
Moon in 3rd House

Moon in third house is quite a good placement. The third sector of a horoscope signifies various forms of movement .On physical level it manifest as traveling and on mental level it means communication ,information exchange and interaction within the social circles. As this planet stands for deep emotional make up of an individual ,it vibrates quite well when placed in third house .These people have quite gentle and emotional mental attitude unless malefics join or aspects this Moon .Socializing ,going out ,talking a lot and making friends gives them great freedom and they feel deep satisfaction .Moon here open up itself to the outer world for exchange of thoughts and articulation comes easy to them.

Moon in 2nd House

Moon when placed in second house of a chart indicates a personality of much charm and they invariable have a beautiful face .These people have a tendency to judge themselves on the basis of other’s opinion, so for them view point of close ones really matters .When Moon is benefic here and strong then such people are really talkative and they often mesmerizes other by their sweet and innocent ways of speaking. These people are aware of their charm and do not hesitate to take advantage of it as these persons  have straightforward and clear conscience and their real motives are rarely selfish. 

Moon in 1st House

Moon is a planet of emotions ,mind set and signifies inner core of an individual .When Moon is placed in first house of chart it signifies that one will be quite receptive and gentle figure. Such persons have a charming and tender personality and are easy and soft to speak with .These people generally have straight forward and quite simple thinking patterns .

Sun in 12th House

Sun in twelfth house behaves in quite different way as compared to its journey in previous houses. Upon gaining power ,status and recognition from previous houses, when Sun is placed in twelfth sector of a chart it signifies fructification of higher qualities where one desire to explore the subconscious and Spiritual domains .This placement of Sun rarely propels one to get motivated to work for personal success in material world rather this is a combination of diving deep in inner world .Such persons in their childhood suffers from low self esteem and even some kind of complex mar their Spirit .Also they often find their energies leaking, meaning their actions gets disordered and becomes out of sync with their starting point motive.

Sun in 11th House

Sun in 11th house is a strong and highly desirable factor .Here Sun makes one quite receptacle to the feeling of contributing something valuable to the society .When seen in context of its previous house journey , in tenth house it had all of its focus on Self and driving force there was personal success .

Sun in 10th house

Tenth house in horoscope is the place where Sun feels most happy and powerful. These placements have long lasting impact and this configuration can be considered one of the most powerful one irrespective of all other planets in horoscope. The results and tendencies of this placement are actually an extension of Sun’s journey in ninth house. With courage, vision and wisdom gained from ninth house, this planet is now ready to roar like a lion and achieve stunning success in life .This makes one highly ambitious and they are born with magnetic force in their personalities. A powerful and benefic Sun in tenth house is indeed a blessing from the Almighty as it almost assures an extreme level of dignity and distinguished living standards.

Sun in 9th house

This is one of finest place where Sun finds itself extremely comfortable and ninth house of a chart is the area where Sun can glow bright, illuminating the whole personality of an individual .Sun placed here gives extreme level of idealism and such persons are born with a mission in their lives .Right from the childhood such people get clear vision of what they want to achieve in their lives ,and rarely they dream of something mediocre .To conquer world with their ideas and philosophy is deeply infused in their blood .These people have deep interest in literature and are generally involved in learning and remain active in field of education till late stages of their lives ,as a result they might have more than one degree .To them formal and well recognized education is important.Sun always seek pride in whatever it do and here pride is attached with the way one pursue and flaunt his intellectual possessions .Such natives learn many languages and are fond of traveling a lot and are well adapt with many cultures and living ways.

Piece of Blessing

Exploring Human Psyche and Potential through Classical Wisdom of Vedic Astrology.

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Education in Foreign Lands - 1

The desire to learn and grow is present in almost all of us and potential contained in an individual can be sufficiently judged through the planetary configuration present in heaven at the time of birth.
In today’s world, charm for going to other country for the purpose of studying hold its own importance .The planetary time period i.e. Mahadasa that one gets in his lifetime holds the key to unlock the potential of a chart .The urge to go abroad and pursue education, can be seen quite vividly through the eye of Vedic astrology .So let’s have a look in a brief yet precise way on the combinations that will makes one go to foreign lands and study there.

Sun in 8th House

Being the most difficult and unpredictable sector in astrology ,eight house planet study need careful approach .Sun is about Self ,stands for individuality and hence when placed in eight house require consideration of multiple factors .First we need to see which place it rules that will determine benefic or challenging tendency of this planet for an individual .When Sun is benefic and sits in eight house ,then the house it rules will suffer to some extent ,irrespective of sign in which Sun in placed .The mystery of this house is really incomprehensible ,but some general predictions can be laid out when Sun is posited in this house.

