Every planet has got its own way to express itself.
Mars like to be expressed by giving outlet to energy through body,
hence sports and athletic activity appeals to these people hugely .In
fact if this Mars is pretty strong then choosing
a career in army also becomes the possibility .Mars gives the courage
to handle the tough situations and being in sixth house it actually
becomes capable of directly dealing with the difficult circumstances
These people love to take challenge and finish their
task with much enthusiasm and the method which they adopt might not be
amicable in general perspective ,but if end results are the thing which
only matters ,this is much desired placement of Mars .At workplace
coordination with peers need careful handling
as these people tend to get individualistic rather than being a team
player, the base for such behavior is their immense belief in themselves
,which indeed they display but if state of Mars is not healthy then
sharp difference in opinions might arise leading
to severe conflicts. Working hard doesn’t seem to be burden to these
people as this ability is deeply infused in their blood, and sometimes
they can work upto the point of exhaustion ,but in reality people with
Mars in sixth house are the store house of abundant
energy and they never seem to get short of it.
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
For other Houses,Mars in Houses
6th House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House |
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