
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Leo sign


Expansion areas

For Leo sign Saturn movement to Aquarius is decently good and key words for you are good growth, career rise, better will power and success through focused work. Saturn will bless you in accordance with your efforts of past and current times. There are no limitations majorly and Saturn transit for you is still a good time to make healthy progress in all spheres of life.

Career changes, career rise, expansion all are seen ahead. This Saturn transit is very good when it comes to your career growth. You can experience bold career moves, many of you will leave jobs and move into business ,start your own venture .Moving to new business lines, expanding your work, all are real time possibilities now .Career growth is a sure thing now. Many of you will also get right partners for your business. Time for major expansion.

Wealth is also going to expand. You will earn well and through your efforts, there will be major wealth expansion too. Your spouse/partner will flourish well and you will also gain through them. Gains from family are also expected. Gains from real estate are strongly seen ahead. This transit will bless you and will raise your financial standards.

This is a good time to get married .Strong focus will come on love life, marriage, expansion of family and overall relationships will flourish. So those looking to get married will find success, love matters will move to next stage, your state of isolation will end and you will meet many new people, new partnerships will develop. Old friends will stay with you, you are sure to make many new friends. This is exciting transit when it comes to strengthening of your overall social, personal circle. Happiness in family, and rejuvenation of your friendships, family bonds is seen.

This is also a good transit to travel to new places .For those looking for relocation, even foreign migration ,this transit is supportive. The key essence for you is rise in focussed effort and your will power will also rise. Your goals will be clear to you and you will get sharp power and intention to make it happen. Saturn is in good place to give you good health, wealth, relationships and happiness now.

Challenges ahead

This transit is pretty decent for you and hence there are no major challenges. Still in seventh house from Moon, Saturn does cause few tests.

Heath issues of elders can cause worries now.

There can be tensions at work and professional relationships seems under stress. You can meet difficult seniors, your work relations can get strained and tensions from teammates is also seen. Work opportunities to grow can come delayed and your image too is at stake at times. You can get into blames games, can get work of others and recognition can lack. This transit lays focus on your work relationships and can bring out any past karmic balances there.

Some of you can also experience challenges in marriage, but this is strictly for those whose marriage aspect sis already weak (as seen in chart as well) and this transit will merely activate time to move on. Also note that some of you can experience health issues of spouses, parents but minor ones. This is also the time when some family level disputes can come and harmony between family members can decline.

If you have been undergoing though some health issues, such issues can take more time .If health is weaker aspect in your life then this transit will need to you get more serious about it and try to deal with it with full sincerity by getting into proper medication and doing things needed to heal yourself.

What needs to be done

The most crucial aspect for you is working will full dedication at whatever stage you are. Saturn is neither harming you ,neither its creating any huge blessings. Saturn is ready to help you, show you right path and give you good opportunities once you are eager ,work diligently and do not lose your focus and vision .Remember what you stand for you, what and who are important to you. The key point for you is not losing this vision of your life and keep working in most sincere ways.

Pay full attention to health of self and of your family members .Go for medication, healing process if you need it ,Saturn needs you to tackle any health issues in details without looking for shortcuts to get temporary reliefs.

Crucial lessons are coming from your work front .You will have to become humble ,flexible there. You will have to learn how to deal with difficult people, how to face insults or sarcasm. Your bosses can create humiliating scenarios and at times your worth will also be questioned. Its important not to get into any revenge cycle. They are not the ones to be blamed ,this transit will dig deep into your professional relations karma and will bring some difficult events in order for karmic balance and along the way ,to make you a better, grounded and practical person .Your dreams ,career aspirations ,professional relationships and your approach at workplace and towards your work will undergo fierce reality check.

Spiritual journey

This transit is light in terms of Spiritual path. If you are Spiritually inclined, then there are no blockages, your path ahead is clear but at times tendency to question everything, including your Guru will come .Just remain dignified in opposing anything. Rest this transit in your seventh house symbolize a perfect balance in your life, so neither you will remain totally attached with mundane aspects and nor you will become too obsessed by Spiritual aspects. This is your time to live without attachments. Mild lessons from workplace can come though. Karmic importance of this transit is light hence you can expect healthy Spiritual growth without any need to absorb any heavy stuff.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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