
Ocean of Glory or fleeting mirage: An impartial view of Gaja Kesari Yoga - 1

Emily Dickinson in her one of the composition described the essence of Fame so beautifully:

Fame is a bee,
It has a song
It has a sting
Ah, too, it has a wing!

Fame ,glory and everlasting prosperity are pursued by many ,but to sustain this ‘success’ will require real strength of character and presence of true idealism. Position of planets at birth indicate the potential of Soul to acquire mundane and Spiritual heights .One of the most famous and prestigious combination mentioned in classical texts is Gaja kesari yoga,which is praised all around and is considered one of the finest planetary configuration to be born in.

Mars in 1st house

A large army is marching ahead with full enthusiasm to destroy its enemy and win its territory back, but the leader has not yet joined .As the day progressed ,slowly the group begin to feel undirected as individualism gradually overpowered the consciousness of mass. Energy drops and focus is lost, along with the way .Soon they found themselves lost with half of army men diverted in wrong direction. Entropy increases, so does the feeling of despair .In that moment ,those standing at the back begin to turn their heads around, as voice of some storm hit their eardrums .One by one, like a wave, all stood up firm and looked back in bewilderedness ,which in a moment brought spark in their eyes .Yes the commander has arrived.

Dynamics of exceptional celestial configuration: Saturn, Rahu conjunction and Mars impact

There are times which comes to shake up the existing system, fury among the masses comes to the surface, when huge amount of random energies get accessible to us, and depending upon our intent it shows its manifestation . Currently in heaven the planetary configuration is exceptional. Saturn being in Libra and Rahu also there, these two planets have been in this sign for quite some time. But now they have reach at the same degrees ,making the conjunction as we say in astrological terms .The story doesn’t end here, Mars being in Cancer has an aspect over Saturn as well as Rahu ,and to add more on to that ,Saturn in turn aspect Mars. So Saturn and Rahu together in Libra and mutual aspect exists between Saturn and Mars. How does it affect us? Let’s look into details.

Mercury in 12th house

What is actually the twelfth house? Loss ,troubles and alike? haven’t you been tired listening and reading to the such restricted versions coming from half hearted explanation and complete absence of a desire to find most contemporary interpretation of Vedic Astrology ? We should never forget that analyzing planets & time periods according to present social circumstances is what will give deserving place to this Divine knowledge, otherwise its bound to be looked down. Coming back to twelfth house, interpretations can be many and among important one, it represents the escape mechanism when faced with severe circumstances, how an individual will respond to most critical of situations .We see some people giving in to addictions of various kinds when they confront loss, be it material or any emotional one ,while some choose to respond silently with glimpses of Lord Shiva, who drank poison with ease. Yet there are another set of people who see an opportunity to look beyond limitations of this world ,recognizing that all material possessions are bound to get dissolve in whirlpool of time.

Mercury in 11th house

Out of twelve houses, that represents various aspects of human existence, eleventh house has always been considered auspicious in terms of gains of material nature .This is the house of hopes and new desires .If we see in progression, eleventh house will come after the tenth, which looks obvious if from the viewpoint of basic mathematics, so is that it? not actually. When we pass through tenth house ,it represents the domain of one’s Karma, where one interacts with different variety. After successful journey through tenth house, as a result of experiencing contrast ,new hopes and desire to explore something fresh is  born and that’s where zone of eleventh house starts.

Mercury in 10th house

Paralyzed, that too unconsciously, by traditional limiting views on tenth house,its definition and scope looks confined to matters of career only.Obviously this is partially true, and there is indeed more to this house. This is the house which tell us about one’s contribution towards society, the word Dharma will aptly describe this house, which means following inner instincts that lead to fulfillment of destiny. This is the house which tell us how we are perceived by masses .In his book Steven Forrest correctly mentioned that tenth house shows how we look to the people who do not know us. In more subtle sense this house describes quality of Karma that one engages in present incarnation.

Tryst with Naasik : Wandering Souls

One of the 12 Jyotirlings in India, Trimbakeshwar temple situated amidst heavenly views of fog clad green mountains and waterfalls. 20 km drive from Naasik City is an eye delight, Crossing Anjneri Mountains. Anjneri, name does sound familiar to all Indian hearts, yes the birth place of supreme lord Hanuman.
The Lingam inside the temple is three faced and is believed to present Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Himself.

Mercury in 9th house

Placement of any planet in strength in ninth house is indeed a strong point in any chart. Mercury in power here is quite a desired factor in a horoscope.When we talk about ninth house ,the traditional ways to express its inherent qualities are travel and philosophy .Now travel indeed forms an integral part of this house, especially the long ones .New ideas and exposure to different cultures is also intimately connected with this house ,which in-turn require one to travel to distant places so that difference in culture becomes visible and can be experienced.

Mercury in 8th house

While examining the planetary influences in eight house, one needs to be extra careful as there is tremendous pressure from the traditional interpretations, which condemn this house to the limits that feeling of fear become apparent, along with the sadness when we silently acknowledge within ourselves that our planets in 8th house have gone waste ,as jewel thrown in a deep well .It is but natural for most of the interpreters to jumble upon facing the affairs of this house, as indeed eight house is an area of mystery ,which pose serious challenge to get decoded. But once we become non-judgmental towards journey beyond rational mind and accept our fears and basic instincts, understanding of eight house becomes more comprehensive.