Sun in 7th House

Sun in seventh house is  a powerful position which has many facets to it .Sun when is powerful in this
house will make one extremely bright and positive personality .Such persons are hard to bring down in life, bright optimistic attitude is their personal trademark .Such position of Sun gives tremendous force, magnetic charm to their persona .Seventh house basically deals with social interaction ,public image and to a large extent relationships ,both personal and public ones .

Sun in 6th House

Sun in sixth house woks at many levels .This placement of strong Sun ensures that one will try to develop more of his latent talent as life will progress .Such Sun gives a deep commitment to whatever work you do ,and after the initial phase of confusion and egoistic tendencies ,when one really aspires to work for up liftment of Self and others ,that is where this placement of Sun would really help .This position of Sun will make extremely aware on how his work is seen in society ,and whether it is being recognized and praised or not .The quality of work ,whatever sphere you seem to happen in ,will matter to  you a lot .There is a general tendency to identify a lot with the work you do .Such people like to keep themselves very busy as it boost their ego in great manner .In-fact several workaholics can be produced by this placement.

Sun in 5th House

Sun being in fifth house means direct impact of Sun’s energy on one’s psyche and inner mind .Sun here propels one to be creative in his own way ,people with such placement are creative and unique and often crave for their social recognition .When in strength ,Sun here can give exceptional thinking abilities and such natives do extremely well in education .Often it will be found that environment at home of such child will be motivating, though imposing and ruthlessly strict at times .To excel and be on the top is what they have been told since ages and same gets infuse in their bloods.

Questionaire - July 2013


I have a question. When matching of horoscopes happens, often pandits say that they are matching. But couples often lead partially unhappy life or even get divorced. If they are to be unhappy together or if they are to be separated then how come the horoscopes matched in the first place?

Sun in 4th House

The position of Sun in fourth house will mean a significant aspect of chart that will have huge impact in the way life is molded .Fourth house is one of the most fundamental sector in chart as it means inner core of an individual ,the early stages on life and education ,the place where one lives ,emotional make up and attitude towards events at large. Also its very important to first note that as per the chart either Sun is basically a good or difficult planet .We will use benefic and difficult words in future for these two conditions of Sun ,or in fact any other planet in future.

Sun in 3rd House

The third house vibrates quite well when a strong and healthy Sun is placed in it. This house in its deeper implications means the urge of an individual to express his creativity in society and this will include communication on various level ,development and continuity of social relations .When a favorable Sun is placed here, native gets immense vitality in his personality and his motive in life becomes quite clear to him right from early stages of his life .Schooling will not be smooth and one will always feel as if there is or was much more that could have been explored in terms of potential.

Sun in 2nd house

The second house of a horoscope signifies self-image, learning ability, knowledge gained from
self-experience and possessions of various kinds including money. When we say that Sun has gained strength it means that it is in signs: Aries, Leo or in Pisces or Sagittarius. Even in Cancer, Scorpio Sun radiates its energy in positive sense. Sun when is strong and is placed in second house at the time of birth of a Soul, it means individual will find best expression of his individuality in gathering various kinds of material objects as well as the human relations.

Sun in 1st house

Sun in the first house when favorably placed will give a magnetic and passion driven personality. Such people in sync with the nature of this planet ,are born leaders and right from their childhood they will stand apart in their approach towards any issue .Ego in such persons are developed more fully and strongly ,and to take orders from others feel like insult to them. Their Spirit find best medium of expression in the cases where they are given opportunity to lead.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Pisces: Journey through 8th house

Pisces Moon sign people are going through the times when one’s deep buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts .Your financial matters will require utmost attention and disciple in money matters should be cultivated now. The dissatisfaction in career related matters can force you to change your present job with some form of frustration surrounding your efforts ,or the extra amount of hard work you have been spending at your workplace will manifest itself in the form of some elevation or recognition .Change of residence is much possible and in some of the cases Saturn’s influence might cause tensions in family matters ,causing some form of separation ,either mental or physical.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Aquarius: Journey through 9th house

Aquarius Moon sign people are witnessing truly magnificent times with Saturn passing through 9th and Jupiter in 5th.The transit of Saturn for Aquarius guys will bring a variety of experiences,events and opportunities .This is the time when gates of extreme good luck are opened and you will feel flooded .This transit will focus on many things .You are now in mood to study in depth as per your interest and capacity .In general there is a steep rise in knowing deeper aspects of life ,cause behind the events and desire to demystify the unknown.

