
Year 2022 for Capricorn


Expansion areas

A very hopeful year for you. Your work life is going to get much better .Job changes can be possible given you are truly committed and do needed hard work and take risks .Pattern is mainly of performing better where you are. Still till May job changes, movement are favoured. Business expansion is highly favoured and many of you can get into new partnerships and new business domains too. Career consolidation is key essence of this year.

Financially you are going to feel secured and stability, firmness will keep on growing with time. This is good year and will end excessive financial pressure .You will earn more, will save even more and will become sincere in your financial matters. This is actually the year to learn to handle your wealth, assets very wisely. Good time to invest long term, make mature choices .Buying house ,major assets is also favoured.

This is very good time to bring new working techniques, change your work environment, work on raising your productivity. This means many of you can move to new places, relocation is possible, changing house, renovating your home, change in working hours, learning new skills, adopting new working methods all are seen ahead. This all will lead to fresh vibes and higher productivity in all aspects.

A very fine year for increase in your connections. One of the finest aspects of this year for you is end of excessive isolation. You will start to move towards mainstream life again.You will meet people, will start to travel, will make new friends, old friends will become part of your life again .Social, personal and professional relationships, all are going to get much better and smoother.

Very decisive year for the ones looking for marriage. Overall family life looks good and relationships with family members will get stable.

One of the positive subtle aspects is rise in your creativity. You will start to look things from new perspective. This year actually brings calm, stability which will allow you to feel relaxed which in turn will lead to new ways of thinking. This comprehensive thought process will lead to many new ventures. This is good year to start your own work, work through your connections, saying yes to new work opportunities even if they look totally new to you. So newness in approach with surge in hope is one the best possibility in this year.

Challenges ahead

As you are still under test from Saturn, overall pace of life will be slow. Though no doubt this is year of growth and hope ,pace of events will still be slow and you will have to keep working in silence. Delays in your tasks will still be seen. Also second half of year will make you work very hard.

Health of elders at home will need attention. Also health of spouse can need some care as well. Some of family level disputes, related to properties ,assets or basically strong differences within family members can develop which can bring tensions .This is particularly beyond May.

Time in second half of year can also get demanding at workplace. Even you can face some form of work politics and some opposition ,someone close ,your senior etc can create lot of tensions. If your individual time is weak, then job security can fall down and loss of work is also possible. Essence is struggle in career at times in second half.

Greater level challenge can come in maintaining your reputation. This year you can get into blame games, your image can be at stake. This majorly applies at work and to some extent in family life as well. People might not truly give you your credit and you can even receive blame and false accusations .This all again seems possible beyond August.

Lessons and needed approach

Foremost lesson for you is to maintain a very healthy balance between being practical and hopeful. This year tests from Saturn decline, but it is still there. It means this year will open up many new possibilities but you still have to remain cautious. Maintain your patience, work in silence. The major difference now will be you will see results sooner and flow of opportunities will be better .So take lessons from past experiences which will make you patient, humble and hardworking but also do not completely loose hope. Remain eager, hopeful ,there is so much yet to come in your life .This year is a major turn for sure and you will surely start to move towards better direction.

Most critical lesson for you waits at workplace. You will have to learn to be extremely aware, keen, practical in your work. At times you will face politics, people will pull you down. So keep yourself updates ,learn new skills. This is not the year to become complacent, rather constantly improve yourself .No doubt opportunities to grow ahead will be many ,but you still need not become casual .Work on yourself as if its matter of your survival. This will make sure that you do not become outdated at any point of time .Such level of preparedness will make you a sure winner.

This year will also bring new relationships in your life. Be it new friends, or getting married, or simply associating with new people at work, you need to remain practical and aware all the time. This means whenever its about important relationships, don’t go casually .Think about long term relevance and give trust to anyone very slowly. If you note the overall essence for you in this year, its growth with pinch of caution .So do not leave the lessons, the wisdom gained in recent past.


Good year where you will feel lighter, happiness will come often, people support will rise, wealth and career trends will make you happy. Hard work and patience still are needed everyday. Saturn will continue to bless you but will also keep on testing you at times. Most important point for you is to make a balance between being eager ,enthusiastic and begin practical and cautious. The only way you can destroy potential of this year is becoming tilted towards one aspect, i.e either getting too restless for growth or becoming too dull and pessimistic about life itself. This year is all about walking the middle path .If you are able to maintain such approach ,gains, growth ,peace is sure to increase majorly. This is your year to grow without losing your values and lessons of past.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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