
Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Virgo sign


Expansion areas

Transit of Jupiter to Pisces for Virgo sign symbolizes growth, material success and enjoyment. This transit will bless you with immense progress, wealth and happiness and will erase thirst ,failures and pain of past.

Job changes are certain now. Your career is all set to grow. This is best time to risk a bit and go for that desired job or business venture. This is extremely good transit for those in business fields and business growth will boom. You can surely move into new domains, can get into new partnerships, can invest money in your existing business and grow in comprehensively. You will see more clients, better returns and all-round success.

Wealth is surely going to increase. This main highlight of this transit for you is more wealth, higher material comforts, growth in assets, savings. You will earn more, salary hike is seen, you will get help from family, spouse and business returns will soar. This transit will raise your financial standards.

Gain from real estate are seen. You can buy house ,invest in lands, properties and also get new vehicles, major assets for home. This is good time to take up house renovation, beautification and creating a good space around you.

This is best time to get married. Many of you will fall in love, will find their future partners and if looking for marriage ,its certainty now .Its very blessed time for extension of family as well. You will get healthy support from family and spouse both. Overall you will see positivity in and around and many small to big celebrations at home. You will meet old friends, your social life will get activated and this all will lead to end of isolation and movement back to mainstream life.

Health issues of past will end. This transit has capacity to bless you at all levels and improve your mental and physical wellbeing deeply. Happiness, good health ,new bonds and more wealth are blessings for you.

Challenges ahead

There aren’t much challenges in this transit. Still you can face hectic schedule .You can lack time to complete things.

You can feel too many activities coming your way and hence you can feel pressure.

What needs to be done

Go out ,meet people and break mental barriers. This transit will cause major expansion in your social life, personal relationships and newness is sure to enter. Owing to past impression you can still lack that firmness to open up .This is where you need to work. Allow new people to enter your life, shed fear ,shed inhibitions .Remember that now past patterns will not repeat, you need to treat new events with fresh mind.

Trust yourself when it comes to taking new initiatives .Trust your gut feeling and go for it. This transit is right time to take major career leaps. You will need courage and right action. You need to have vision for your careers ,it is ready to become reality now.

The most important aspect now is to develop Yes attitude. Say yes to new things ,new events, move out ,meet new people ,don’t fear change ,don’t attach too much with past. You are sure to see so much new events, positivity ,light events, help ,guidance ,support coming your way, all you need is open attitude and belief that its all for your good. Eagerness to move ahead is key for you.

Spiritual journey

This is a very light and cheerful transit and hence doesn’t have any major Spiritual significance .In fact its time to get married ,plan kids, earn more ,have fun, go on trips ,meet new people ,increase your circle and reach. Its time to live your life with freedom and joy. Spiritual lessons and orientation will come in next transit, as of now, you simply need to believe that its your time and allow good things to happen.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.
