
Year 2017 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Expansion realms
This is the year of breakthrough for you and positive expansions are in bounty. Aquarians have a fantastic year ahead which is sure to bring immense joy from many directions. To begin with, you experience joy in current situations as stagnation phase ends for you completely. You feel relaxed, free from many complexities and many of your old conflicts, problems, inner and outer struggle all comes to end. This is one of the best year to get a new job as changes in career for the better are clearly seen for you. Many of you find dream job, get great rise with higher authority and with greater financial freedom. Rise in career graph in most comprehensive way is one of the best highlight of this year. Apart from moving up in the ladder of your work life, financial rise is yet another equally impressive area where you see immense possibilities. New avenues open up for you, you see rise in your salaries and even some of you get into parallel steams of earning. If you are planning to start something of your own, expand your work, your network, get into more exciting areas or simply take your business/work to next level, this is the year. Though entire year seems fine, but later part from August onwards seems best for these positive changes. You are seen to get lump sum amount from family, from deals in lands and properties or simply through investments made in past. Essence of this year is to bring greater financial prosperity, addition of new assets in your life with feeling of solid security with you.

Year 2017 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Expansion realms
Capricorn people move into phase of immense restructuring with Saturn coming to test you and modify your lives for the better. Still this year many positive events are aligned which would bring you joy. To begin with, this is the year when despite challenges you can get rise in work and your position can get elevated. Some of you can even get a job change, but this is subjected to many conditions and might not be a smooth and hassle free process. Time in initial half of the year, i.e till August is fine for making long term plans, for getting good rise in work which can even give you desired financial push. This year is good for matters of education, for adding new skills, getting certifications in new languages, talents etc. You are seen to make strong value adds to which would give you good results in times to come. For the ones aspiring to move to foreign lands for pursuit of education or even for work related aspects, good results are expected. Time till August again is very hopeful here and many of you would travel for long term. Those who have migration possibilities in their individual charts, can also expect it to happen this year. This year is also good for gains from lands and properties and many of you are seen to buy/sell your property and/or move into your dream house as well. In essence, this year is very good when it comes to addition of new assets in your family life. Positive vibes, though in subtle form, which needs high awareness to be utilized, are also present at home where much better atmosphere will start to be created but would require your intense attention and genuine efforts. For concrete gains of any kind, the second half of the year is better. Those looking to get married and extent family, this year does offer some hope as well. This year is also good for those involved in creative fields and in learning process ,be it formal or very individualistic.

Year 2017 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Expansion realms
Though you are passing through peak phase of test from Saturn, still you do have many positive changes and hope in this year. To begin with, foremost area where you can expect many desired changes is your work life. Stagnation and frustration in work life is sure to end now as you move into his year. Changes in job, expansion in work and/or business, entry into new areas and rise, promotion all comes to you with time. The time frame for this is particularly post August this year though ground will be created well before it. Apart from rise in work and freedom that you feel, it is also the year when you will experience relatively greater financial freedom. This year is extremely good when it comes to rise in your wealth. New avenues for earning opens up, you find more satisfaction in what you have and also gain much help, assets, gifts and material objects of desire from people connected to you. Essence of this year for you is rise in your overall worth. This is best year when it comes to matters of relationships. As you move into this year, you see strong and potent ground being created for your relationship to blossom. Existing relations find harmony while many of you would experience new ones as well. Falling in love and long term relationships are seen, though some of you can also experience some temporary flings. Time post August this year is perfect to get married and for the ones looking to extend their family, this is brilliant year as well.

Your health also improves to some extent and you remain motivated for longer durations now. This year you will see expansion of your public network and you move out of your isolation and self-created world and meeting with old friends, relatives, and acquaintances is seen which is sure to bring immense contrast, hence new insights to you. This directly means greater support from your social life and many of you can also start some venture in partnership and/or with support of your family/friends. This is also very potent year when it comes to pursuit of education, gain of knowledge and many of you can expect some strong skill enhancement. Time for higher education, learning new skills, doing some long-short term courses to move to next step in your work life is seen this year. When it comes to positive areas, this year brings expansion in both qualitative and quantitative sense.

Year 2017 : Impact on Scorpio sign

Expansion realms
This is the year which brings hope on so many areas. Scorpio people enter in this year with strong ray of hope which brings huge relief and impact would actually manifest in all aspects of your existence. Now to get to specifics, this year your test from Saturn enters in last phase and celebrating point is that you have covered most difficult phase now. From now onwards you will see things coming back to shape, better emotional state and lesser friction in family front and career as well. Career is sure to look up this year and opportunities will come to you very swiftly as compared to what you have seen in recent years. New job offers, change in work place, your role and quality of work all are seen to come/improve for the better. Many of you would get deserved rise, promotion, higher authority after phase of much turmoil. Those in business, can surely expect for expansion, better connectivity and greater returns. New career avenues also open up and you just need to move ahead leaving your all inhibitions behind. This is the year of good financial inflow. Better gains from your earning, gifts, appreciation, new investments of long term consequences are aligned in this year. Major financial decisions should ideally be aligned in first half of this year and time till August seems good for riding high and planning long term growth of your money. Though trend of this year is brilliant and you will continue to get good news, positive events all-round the year. Gains from lands and properties is another strong highlight of this year. New vehicles, objects of your desires and many other fixed assets will come to you. Those looking for buying/selling can surely expect better deals in second half. You can target September to December for all major transactions, given you have a proper plan.

First half of this year also has strong promise for those looking for love and settling down. New relationships will blossom and you should be ready to leave old behind as this year brings the fresh breeze with new people. You meet many exciting people and can lose your heart to someone very quickly. Time for marriage also looks perfect for eligible ones and for the ones looking for extending family, this is the perfect year. In fact, one of the most important aspect of this year, at least in initial half, is to enhance harmony in your family environment. Extremely good year for creative pursuits, for students, for anyone looking for adding new skills. Your people network, fame, good will all increases and you do feel light and refreshed, capable of doing more and living with greater sense of freedom.