
Year 2022 for Gemini


Expansion areas

This year is a breather, a huge relief and energy, life infuser for you. There will be sure rise in your work. You will move to better, more honorable positions along with rise in roles, responsibilities and status as well. This is one of the strong year which will give you results of all of your hard work and patience of past. Promotions for those looking, major career breakthroughs, dream jobs and even switch to business/independent work will become a reality in this year. This can prove to be a game changer year for your careers.

Your earnings are all set to rise now. Whether its more productivity, greater awareness of your work, new job or expansion in business, you are sure to earn higher .Financially this can be one of the best times in recent many years .Your financial worth will rise, savings will rise ,assets will be added and you are sure to take up your finances very sincerely. So work and wealth part seems extremely blessed, specially beyond May onwards.

There are certain gains in real estate. Buying house, investing in lands, properties, gaining majorly through selling assets is seen in this year. This year can fulfill your dream house as well. Vehicles gains, fixed assets are all set to grow .Your overall status will rise in dignified manner. After years of losses, financial struggle and mismanagement, you finally arrive in year which will streamline your finances brilliantly.

Good time for marriage, falling in love, taking your relation ahead, becoming committed. Year is also best for the ones looking to plan family.

Good year for anyone in creative fields and learning pursuits as well.

One of the best aspects of this year is rise of your spirits. Though gradually, you will see healthy rise in confidence, your self-esteem will be restored and you will feel energised again to take up life. You will regain most of what you lost recently.

Challenges ahead

There are challenges now and then, specially till April and then ahead of August again to some extent (though of less intensity). This means all the gains, positive aspects indicated above can have some conditions attached ,you will have to work really hard, will have to leave comfort zones and also adapt to new life conditions.

There can be change of place for many. Relocation is much possible. Also your work life will demand much higher, better ,streamlined and productive version of you. Second half of year is very blessed but also demanding. You can surely rise high but hard work, working till late, many small sacrifices ,stretching yourself often and upgrading yourself will challenge you constantly.

The second half of year can be stressful at times related to family wellbeing, wellbeing of children, you can feel stress of work ,duties ,responsibilities can feel heavy. Financially inflow will rise but you will also see random, major expenses. Even at times it can feel like old struggling times, but you will soon find way out. Still second half of year beyond August can test your spirits often.

Relationships are under test, though nothing major, but you will often feel suffocation, desire to run away from people.

Lessons and needed approach

This year will open up growth avenues much freely relative to last two years. So foremost lesson for you is not to remain limited to your recent failures. You need to take this year as a fresh start and specially remain patient till April end. From May onwards your life will gain inertia and you will keep finding inspiration often. The key for you is to realize that with end of excessive limitations, now your growth directly depends on your focus, work and goal settings. You need to streamline yourself as early and as often as possible in this year.

Most important point for you is not to forget lessons of recent times. You have had enough realizations about some people, some relations, some aspects of your life and you have realized your mistakes, your weakness clearly till now. This year is not meant to further dwell on any such aspect, its not the year for any sort of introspection, rather you need fierce, intense action. You need to look only forward. Accept and digest all the lessons and bring out your action plans to the ground. Its year to perform fiercely, something which you haven’t done since last many years.

One of the subtlest aspects is that this year will make you leave some relations, some attachments, even some form of self-image finally. It means this is actually a year of leaving behind many aspects, forever. This can be truly delightful when you focus on what you are going to gain. This year can rebuild your image, worth, health, wealth and self-esteem in reality, all you need is attitude to move forward and adapt to change in truest manner.


As you move towards closure of test from Saturn, this year is not less than your rebirth in many aspects. You will feel lighter, better as many battles, struggles of past will end. This is year to leave old behind, you are sure to meet a new you. Better finances ,much better work and higher productivity are essence. The best part is you can even meet your true potential and will find ways to increase your knowledge, your skill set and your productivity, effectiveness in work ,in relations is sure to go up. This can be truly an enlightening year, given you are not afraid to work really hard. Secondly you need to simply respect all the lessons you have learnt till now without further analysis and introspection .This is year of action, implementation, raising your bars, rising high in your own eyes. When you are really committed, you are sure to create a new you in this year.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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