
Sadesaati and Dhaiyaa : How to navigate - 1

Sadesaati and Dhaiyaa are well known periods of Saturn in transits which approximately last for 7.5 and 2.5 years respectively. These are often very challenging, creates life changing events and personal level transformation. In this part of write up we will go through key points which can help an individual to lesson his or her pain and even open up channels for growth. This first part deals with the idea and experience of Sadesaati and Dhaiyaa as a whole, the broad level overview.

Getting stuck in shock for too long: The first and foremost key is to accept how things are as quickly as possible .Getting into how this can happen with me, why me ,this is not done, I have not done anything to deserve something like this and so on will keep you stuck for long .While its completely normal and humane to get such thoughts initially ,the key is how soon you accept what is and try to see ahead. This should come organically, let it take time, but not too long to blur your vision.

Not a fault of Saturn, no your Saturn is not to be blamed : Understand that Sadesaati or Dhaiyaa is destined time for each individual to pay for his or her past life/lives/this life karma. This very understanding that Saturn has nothing to do with me and its merely playing role of a medium through which my own karma will be delivered to me will create huge peace. This looks so simple to state, though this is most difficult one.

My Saturn is exalted ,placed good : The position of Saturn in one’s chart indeed show how cruel ( or protecting) such phases can be, but irrespective of it, such periods invariably signify cluster of karma coming to surface. To come out without damage in such periods will need that your past karmic account is pure. Well placed Saturn in your chart can assure protection in areas where it rules, but does not mean that such periods will not have any lessons .Remember there are 8 other planets as well symbolizing many aspects of karma.

Hopeless search for quick remedies:  Nothing works. Its but human to search for quick relief, but over the years its my humble but firm finding that nothing works to “calm down Saturn.” People look for magic remedies and there are plenty of people who are ready to create huge profits from such fear and panic. Any particular planet sits in your chart in a sign or house after series of karma or many lives ,so it would be very wise to remind yourself that one time magical looking remedy cannot change that karma. Bearing karma gracefully is only way for its dissolution. Yes it sounds dull, but thats how things are.

Worshiping Gods, doing Charities and pilgrimages: Yes it has some effect, but not on Saturn directly. Such activities were primarily meant to invoke self belief, to enhance self-confidence and pain bearing capacity. Devtas can surely bless but cannot interfere in your karmic scheme, that’s absolutely impossible. So surely seek blessing but not hoping to cancel your Sadesaati or Dhaiyaa effect, but to minimize damage and more importantly so that you do not lose your sanity and continue to remain solution oriented .This also becomes extremely critical for those who are suicidal. Such blessing from Devtas ,elders, Saints etc can surely create protective cover so that you do not harm yourself mentally or even physically.  

Blaming others and everything that’s outside you: This happens with all of us. Whenever we come under difficult time, the first instinct is to react wildly and see how others are wrong, how someone mistreated us ,how factors were against you ,how your family betrayed you and you were not given proper treatment .This sense of victim hood creates a layer around you which prevents truth to enter your mind.

This blame game on people, destiny, and even Gods can continue for too long. Even many people cross their entire Sadesaati or Dhaiyaa phase and still remains bitter as to how unfair it all was .Its sure shot way to completely miss the Saturn’s point and what’s the result then? Your next cycle of Sadesaati or Dhaiyaa will again repeat similar events because lessons from previous one were undigested.

Taking total, wholesome responsibility from core of your being: When you navigate successfully through above points, you come to this. You know that its all my own karma, showing up through my own time and I am the one who needs to work deeply. You need to take deep responsibility of whatever is happening in your life, without shifting blame, without feeling victim and without having grudges. Once you reach this stage, you are perfectly aligned to receive Saturn’s lessons and even blessings.

In next part of the article, we will see practical ways to deal with such periods. This will be about career, wealth, health ,relationships, such gross level aspects. What Saturn needs and how you can minimize resistance for growth.

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