
Purpose of life and Vedic astrology - 2


In the first part of article, we have discussed role of Sun to Mercury in context of how their weakness signifies focus on some aspects, which in deeper sense becomes the purpose of life. Weakness, affliction of some planet is often due to prolonged repetition of some karma/intention which means weak planets in charts cannot be made strong at once by any magical remedy, that will violate law of karma. Either some lesson needs to be learnt or some karma has to be balanced. If a planet is taking many years, decades, even life times to become weak, then it will again take much time, effort and conscious action to bring it back in healthy state. Now in continuation of earlier article, let’s move ahead and discuss how weak ,problematic Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu(nodes) symbolize higher messages which until understood and implemented, causes suffering.

Jupiter – When Jupiter is weak, afflicted or in unhealthy state then it can signify that a person has karmic debt with someone elder or has goofed up majorly in terms of values, ethics. This can have multiple interpretations. Like deceiving elder, humiliating someone badly, specially parents, elders in family, teachers or even some Spiritual figures .It also means becoming too dishonest ,getting into illegal practices, not caring about consequences of actions and only focusing on money, gains and pleasure. Begin a prominent figure (like saint, some healer, teacher, Guru, consultant, mass appealing figure etc) and then misusing knowledge and wisdom to gain power, money, fame and misleading masses, people in general is also one of the biggest causes. One of the most prevalent causes which can be seen happening too frequently is abusing, insulting some branch of knowledge/tradition without knowing anything about it. This also weakens Jupiter.

Venus – Problematic, weak, afflicted Venus too has severe and deep implications. When one is born with such Venus it often hints at misuse of deep feelings of love and disrespecting emotions of someone. Venus symbolizes the Rasa, the essence of any feeling. So when one bluntly neglect someone’s love ,disrespects, even humiliates someone’s pure intentions/pure love, then Venus will surely become weak in subsequent births. Other interpretations can be cheating, abusing or neglecting one’s spouse/partner which then leads to weak Venus and hence lack of love and security of family in next life(hence karmic balance).Venus is purest form of love and love is always considered to be feminine aspect. So neglecting, abusing, even doing violence against females leads to such poor state of Venus. Again in today’s context a very common and causal looking event, like using someone for pure physical pleasure purpose without having any genuine feeling of love (when other person has emotions and connection though) leads to afflicted Venus.

Saturn – The mighty Saturn when becomes weak, afflicted, problematic can single-handedly create life of blockages and suffering. The reasons can be numerous ,and here we are talking about the essence. Saturn represents the sense of duty, commitment and how you see/value other’s service and efforts. Saturn is Universal judge as well, so in all, any major deceit, unethical practice, theft etc will cause problem from it in subsequent births. Broadly, when one neglects, look down upon any work, any career branch, any person doing ‘small’ work or devalue any effort, then Saturn is sure to reflect that in next birth. When someone steal, speak lies continually, harm others, misuse power and create conspiracy to blame others, causes suffering through looting lands, properties ,imposing false court cases (when other person is not really culprit and one is doing such acts only to shift the blame and for gains alone) then Saturn will get placed in such difficult position so that you have to pay back each penny and suffer hugely. Such causes lists can be huge ,but essence is any form of lie to hurt, deceit, tendency to hoard, loot and look down on anyone/ any work .

Rahu-Ketu ( Nodes ) – Rahu and Ketu ,the lunar nodes, signifies major karmic stuck point in current life due to major event/s in past life. Now nodes are really deep and their placement has numerous implications because where they are placed is one thing but how many planets, which houses they are gripping is main point. So depending on how many planets are suffering due to them and how intense is conjunction will decide. Very broadly if Rahu or Ketu or both are in difficult state then it can hint at some major karmic event like murdering someone, looting someone horribly, devastating someone either physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. Nodes hint at major events which are generally associated with trauma and suddenness. Still decision nodes will strictly need looking at other planetary associations and houses involved. But results of such difficult node mean one can face total denial in some aspect or intense suffering, mental illness or even doing suicide to balance past life karma.

This is a high-level discussion about how weak planets indicates where one might have created bad karma from. In next series of articles we will take up each planet and see how its weak/afflicted/difficult state means in deeper sense ,in terms of when soul has chosen such planetary configuration in order for karmic purification or even for learning some lessons(in such cases there is no adverse karma from past ,weak planets can even indicate soul’s need to learn some deep lessons) or when such planetary placements are for karmic balance purpose only.

Here is link for first part of this article :


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