
Year 2022 for Taurus


Expansion areas

You will experience bold, major and decisive career rise. This year stands for grace in your work affairs and will bring promotions, rise in position, dream jobs and expansion in work life .For hose looking for major jump from service to business/own work will find great support and easy transition. You are blessed in this year in your careers.

Financially this is one of the finest years in recent many years. In fact this year can prove to be a game changer when it comes to your work life and wealth both. This year can bring major shifts in how you earn, from where you earn, can open more than once sources for earning, you can move into new domains of work, substantial rise in earnings, profits will come. Note that such positive trends in this year will start mainly post May.

Health issues will end majorly. This is year to gain vitality, inner strength, boldness. Both at physical and mental level you are going to find strength and strong stability.

Area of relationship is also set to blossom fully. Marriage is certainty for those aspiring. Its time to fall in love ,new relations will enter in life, your social life will expand rapidly and isolation of past, misunderstandings from loved ones, friends ,etc will also end .For those looking ,this is blessed year to plan family as well.

Best time for the ones involved in learning, pursuit of education and creative careers or talents. This is also good year for the ones looking for foreign settlement.

Gains from real estate, growth of fixed assets, overall rise in wealth, assets, wellbeing is indicated in this year.

Challenges ahead

Challenges, that too of lesser intensity, are mainly aligned till April end this year. This can imply challenges in work, weak work security, need for adjustments, high work pressure and all can lead to desire of change, movement, breaking away old patterns. In another interpretation, all the hard work and patience that you keep in first half of the year will show up as growth and happiness in later part.

Stagnation, high work pressure, demanding family life conditions are also part of this year, especially in first half.

Though your earnings remain solid, specially starting from May onwards, this year is also very high on random expenses, losses .So outflow patterns are also strong, be it wealth, time, energy or your wisdom.

You will be given higher roles, heavy responsibilities and family duties will rise majorly. Also health of elders, spouse will need attention. This is also testing year for your married/love life. Essence of this year is no doubt expansion, but you will also be tested at times about how well you care about you have already earned.

 Lessons and needed approach

Your spirits are going to rise tremendously in this year. This is year of expansion, release of pressure and accomplishments. Though it is sure that you will be tested many times, often, even surprisingly about your values, about how eager, dedicated you are about what you have already in your life. This means you need to have grounded, humble approach. Your growth, blessed state of life and rise in wealth, status should not impact your values, your wisdom levels adversely. If you fail to recognize it, you will see its impact in next year.

Saying yes to new opportunities and leaving doubts due to past failures is absolute must for you to utilize the most.

Stay patient and committed when it comes to discharging your duties, be at work or home. This year’s intense tests can come about pressure situations where you will have to make a balance between your work and your duties. Family members will need your time.

You also need to have vision about what and who really matters. Few of the relations will exit, make sure your ego and bluntness are not the cause. Preserve relations, people who truly matter. Your ego ,false pride should not come in between. This is extremely important point for you to understand and implement.

One of the sensitive aspect this year can be getting into legal hassles due to carelessness or over confidence. Be ethical, grounded, well prepared and aware in whatever you do. Speed of opportunities, growth can be too high, which can make you miss details. Remember this subtle point.


Bear the challenges, pressure and do the needed hard work in initial few months, which will lead to ease, release of pressure, great rise and numerous accomplishments in rest of the year. Your hard work and patience of past years is now ready to show results. This is strong, blessed year for you and you should be at your best, leaving your past impression behind and ready to experiment, taking calculated risks. Essence is to say yes to new life. Not the fear of failure, but the fear of unknown and even the fear of success can hold you back. Its very subtle but important to realize that this year you can reach to a point where there is no one else, nothing to stop you and it will only be your mind, your laziness, your fears and your rotten beliefs which can fail you. So its about rising in your own eyes. Do not fear change, success demands some preparation and willingness. Realize that its solely on your intent, hard work and courage now, rest time is brilliant.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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