
Foreign travel and settlement : Delays, hurdles and Success


Foreign travel, foreign migration is pursued by many in much passionate way. In one of my earlier articles, have discussed combinations, placements which show possibilities to travel or settle abroad. The focus of this write up is however discussing how planetary influences in chart can clearly indicate how this travel/migration/settlement journey is going to be. Categorizing very broadly, discussion will be centered around three aspects, the delay factor in some cases where a person moves to foreign lands after much struggle and even in later age. Secondly the aspect of hurdles comes in. One can move to foreign lands easily but often can struggle hard to settle there, or the process of migration can itself involve continuous hurdles ,rejections .Thirdly is the most sought out case, success and happiness after migration.

There can be delays experienced in migration process if the planet making such possibilities itself is weak. Other than that ,delays can come if yoga for migration is only present in one chart ,like main chart only but missing mostly in D4,D9,D10 charts. There can also be cases where planet making migration, foreign travel yogas in D4,D9,D10 charts are also weak. Giving strength to planet with some appropriate remedies can help eventually. See below example.

This is a case where chart clearly has yogas for foreign migration, present in D1 and D9.But see how Sun and Mars are lacking power. This person indeed migrated but nearing his 40s.

Many of the aspirants face rejections of visa, delays in getting visa, clearance in migration process and similar hurdles along with way .This generally occurs when planets making yoga are weak and/or afflicted as well. Retrogression of such planets is also seen to be major cause for long time taken to finally move to foreign lands despite clear yogas in chart.

In some of the cases migration occurs early but when a person arrives in foreign lands, finding job, settling down can take much time. Even there are numerous cases when a person even gets into some legal process troubles or some official complications. This occurs when planet making yoga for migration are deeply afflicted and/or Rahu-Ketu are also involved, which in deeper sense means you have destiny to move to foreign lands but to pay back some karma ,to suffer there either very long or for some years before finding peace.

See below example. This person has suffered immensely in foreign lands .His migration occurred in first half of life but he has faced continuous issues in job security and even in his 40s-50s he remained unsure about job settlement. See his deblitated Mars in twelfth which is also gripped by Rahu-Ketu axis. That gives the explanation how he is abroad but suffering with series of job and reputation losses.

There are numerous examples when a person migrates easily and finds peace, connection and success in foreign lands. This is often the case when planets are at peace ,are powerful, not afflicted and there are Rajyogas happening in context of 9-12-4-8 house axis. See below case. He is a well to do person with happy family and is earning huge .He is billionaire and has numerous properties in foreign lands.

His main chart,D1 also has yogas for foreign migration very strong and clear but here I have given D10 chart to understand major career success in connection with foreign lands. See how Venus-Saturn(12-9) rulers are combining which is also yoga for 5-9 lords. This is a major Rajyoga and also clears foreign working. Then there is association with powerful Jupiter and Jupiter itself is making powerful Hamsa Rajyoga. Mars, Sun are also powerful. This clearly explains his major success and extremely affluent life post migration.

This is just a major categorization to understand the basics ,else there are numerous permutations and combinations which can be clearly understood after analyzing whole chart. Jyotisha can clearly give us clue about our journey in the process of foreign migration. Of course, the basics remain as such, one can expect to migrate only if destiny allows, if one has karmic linkages with some foreign lands and people along with strong intention as well, which also manifest as yogas for foreign movement eventually.

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