
Year 2022 for Aries


Expansion areas

There are strong patterns for rise in work, change of job as per your expectations which will also accompany more wealth. Financially there are mixed patterns, with rise, expansion majorly in first half of the year.

This is strong year for taking your love life ahead. For those looking for marriage, this year has element of certainty. For those looking to conceive, plan family ahead, this is again a very blessed time.

You can expect good rise in wealth and assets overall. If looking for, there can certainly be gains from properties, lands etc ,i.e buying house ,even gains from selling assets are seen. As far as fixed assets growth is concerned, this is a very good year for you. Those eligible will also get inherited money and assets.

For the ones in business/independent work, work expansion, new ties up, partnerships and moving into new work domains is also possible, given homework is done well.

Decently good times for anyone in pursuit of learning, education. Also this is very strong year for the ones looking for foreign settlement, visa etc. Foreign travels and settlement abroad both are highly certain given your own time are also supportive.

Spiritually this is a giant year. You will learn immensely, genuine aspirants can move towards initiation, will receive Higher knowledge and blessings .One of the finest time of your life for moving deeper into knowledge and in general for becoming wise, mature and refined version of yourself. There are numerous realizations ,deeper truths waiting for you.

Challenges ahead

Almost all the positive aspects listed above can accompany some conditions, small adjustments and risk factors. So the first half of year which seems green will create opportunities but will also need you to have broader vision.

There can be change of location, movement, excess travels leading to hectic schedule and scattering of energies. Second half of year can also test work life, job security can fall down and your worth will be questioned as well. Many of you can be needed to take up complex/additional work.

Expenses are going to shoot up majorly. This year will need you to spend on many areas like settling into new place, buying house, vehicles, need of family life, planning baby or on health of self or elders at home. This can be challenging if you are not well prepared. So a sense of responsibility needs to be there as to where am I supposed to spend.

Health issues can crop up in second half. Vitality can decline, there can be health issues of family members, spouse and elders specially.

This can be challenging time for relationships in general. Personal relationships, love life, relation with close friends, even own family members can become sour. Mess in your life can reflect in your relations as well. For those having difficult personal time as well, this year can even lead to separation or distance growing rapidly in married life.

Lessons and needed approach

Foremost point is to have very broader vision. Events will unfold smoothly and rapidly during first half of the year which is till May, which will offer expansion, wealth, growth but somewhere can have conditions attached and/or some sacrifices to be made. You need to act mature and accept such challenges and conditions. You need to look for long term gains in this year and do not mind making few sacrifices.

Opening up to new experiences is key point for you. This year can take you to new places, your work life can become too demanding, you can be given huge work and even higher roles and additions responsibilities which can need you to step up. Not complaining and continually adapting to situations is absolute must. This will become clear towards the second half of the year. This also applies to relationships where you need to maintain attitude of acceptance. Accept people, leave finding flaws .Try to preserve people who really matters to you.

Gains, patterns of growth and rise in wealth should be well used for saving more. This year you need to save whenever you get a chance. Investments should only be done on bigger aspects like buying house etc .Else try to save continually. You will need them in second half of the year.


You will gain and loose both in this year. This is kind of year where you will be given what you want initially and then later on your worth ,patience and values will be tested. Relationships are on test too and any relation whose time is over will exit now. You will be moved to new places, you will get higher (and also sudden) exposure to new places ,things, work and relations. This is time when you open up, leave rigidness and accept situations, people as early as possible. Resistance to what is can be a major spoiler for you. The higher level key for you to emerge as winner in this year is to focus on experiences, learning alone without getting too attached with anything or anyone. This is a transitory year with variety of experiences along with bold changes in work, health, relationships and finances. How aware and committed you are will determine where you land up. You are sure to emerge as wiser, settled ,visionary and will come to realize many truths about people, relations and life. Overall, a beautiful year if you are keen to learn and grow as a person.


Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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