
Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Pisces sign


Expansion areas

Jupiter transit to Pisces is in your own sign. This is a majorly positive ,life infusing, highly Spiritual and blessing event for you. The key words for you are overall wellbeing, Grace and intense growth.

Career growth is assured now but job changes aren’t directly favoured. You will have to work hard anyways. This transit only assures helpful conditions in and around you ,rest you will have to prove your worth for getting promoted and for getting new job as well. But better aspect is external level conditions, help, blessing and luck factor will get in your favour.

For the ones in business fields or working independently, this transit is majorly helpful. You can expect major rise in gains. You will see more clients, new projects, better returns and better connectivity and appreciation as well .Those in creative fields can surely expect major success and higher visibility.

Financially this is a good transit and will stop your excessive expenses. You will start to save more.

The real essence of this transit lies in expansion of your relationships ,social ,family life and in your enthusiasm .Those looking for will get married .This is best time to find right partners, many of you will meet your soulmates and will fall in love as well .Many new bonds will develop, you will meet many people who will bring you variety of colourful experiences. This is hugely blessed transit for the ones planning for family.

Its time for higher learning. This transit favours learning new skills and improving yourself. Infact rise in work will come only when you add new skills and raise your worth .Students will excel and this year can become a major milestone in their academics .Many of aspirants can move to foreign lands for gain of education.

Travels are highly favoured bow .You will have numerous trips and Spiritual ones will keep coming as well. This transit will bring lots of blessings to you. You will feel inspired, motivated, blessed and right people, right guidance, lot of positivity and sudden inspiration will keep fining you. This is the time when you will have numerous realizations about self and others .Also you will touch your peak of productivity and will come to know what you are capable of.

Challenges ahead

Challenges are more in shape of discipline asking you to adapt to it.

You can face very tight schedule and your working hours will rise.

You will have to handle many things at the same time which can impact your health and mood very often. This means you can feel under pressure, all by yourself and exhausted too quickly.

This transit can create pressure on you to prove yourself and also learn much. At times learning will be intentional but many times there can be need from external events pushing you to take up some skill upgradation .This means you can feel being controlled by external events, people, management at work.

Many of you can feel the pressure at family front. This can be in shape of accepting more duties and/or in shape of moving into new phase of life. Getting married, starting a family life can add to some stress as it is bound to bring sense of maturity and you will have to move to level next in life which at times can make you feel like losing your freedom.

What needs to be done

You need to adapt to pressure first. This transit is all about creating new events ,bringing better opportunities and platform where you can perform well. Now this will invariably need you to act on time and even under scrutiny. So accept the fact that your growth will occur with taking up full ownership.

Learn to stop cribbing and accepting how life is in full manner. This means not blaming anything or anyone and taking full responsibility of your life conditions and then working to improve them. Do not waste your time and energy in finding excuses ,that time is gone. Awake and see its all your karma and its consequences.

You need to explore your potential to the full. This is the most critical lesson for you. You need to realize that your past results do not define you .There is huge potential left in you and this transit will take it out. It means stretching yourself, taking up challenges ,new work, trying new working techniques ,focusing on health, taking up new health regime and taking up higher family roles .You have to step up now and it also includes raising your productivity levels .One of the finest aspect of this transit for you is that it will reveal to you what you are truly capable of.

Spiritual journey

This is good time for getting started into Spiritual aspects. You can travel a lot, will also involve in rituals and internally will remain interested in knowing things .This is good time to ask questions to self .If you look around and introspect ,you will be able to link events from past.

This is good time for getting initiated and meeting Guru. This is though applicable to genuine aspirants only.

Many of you will visit spiritually significant places. So this transit favours both external level rituals and internal level orientation. There are no heavy lessons but this transit is sure to activate curiosity and desire to know and learn more about life in and around you.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.

