
Saturn transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Sagittarius sign is huge event. Its time to celebrate, your Sadesaati has ended. After a very long phase of tests and turbulence, now Saturn has freed you. You are free to live life with great joy. Happiness, freedom, success, great peace, courage and clarity are yours and are key words for you. This is life changing event for you.

You have seen enough of problems, now Saturn is in blessing mode for you. This means whatever your aspirations are will be fulfilled, be it any aspect. Career matters will look up. You can get your dream job, opportunities will open up freely. Career rise, promotions, desired changes will come as expected and even beyond expectation growth can come. You can start new business ,can change field of work, can leave job and move to business ,now you are free to take bold moves .Its entirely your phase ,your career growth is going to be phenomenal now.

Wealth is also going to increase .You will get better earning opportunities and your overall assets, worth will rise. You can gain from many areas. Gains from real estate, buying a house, gains from selling old assets all is possible .You can also get help from family and friends.Lack that you have experienced in past is over now, your future story is all about abundance.

This transit will brings total end to your isolation. Now you will mix freely, you will make new friends, old friends will come back, will meet you often. You will start to get family support as well and professional relations will ease as well. The isolation, loneliness that you have seen in past is over and its your time to mingle freely with others. Social, personal, professional all relations will blossom now.

Saturn though doesn’t assure marriage and extension of family directly but owing to fact that your Sadesaati has ended, all sorts of positive, celebratory events are possible. So if you are looking for marriage, planning family ,looking to take your relation to level next ,all can occur with right approach.

Old health issues, tensions of various sorts, fears, lack all will end .In this phase you will become fearless ,easy going ,happy, will look better, feel way better and happiness will find you very often. This is brilliant time to make a comeback in mainstream life .Mental and physical wellbeing will be restored gradually as you move ahead.

One of the best parts of this transit is that your courage, confidence will be back. You will feel empowered, fearless and lively again. Desire to live, to take risk, to grow, to mingle, to create new things ,take new initiatives is seen. Your enthusiasm will come back. Life inside you will come back and this is huge thing in itself.

Challenges ahead

Your Sadesaati has ended which means end of major problems .So this transit in itself does not signify any major challenges. Whatsoever will be, will be minor ones only.

Health of parents can remain a concern.

Your professional relations at times can go through a rough patch as well.

Students can find some distractions and some of you can face problems in love matters at times.

What needs to be done

You simply need to trust that your time has changed. Saturn tests has ended. This assure you of a totally new life. It won’t be wrong to say that this is actually your second birth .So trust the process of life and make room for new things, new life.

The most critical point for you to understand and implement is that you need to leave impressions of past. Remember that past failures and suffering do not define who you are, your evolution is continuous process and old events were just about some lessons. When you are able to totally disassociate yourself from old events and memories, you will break away from limitations .These mental barriers is what you need to break .Its super critical to note that now there are no major external level complications but your own habits, lack of faith in self, relying too much on old self and looking back often will cause slowdown .So leave all impressions which are not useful ,you need to make space for new life. There is so much waiting for you. Start as if you have entered in this world for first time. Its time to redefine yourself.

Take risks, do not fear anything or anyone now. This transit can totally change your life and all you need is fearless, fierce attitude. Go for dream job, take bold moves ,take risks, chase your dreams, do not look back .This is not the time to refer to your past in anyway ,a new you has been born, live life will great enthusiasm, success is yours for sure. The best of this transit will come from March 2023 for you.

Spiritual journey

You have already seen a very long phase of strong lessons. Now its over .This transit is not at all meant for any sort of lessons or absorbing any heavy stuff. Its time for you to go out and achieve success and make best of your life. Yes, you can do rituals, can visit some Spiritual places but it all looks very superficial now, and its perfectly fine. You have had your share of Spiritual journey in past, now you can live freely. Those Spiritual inclined can still expect best, like in every other aspect. Make this transit the best time of your life.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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