
Year 2021 for Pisces


Expansion areas

  • This is your year, a year of achievements and dreams to come true.
  • Career rise can be surely expected. You can get some dream job, strong business opportunity, expansion in work and career progression as per desire or even beyond your expectations is seen.
  • Financially this is one of the best year for you and can bring rise in wealth. Your earnings will rise ,you will see many new avenues to earn as well .For those fully prepared can also start something of other own. This year has numerous work and finance expansion possibilities in it and it will end stagnation of last many years. Gains from properties, vehicles are highly likely.
  • Health will become stable too. Many of your old health issues will end and your mental well being is also seen to get major relief. Its year to gain inner strength and great clarity.
  • Good time to focus on relationships, in all aspects. Mainly its year where you can get connected with your friends again, your people network is going to rise majorly and you will see fresh vibes in your life.
  • Its strong year to get married, extend family. Many of you will fall in love, will experience happy events in family, for those eligible ,this is year of marriage and also of planning family ahead.
  • Travels can come in this year. Foreign travels and even migration for those applicable.
  • Better confidence, state of mind ,energy, enthusiasm, newly found love for self and better self-esteem, this year can truly create a new and better you.

Challenges ahead

  • There are very few direct challenges. Obstacles, or small issues can come mainly while you are pursuing your foals .So no major hurdles but only minor tests.
  • Expenses can shoot high in middle part of this year, so financially there can be huge outflows in this year.
  • Travels, relocation can be very hectic and can consume much of your time and energy.
  • Your work schedule is going to remain high and expectations will rise sky high, in positive sense only, but you really need to act and justify your position this year.
  • Small family issues, differences can come between family members. This is year when your career compulsions, decisions can create disturbances among others.
  • Health will also fluctuate at times ,mainly during May to August part of the year.

Lessons and needed approach

  • Its year for achievements hence lessons are lesser .Its more about being busy, engaged in pursuit of your dreams with lesser or no obstacles which means lesser learning as well.
  • You should be open, flexible for what life is bringing to you .This is year of great rise but will need you to remain aware, open and eager to work on them. Growth can need you to travel to distant lands ,take up more work, show your worth, work for long and relocate to less favorable places as well, but its all for your good. Understand that sometimes growth can have unexpected conditions as well.
  • You should remain humble, grounded as well. You can easily drift into arrogance, over confidence as this year can give you all what you have desired. But your current actions and approach can create long term relevant waves whose impact will come later in next few years .So one of the main learning for you is remaining firm ,stable and respectful when time is with you.
  • Plan your finances well this year. This is no doubt year to expect gains and rise in wealth but you will also encounter expenses. More than that, your attitude can come casual which means you can end up spending more ,losing money and losing opportunity to save well. There is strong need to focus on long term investments. Do not leave your earnings in cash, look for long term investments this year.


Majorly good year for you, time when your dreams will come true and stagnation of past many years will lend. This is year of breakthroughs, solutions, rise, prosperity and experiencing happiness, stability in life. Though some price has to be paid as you need to stretch, go beyond your comfort zones as well. When you do not hold yourself back for any reason and understand that its fine to take up uncomfortable decisions and stand for your dreams, this year can truly fulfill your long cherished aspirations. Year to achieve, rise and back with a bang. Its your time.

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