
Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Aries sign


Overview of transit

Its life infusing, immensely powerful and motivating transit for you .Jupiter will give you great energy ,hope, vision and will help you achieve many goals. This transit can literally be life changing for you, given you are fully prepared and be at your best. One of the finest times of your life will be brought by Jupitarian vibes. Key words for you are growth, improvements all round and success.

Expansion areas

Great career rise will come. This is best transit to expect rise in work, promotions, big jump and milestones in your career graph can surely be expected now. Job changes with better position, more wealth will come now. Business people can expect quick expansion of work and very rapid expansion in client network.

Very good transit for increase in wealth. Your salary will rise, assets will build up. You can gain heavily from real estate, share markets and past investments. Its best time to take up your financial planning and do series of investments. More wealth is sure to flow now.

One of the finest time to take up learning. Be it formal or self-learning, you are sure to excel in academics .This is best time to pursue education and look for new skills as well.

Marriage is strongly seen for those looking and depending on age parameter, this is also best transit for meeting new people, falling in love and build-up of long term relationships. For those seeking, this is blessing transit for birth of baby, so best time to conceive as well.

It is best transit to take a big jump in your work life if you are looking to change your work domain. Movement into business fields, changing work field itself, building new partnerships, moving into new areas ,all with good homework will work out brilliantly. Time to take a giant leap.

Its also best time for pursuing activities beyond your usual work. So pursuing writing, music, dance, singing or any other skill which is being dormant in you for years .Time is here to trust yourself and work on hidden/suppressed/neglected talents.

Challenges ahead

There aren’t many. This is blessing transit in greatest might. Still being in Aquarius sign Jupiter will demand hard work and in beginning of almost any task you can face hopelessness and obstacles, but all will soon fade away.

Conflicts in your social, personal and professional relationships can come quickly if you are not aware of your mistakes.

Problems can also come (during last phase of transit which is from Nov 2021 onwards till April 2022) in handling ,preserving what you have gained. So towards the latter part of this transit your patience, humility and maturity will be at test. 

What needs to be done

You need to be aware about your potential and clear about what you want to do. So best thing what you can do is to become aware about your goals and develop plan as soon as possible. Grabbing the opportunity will need readiness at mental and at ground level.

There should not be any resistance in taking balanced risks. Its time to make a big jump, pursue your dreams. Fear of failure is thing of past, now you need to guard against fear of success. Things can overwhelm you. So ask yourself are you really ready to handle success and whether you are really willing to do what it takes to achieve success.

One of the most critical point for you is to remain balanced, humble and mature enough. This transit can make you get carried away ,arrogance can creep in and you can even become blunt and careless. The latter part of the transit will test you ,so its important not to lose your roots while you bask in glory of achievements.

Be more receptive in relations. Listen more, speak less. Attention to details and respecting emotions of others is extremely necessary, else you can feel bonds falling apart. So accountability and being more diligent in behavior is absolutely necessary if you are looking for long term stability.

Essence is keeping yourself rooted and not allowing this phase of success make you lose vision. You need to remember who and what is important for you .Its about staying true to yourself and not letting success change your core values.

Spiritual journey

There is almost nothing in this transit when it comes to Spirituality. Its time to claim your pride, achieve success brilliantly and establish your worth with great might .The best what you can do is to preserve your values, keep your ethics intact. Rest there are no major lessons and neither you will feel need to learn on deeper levels. Its time for you to freely pursue your dreams, so this transit can only be favorable if Spirituality is top priority. If you are looking for progress in inner world, this transit is blessing in same intensity .Its time to chase and achieve your dreams with great passion. One of the best transits of Jupiter for you is here.


Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months’ time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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