
Rinanubhandhan : Karmic debt and Jyotisha

Rinanubhandhan refers to binding karma between two souls. During our day to day life we perform countless acts ,have numerous intentions which silently generates endless cycles of new karma. Now the Rinanubhandhan , which loosely translated means karmic debt is generated when one soul continues to take money, energy, time, resources etc of other person .This generally involves intention of cheating ,being treated badly, cruelty, grabbing property etc or simply not being honest in the process of dealing with others.

Jyotisha is a tool through which we can see such karmic entanglements easily. In present write up we will see one such case where there is strong Rinanubhandhan between a father and a son .Generally souls in family are almost always connected owing to strong karma of past life( or past many lives) but this particular case will highlight that son was born in a family not owing to karma based out of bonding, love but simply to balance karma of past life from his father.

The event is : Son when he grows up, get married becomes hostile to his own father. He becomes cruel hearted and grabs his father's property through force and ill means. When seen in very large context of karmic patterns ,this can only happen if father in his last life/lives must have done something similar with a soul who in this life appears as his son and does same thing to him to balance karma .Now lets see charts and how Jyotisha illuminates us in such deeply complex matters.

Below is birth and D4 chart for father .


Birth chart : In chart of father above, we see the Saturn ,ruler of 4th house of properties is in twelfth. This is still fine. But note that there is aspect of retrograde Jupiter, the karmic debt ruler over it. This means connection between 4th house and 6th house. Note that 6th house/lord is mainly seen in context of karmic debts. Saturn is also 5th lord ,his son, which connecting with 6th lord shows enmity. But this strictly needs validation from relevant divisional chart.

D4 chart : D4 chart is seen for property related matters. Now see Saturn again as 4th lord of properties moves to twelfth house from 4th house (indicating loss?). Then the main confirmation comes again with Jupiter which being the karmic debt ruler here as well, aspects the fourth house .Note that Jupiter being retrograde also aspects 5th house in D4 chart. So a connection between property, karmic debt ,possible involvement of son gets firmly established.

If such deep enmity exists between a son and a father, then D7, Saptmansa chart of father must show it clearly. So to verify that yes there is strong karmic debt connection between them ,we finally see father's D7 chart.


D7 chart : Now seen how Jupiter as 5th lord is debilitated. Also 9th lord Moon also debilitated and with Ketu. Lagna axis is under Rahu-Ketu influence along with malefic Mercury there. Saturn is also debilitated and is in house of karmic debt with lagna lord Mars. This is strongest evidence and clearly establish that his son will develop deep enmity with him and will eventually takes away his property and then will move away forever (because karma between them will end ).

That's the beauty of Jyotisha. While the human mind remains entangled in apparent injustice, karma runs deeper and is impossible to trace. That's where Jyotisha becomes the guiding light to understand and connect things in most subtle ways. Way before the birth of his son, father's own chart has clear indications that his son will develop enmity and will cause loss, harm and then move away. There is no escape from karma.

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