
Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Leo sign


Expansion areas

The key essence of Jupiter transit to Pisces for Leo sign people is intensity and Grace. This transit has many dimensions and is difficult to summarize it in few words .It symbolizes changes in your personality, in your surroundings, in your thinking ,in your approach ,more wealth, greater and deeper understanding of life’s truths and becoming a wiser person.

Job changes are certain now. It will be accompanied with higher salary. Business expansion is also seen but will have to be done with planning and with low risks steps. This is not good time to get into partnerships though. So career growth is seen with pinch of caution.

Wealth is sure to rise in this transit. You will get better earning opportunities. Apart from self earned money, you will also get money from family ,from in-laws ,from past investments and selling properties ,assets etc. This is best time to get inherited money, assets if you are under that stage. This transit is extremely good for taking up financial planning, investing long term and managing your wealth efficiently.

This is strong transit for major gains from real estate .You can buy house ,can invest in lands, properties ,can get into real estate business if other factors are favourable too. This is best time to buy/sell your properties.

There would be many trips. You can expect many Spiritual travels as well. Those looking for foreign trips and even foreign migration can surely expect success.

Family conflicts of past, painful event misunderstandings, grudges between family members and you, all will dissolve now .This transit will help you get acceptance, love from others.

One of the finest times for learning any new skill. Be if formal or self learning ,Jupiter in Pisces for you favours immense gain of knowledge. This is even more applicable if you want to go deeper into any research areas or into any occult sciences studies .Excellence in mantra-tantra branches is assured.

Challenges ahead

Health will need care at times .You can get into new medication process ,some healing therapy, but all for the good.

This is also the time to face some hurdles, delays, obstacles in career progression. You can get into work politics and some unseen ,unthought of issues can crop at work .Even some family, personal and even health level compulsions can limit your working .You can also stay away from loved ones for work purpose.

This transit doesn’t really favour formation of new bonds and rather the existing ones can go under stress .So married life ,love life ,some friendships can go through adverse phases and even there is strong possibility that some of old bonds ends.

Expenses will shoot every high, but majorly it will be intentional.

You can expect shattering of old beliefs and can even find yourself directionless. You can feel as if all old theories about life are falling, no one is supporting you ,you are alone and there is no law in universe. Such patterns of your belief system falling apart and moving into a dark tunnel can come many times. This transit is all about reshaping and grounding your belief system through experiences.

What needs to be done

You need to be proactive .Most important for you is not to get stuck at any point and keep doing your duties.

You can lose immense time, energy and your emotions too if you get too attached with any aspect or anyone .This transit is all about moving ahead leaving some past beliefs ,some persons ,some relationships and some places behind .You need to give power to new aspects rather than clinging to past .Change is inevitable ,allow it freely with faith.

Keep account of your expenses and overall financial matters. If you become casual, your wealth can drain in no time.

Take very good care of your health and take up any pending health matter with urgency .If you are feeling need to change some therapy ,do it .This transit has immense capacity to heal you at very fundamental level. This also means cleaning your subconscious ,working on your belief system and acquiring positive, healing and hopeful thought process again .But this will come gradually as you might need to face destruction of old thoughts and belief system first.

This transit will also bring reality of some relations and some people to surface. So believe what you see. You will see true colours of some people and many such realizations about how people are, how world operates will come to you .Don’t become bitter, accept and move on.

Spiritual journey

This is intense time for Spiritual growth .Self learning, movement into occult, interests in Spiritual practices all will rise. You can meet Guru, can get initiated and get interested in deeper aspects of life, religion, Self and in knowing Higher Truths of life .You can read books, can attend seminars, can read a lot on internet, the essence is awakening of some sort. For genuine Spiritual aspirants this can be magical time and promises highest level of growth. This transit is nothing less than magic for anyone looking to honestly gain knowledge in any area ,be it external matters or matters of life, death, Self, Higher Truths and Divine itself.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.
