
Year 2022 for Aquarius


Expansion areas

This is a much better year when it comes to gaining momentum in your work life. The stagnating of past years will end now and for those looking for new jobs, better jobs, better position, dream will come true. Good year to experience rise in career. Deserved promotions are also seen ahead. For business individuals this is strong year to gain new clients and also get higher returns.

Financially this is a great year for you. Your earnings are going to rise majorly. This is very good time to earn more and save even more. Good time to make assets, buy properties, house, vehicles and plan your finances very sincerely .Wealth wise this is very welcome year.

This year also raises hopes, energy levels and enthusiasm. Your desire to take on challenges will rise way higher. You will feel motivated and this will lead to quick resolution of issues. Greater energy, hope, positivity and eagerness are subtle yet best aspects of this year for you.

Your health is sure to bounce back. Be it any physical or mental health issues, you will feel better. Emotional health looks way better. You will feel lighter and happier. Your self-esteem will rise in this year.

This year also favours marriage for those looking. This is good year to take your relations ahead. Many of you will fall in love, will move towards commitment. For those looking, this is strong year to conceive as well, family extension is very much seen.

This is good time for anyone in pursuit of knowledge. Higher education is favoured. Those looking to take break in career and go for higher studies can surely go ahead. This is good time for overall rise in your creativity, productivity and you will excel in leaning areas easily. Many of you can even move to foreign universities as well.

Challenges ahead

This is no doubt year with much lightness and greater opportunities to grow, though test from Saturn will continue and even rise to peak in this year. This means whatever positive aspects are mentioned above will be realized late and with immense hard work. You can face lot of delays, small frustrations and will have to change plans. You can meet sudden upsets and rejections in your path. Career matters can become struggling post August this year.

This is strained year when it comes to your relationships. You can become isolated, people support can decline and you can move towards many sorts of conflict and mental barriers when it comes to relations in general. Tough time for married life, there can be conflicts often .Your fiends circle can contract and you can become hostile, unavailable to many of your old friends and loved ones.

Second half of this year can be challenging for health of elders and also health/wellbeing of siblings as well.

Time post August this year can be very challenging for your work matters, specially professional relations can become testing, sour and your image too seems at stake .Events at workplace can be very messed up and your job security too can fall down. Opportunities are there in first half but second half can test your worth ,patience, values very intensely. Work level politics can harm your image and job both.

Lessons and needed approach

If there is anything to focus on, that’s learning ,learning and learning in this year. The test from Saturn is now reaching peak and despite many good opportunities, this year will give you countless lessons as well. Foremost lesson (which is absolutely compulsory) is to remain humble. You will fail every time you try to show your ego, pride and try to insult others. Humility is necessary for your protection. Remain grounded, listen more and speak less. Do not try to showcase your ego in any aspect ,you can receive intense and humiliating replies. Your attitude should be calm and accepting. Do not think anyone is below you, Saturn is closely watching you, so better behave yourself without being in any dream land.

Most critical learnings will come at workplace. You will have to bow down many times .This is year of ego shattering. You will realize that you are not supreme and cannot do alone .You need people, you need acceptance, you need to work in teams, take people together and listen to others, respectfully. Your professional relations will teach you strong lessons. So try not oppose such lessons, such events. You need to adjust when needed, bow down when required and loosen up your ego very often. This is major year to work on your false ego. Remember you have this year to majorly work on yourself, if you let go of this year without such improvements, next two years Saturn will take complete hold of your life.

If you notice the trends, career and wealth growth is still very much possible in this year but major damage can come in your relationships. So highest level of wisdom, patience will be needed in your relations. Learn to listen well, you really need to learn to respect others. Do not think you know it all, you will have numerous faults which can surface in this year in rapid manner leading to insults. So give other people space, respect, care .In either your pride or unaware attitude, you can kill many of your bonds. Do not act blind .You need to wake up, be aware and know who really matters to you. You really need to work on your people relationships skills. Humility ,patience, giving respect and accepting your mistakes are keys for you in this year.


Year when you are still blessed to receive growth but Saturn’s test will pick up pace with time. This means being very grateful for what you have without showing any false ego and excessive pride. The damages in your personality and relationships can be long lasting now, so you better become aware and become accountable. This is not the year for mindless activities and fun, but becoming responsible, aware and humble. Remember good times can make you carefree, egoistic and arrogant but Saturn is known to bring perfect balance. So enjoy the good aspects, have fun, enjoy but not at the cost of your duties or anyone’s respect. Saturn is closely watching you, so remain grateful and act truly honest.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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