Saturn transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Capricorn: Journey through 10th house

Saturn is in the place where he loves to be ,the house of your career ,your 10th house from Moon .This transit will make you completely focused on your career front leaving apart all other aspects for some time .Saturn transiting in sign of Libra feels extremely happy as this Libra is the sign of Justice, which he will grant to your Karmas now .You have been feeling stagnant since some time as Saturn was retrograde and was keeping things at hold ,after 8th July his motion will be direct and its power to do good will increase many fold .Now opportunities in term of career will show up freely ,pending promotion ,a change at work place accompanied with change in residence is on the cards.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Sagittarius: Journey through 11th house

The transit of Saturn will be bring much joy to Sagittarius people.Saturn is passing through your 11th house, which directly deals with capacity to earn and accordingly all of your past efforts in matters of money will yield results now ,and how!. This is extremely beneficial time to move out of your shell and reach to the world as inhibition that was holding you back has died .You come in contact with influential people and your reputation rise like a wild fire .The emphasis of this transit will mainly be on two things, money matters and your social image.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Scorpio : Journey through 12th house

Time for true challenge : Onset of Sadesaati

Scorpio Moon sign guys are currently passing through revolutionary times ,which will alter their whole thoughts ,behavior and course of life in time to come. The transit of Saturn in Libra will mean onset of Sadesaati ,The seven and half year cycle of Saturn for them .This is the time when like a student, you are busy filling the examination form and paying the fees ,and getting ready for one of the biggest challenge of your life ,which will offer tremendous range of experiences , giving birth to a new version of life.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Libra: Journey through 1st House

Sadesaati, The Seven and half year cycle of Saturn reaches its peak

There are times which come in life for a precise purpose and a hidden agenda to accentuate growth ,you people are witnessing such period in your lives .Saturn for Libra Moon sign guys is currently passing over their natal Moon ,i.e.  over the 1st house .This period which is known as Sadesaati, The Seven and half years cycle of Saturn is on peak right now and accordingly making you stand on your toes ,totally vigilant .

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Virgo: Journey through 2nd house

You have learned your lessons quite well  given by Mighty Saturn and now you are looking forward to fly in open sky, but the crippled wings are yet to grow once again .The turmoil and intensity of past times is still afresh in your mind ,but now you have learnt to hope and wish again ,and these are the times when confidence come back home ,tracing its journey slowly .

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Leo: Journey through 3rd house

The present transit of Saturn for Leo actually vibrates so well with the symbol of this sign itself. Yes indeed you guys are roaring with fire right now, like a fierce lion. Saturn passing through third house from your moon signify outburst of extremely good times where opportunities are lined up at your door .You people are busy like a bee and are joyfully exploring the heights till where you can fly, but thanks to the blessings of Saturn, line always seems to shift upwards.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Cancer: Journey through 4th house

Home is where the heart is, seems apt for Cancerians guys .The transit of Saturn will focus on the subject of home, work and matters of heart.

‘Home’ coming in limelight could mean many things depending on age ,status and other supporting features in chart ,like for young ones this transit could mean a purchase of flat ,for matured ones it could throw them in property investment or starting of construction of a new house and alike .Although taking its deeper meaning ,Saturn in fourth has lot to do with inner core and understanding that exists between you and yourself .

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Gemini: Journey through 5th House

Gemini guys will witness a tremendous upsurge of new ideas, philosophies and life style will get a new direction . This is trend setting time ,a totally fresh period where you will feel like all past learning and accumulations of experiences are now coming to fore, for your benefit .Urge to learn and grow gets visible in your personality and learning will accentuate with great inertia, and accordingly many of you will formally take admission in universities .Provided other supporting features ,one may even pursue education in foreign lands .Apart from education, this is a wonderful time for all people who are into artistic fields .A composer will receive inspiration for beautiful songs, actors will perform superbly, legendary paintings will take birth from the brush of painters ,its basically the time when creative impulses find exact form and come out as things of concrete shape in our mundane world.

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Taurus : Journey through 6th House

Saturn transiting in Libra for Taurus sign will open a box full of opportunities and self improvement ,provided one cash on it. This is the time when physical and mental strength of individual is put to a test .Saturn works slowly but surely and this Mighty planet is now ready to teach you some genuine lessons which will relate to your approach and attitude towards work and physical body .

Saturn Transit 2013 - Impact on Sign Aries : Journey through 7th House

Saturn for Aries will bring lot of good news. Your image in social circles will take a quantum leap in positive sense. Those involved in dealing in large number of people on daily basis ,like involved in business, therapies, media and communication guys, politics and other areas where one connects with the masses ,will see a upsurge in their reputation and increase in output .The bachelors out there will hear the wedding bells soon ,or else a strong relationship will flourish in their lives, depending upon the beliefs and structure of society. These are the times when one becomes extremely serious about the notion of relationship and if we attach tradition to it, marriages do take place, as both Saturn and Jupiter are immensely blessing you right now.

Saturn Transit in Libra 2013 : Stay plugged

The planet of Karmic retribution, experiences and memories, Mighty Saturn will be turning direct from retrograde on coming 8th July 2013.It will impact all beings in most profound ways.

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(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta