
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Virgo sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius is beginning of golden period for Virgo sign people. Saturn is now in immensely blessing position and you are going to witness strong growth, rise of great will power, fierceness in attitude and all-round success.

Career success is totally assured now. Career changes are certain and you are sure to get your dream jobs. This is best time for taking bold career moves and go for any major career transition. Business start or expansion is also favoured and time mainly till May 2023 seems brilliant for it .Career growth will reach a new heights in this transit period.

Wealth growth too is certainty and that too very handsome. You will earn huge and your earnings will rise, business returns will shoot and expenses will end majorly. Savings will rise and you are sure to make many assets now. This transit will help you streamline your financial state and now your overall worth will rise.

Health issues of past will end. This transit is majorly a life generating, great enthusiasm creating force for you. It has capacity to end all of your sufferings of past and bless you with strong health, clarity of mind, strong vision and you are going to be filled with great passion and fierceness in action will come. Legal battles of past will close now and you are going to get free from many complexities. Saturn is now in blessing position for you and it will help you win over any setbacks in any area.

Saturn though not directly supporting relationships area, but its not even opposing. So if your charts are showing marriage, birth of baby, Saturn is all with you. So good time for expansion in relationships, marriages, celebrations, taking your current relation to level next, for healthy socialization and for increase in harmony in all of your relationships.

You will see rise in confidence ,great ambitions, higher will power, easy focus and ability to work hard. This is time when Saturn will allow you to be or achieve any thing you want.

Challenges ahead

Very few of them. This transit actually stands for end of all challenges, so there aren’t really any major blockages for you.

Saturn still needs you to stick to health routine as some health issues can come to attract your attention.

Some family level disputes, matters of inheritance, health of parents etc can also come but you will still be in commanding position.

Health, wellbeing of siblings and your relations with them can go through some rough patch. This is also true for some work relations and some of your close friends as well.

What needs to be done

What you need when luck is in your favour, people support you and atmosphere around is peaceful ?, you need firm action .All you need now is to act .There are no ifs ,buts ,this or that ,Saturn only want to you act in precise accordance with your aspirations. Do what’s required.

This is not the time to sit and relax. Saturn has cleared obstacles from your path and if you plan to achieve big, if you have high aspirations, then its time to act fearlessly .Your action needs to be impressive. You can literally create miracles right now and others can get puzzled and deeply stunned by your personality and vision .This all will need great passion sustained by regular efforts .That’s what you need ,consistency.

Most important, you need will to face life. Now this doesn’t mean facing problems, but in order to achieve what you want, you will have to accept what is. This means leave all excuses, blaming nature ,desire to relax or postpone. Such blessed times are rare to come, so if you have dreams, aspirations, higher goals or want to become efficient, better human being, this phase is meant for it.

Spiritual journey

This can wait. Now Saturn is not in mood to teach you any heavy stuff .Its time to create new life and get to your dreams. This transit is very light when it comes to Spiritual journey. If you are a Spiritual enthusiast, then your journey will peak and you will shine, you will learn a lot and will excel. But there are no heavy lessons here. So you are totally free to create a life of dreams. Just make sure you are not sowing seeds of adverse karma by becoming rude, arrogant, careless or hurting others, showing off your power and achievements. Attachments can come easy now, this is where your Spiritual work lies in this transit.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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