
Year 2021 for Sagittarius


Expansion areas

  • Very positive year with major relief from ongoing Sadesati. Your energies expands, focus shifts finally in this year and you start to dream again.
  • Career rise, expansion in work, business is possible now. This is the year to get that cherished job, expect rise, appreciation and experience far greater satisfaction in your career graph. Your long stagnant career is now active again and you will see great inflow of new opportunities .Its the year to make your career alive again.
  • Not just career, but you will see a comprehensive growth pattern almost everywhere. It means wealth rise, more salary, greater gains from business, happier clients, better understanding, new projects, more assets ,more investments. Financially and work wise its highly encouraging and life infusing year.
  • Very good year to experience rapid improvement in your social, public and personal relationships. This means better connectivity with friends, old issues will end, you will come closer to them, you will spend more time in social activities, will gain limelight and it will all lead to better feel and security. Professional relationships are also looking great. Overall very good time to experience positive trends in area of people relations.
  • One of the strongest year to get married for those looking. Its positive time for your love life and you can certainly take your relationship to level next. Though not directly ,but if your individual time supports ,then extension of family is also possible.
  • Health will improve and so does your emotional state .This is lighter year with good patterns for your overall well being.

Challenges ahead

  • Challenges are quite less, its more about facing small hurdles in pursuit of your desires.
  • Job security can fall weak in middle part of the year mainly from May to August part where work, finance and mainly family level issues can create tensions.
  • This is still a stable year for your personal growth and challenges can be aligned mainly in your family life. There can be some difficult situations in family, well being of close family members can be impacted, some difficult events can crop, you might need to choose between family and work .So in a way family level concerns can weigh heavy and there can be some hard realities, compulsions that you might need to digest this year in order to move ahead.
  • Mental well being still needs care at times as this year has shrink-expand patterns .It means you will often feel hopeless ,limitations around and delays can disappoint you while positive events, hope ,new avenues can make your spirit rise. You should learn to remain balanced without going into extremes in your emotional states.

Lessons and needed approach

  • Ongoing Sadesaati phase ,though in declining mode still has few lessons for you. Though its not the year to learn in intense mode ,all the lessons for you are mostly in form of how well you implement your past learning. So don’t forget what you have learnt in recent years.
  • Most of your work is required at mental level .You need to keep yourself free from biased opinions and impression from past. Your past setbacks, experiences can hold you back. You really need to understand and accept that life continues to evolve and your past limiting experiences do not define your future possibilities .This is most critical point. If you truly digest it and it reflects in your approach, then you are going to grow immensely in all directions.
  • Focus well on financial management and save more this year. Also you need patient, thoughtful and very gentle handling of family matters. Some of your family members might simply need understanding and your presence. Understand relationships from others perspectives .Its about being present for those who care for you .Develop more compassion, kindness for people who stood for you .Its time to give them love.
  • The middle part of this year represents intense flow of new opportunities, more travel, engagements and hectic life .This means you should be mentally prepared to work for long, to grab opportunities. Remember every dream has a price attached to it and not everything will come to you by itself. You need to have go-getter kind of attitude without looking back.


A turning point in your life is what this year represents. You are going to make a comeback and with long ongoing phase of Sadesaati, this year brings a major shift and your problems now start to end as troubling phase starts to decline with intensity. This year signifies inflow of more growth, ease, relief, happiness and more wealth coming in again. Your confidence, energy, enthusiasm will make a comeback, you will feel alive ,new events ,possibilities will infuse life in you .Its time to dream again.

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