
Year 2022 for Sagittarius


Expansion areas

This is a decently good year and will bring career changes of desired form with efforts and patience. Job changes ,promotions ,career progression all are possible now .Business expansion is also possible with new partnerships, moving into new work areas as well.

Financially this is decent time. There will be steady rise in wealth. This is strong year when it comes to buying house, investing long term and making assets. Vehicles, house renovation, buying new properties etc are strongly favoured.

This is very good year when it comes to making some bold and long-term relevant decisions. Be it buying assets, making long term financial planning, investments, making bold career moves, changing place ,moving to new place ,city. You will take some strong and even difficult looking stand which will prove to be great for your long term growth.

Your image will get a major uplift. People will recognize your value ,will give you respect and you will gain authority in both family and work place .This is good year to regain your lost confidence .You will feel in command that will help you take bold decisions and your thought process will become firm.

If your individual charts also supports then this year favours marriage, extension of family as well .Also there can be some celebrations at home ,positive atmosphere in general.

Your health will make major improvement as well. You will feel stronger both physically and emotionally. Health of family members, elders at home will also become better.

This is very strong year to learn new skills. For Spiritual aspirants this can be one of the finest years and will make them grow brilliantly. Your ability to see through things, links events, understand meaning of events will rise majorly.

Challenges ahead

This is the year which will reduce your challenges. Still this year will need you to step up and challenges can come in form of work pressure, settling to a new place ,new environment, new work conditions. Higher demands are seen and people will expect a lot from you.

There can be relocation this year and you can move to new place. This will cause huge expenses and expense of energy as well. This can be very unsettling move initially and can make you feel messed up and totally out of comfort zone.

You will have to struggle at times to make balance between work and personal time .This can be very hectic year and will make you work very hard .Your working hours will go up and there can be very little time left for self and family .Even on holidays you might be working. This can add up to stress very often .Some of your family members can develop misunderstandings ,opinion differences as well which will take patient handling .You can also come in situation where you need to choose your priorities, needing some form of sacrifice.

Lessons and needed approach

You need to gear up to design your life again. This year long test of Saturn will come to end which will let you free. So suddenly you will feel a lot of freedom and will get responsibility to design, plan life again .This means you need to have clear goals .You should know what you really want and where you need to put your energy .This year is not meant for any further heavy lessons or any form of bondages. Difficulties whatever will only come in process when you are chasing your dreams .So take your time and know what you need, how you want your life to be. Planning done this year, decisions taken now are going to shape many years ahead.

You need to bring your focus on self and personal matters. This year has strong potential to bring major changes in core areas of your life .This means if you still remain busy in affairs of others, not really interested or aware to take charge, you can miss the opportunity. So you need to bring more awareness in your life. Everyday you should know where you need to work. This awareness is key for you as being present ,focussed are utmost necessary for you to utilize the potential of this year in your favour.

During second half of the year your professional relationships will become demanding and your work will be closely monitored. You need to develop patience and acceptance of fact that this is normal .This means this year you need to learn to go obey peacefully, take commands ,let your work be scrutinized .Follow rules without any hassles.


You are going to get free from intense Saturn test this year which means beginning of best phase of your life. You are going to get immense freedom, relief and new opportunities to grow will open up rapidly. Your past efforts will gain momentum, be it any aspect. Now depending on your intentions, you are sure to rapidly make progress. Career, wealth, health, mental wellbeing all looks solid now and will grow ahead beautifully. This is not the typical year for mingling with others or too happening social life, rather you will be first given opportunity to sort out your life and set your core areas of life at place. This includes career, health ,love life and finances .Once you work on these areas, time in next year will bring focus to external events and people. This means at times you can feel like isolated, working alone, too hard and streams of life getting diverged. This is though not the typical Saturn isolation which you have felt in past ,rather time given to you to grow in peace. Learn to differentiate between loneliness and productive solitude. This is your time to stand tall, sort your life ,make your dream true and start a new chapter in your life.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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