
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Capricorn sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius for Capricorn sign people brings relief and start of decline mode for Sadesaati, which is a life changing event and a major turn in your current life state. Better work life, better finances, less problems, ease in life and greater mental strength are key words for you. This is very welcome transit for you, problems in your life have peaked now and its all going to get easy with each passing day.

Career matters will get major relief now. Excessive work pressure, career threats and insecurity about work life will continue to decline rapidly. Those who are willing to work hard can also expect better jobs, better salary and movement to higher roles. This is decent time to expand business but movement to business from service sector is still less favoured.

Financial status will become way better. This Saturn transit is good when it comes to stabilizing you financially. Your earnings will be stable, will rise as well and business returns will shoot too .You are sure to get help from family and if eligible, you can also get inherited money ,assets etc. Your overall financial condition will become better and you will feel secured.

This transit will also help you gain from real estate. Many of you can move to new house, can buy house or invest for future purpose.

Your isolation will end .In past you have seen loneliness, dejection, end of some relationships .Now this transit will gradually bring back good times, people connections will rise, old bonds will strengthen and you will make many new friends as well. Family support will rise and you will feel like to go out and mix with others. The peak phase of isolation has ended now.

Health issues will end as well. This transit will help you majorly to come out of any physical or mental health issues. At emotional level, this transit will help you come out of past traumas and bad impressions. Health of spouse/partner will also improve.

One of the best part of this transit for you is gaining clarity, peace within. Now you will feel as if you are in control and life is giving you opportunities to grow and excessive stress and suffering will fade. You will have freedom to act, to chase your dreams .Confidence will rise, your self esteem will rise and you will be able to regain your lost charm and inner spark.

Challenges ahead

You are still in phase of Sadesaati, but now in declining mode .This means lessons can still come but speaking generally, intensity and frequency will be less.

Your career growth is sure to come but workload will be high, you can face challenges from teammates, seniors and work pressure will remain at top. Pressure to perform and prove yourself can be constant thing.

Health of elders at home will need care. Also some of the old, unexpressed feelings, conflicts among family members can now come to open and hence family life peace and equation between family members can be disturbed often.

Speed of life, pace of progress can be very slow which can frustrate you. Another aspect is delays. You can face delays in almost every sector .You will have to wait, remain patient ,do your homework ,slog and still be at your best before you can expect fulfillment in any aspect.

What needs to be done

You have gained enough experience by now after facing tests from Saturn from last 5 years. This means there is literally no need to tell you what needs to be done and what not, you know it so well. So the main point is not forgetting lessons from past and keep doing your best in most sincere ways.

Speaking generally, keep patience . One of the best and perhaps only way to face Saturn’s tests in being patient. By this time its almost sure that you must have developed( or increased) patience. Just continue to practice it without getting frustrated much. Everything will come to you if you have this one single virtue with you.

Take out time for family members and spend time with them. Take good care of health of elders at home and listen to problems of family members with patience. You will have to resolve some conflicts now.

This phase for you will be mostly like a cooling period. This means Saturn will not be too harsh on you but will not free you yet. Saturn will at times go in background and will watch you. This is extremely critical point to remember. It means when it goes in background you can feel as if challenges has ended, you are free and you can do whatever you want. This is where you are prone to make mistakes. Saturn is still there and actually would like to see what you have learnt and how you are implementing those lessons in your life. So do not even for a moment forget that you have to be at best, so be patient, kind, humble and work with sense of service and most important is not to hurt anyone in anyway.

Spiritual journey

Though with less intensity ,tests and lessons will continue which means the Spiritual significance of this transit is still there to some extent. But also worth mentioning that now its your time to understand things, link events, develop higher understanding why something happened with you and what you can do about it without cribbing or getting into blame games. So this transit is more about being responsible. You can surely expect to win and gain blessings of Saturn in this phase if by this time you have learned to take end to end ownership of your karma and have no interest left to blame God, Saturn, others etc. Reaching or maintaining this state is what is your main task in this phase.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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