especially in personal ,family life. This year represents strong focus on family matters which means some strong and long-term relevant decisions are going to come up. Be strong and mature to look ahead in future before you make up your mind. Ownership is important.


Broadly a positive year carrying growth, expansion and connectivity as its theme .All it will need is openness ,eagerness to grow leaving behind past matters. Also this year will need you to learn to handle family, work maters much more sincerely. By the time you reach end of the year you will feel tremendous differences in your wisdom levels .Its your own fears, presumptions ,impressions of past and even fear of success that can hold you back .Its very direct year for you, you will get what you work for.

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