
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Capricorn sign

“Life is moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation” said actress Nia Peeples. Capricorns people have arrived at the state where they need to accept and/or get ready for the process which would make them realize that indeed life is a dynamic thing, ever changing, ever pushing us to evolve and transform.Saturn now enters sign previous to your Moon sign and thus your Sadesaati has started. But before you catch fear and any assumption arises, it should be made clear that it’s not a period of doom and gloom, rather it’s a period which requires cleansing of your psyche, your accumulated karma and your life style and approach as a whole. Saturn movement to Sagittarius starts your first phase of Sadesaati and result of this transit simply cannot be pronounced in specific sense, as its starting of a very personal journey which really cannot be described in words. It’s one of the most complex, yet beautiful time that one go through in life time. It’s simply beyond reach of human language to fully describe possible manifestations of this phase, still let us see what this Saturn transit can do and wants from you.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Aquarius sign

For truly appreciating the freedom of light, one must experience the limitations of the dark. You already had your lot of limitations and now is the time to move in the domain of light. Saturn for you people move into immensely powerful and blessing position. Saturn is infamous for being great malefic, for giving pain and harsh times, but there are times when Saturn blesses too, and when this Mighty force blesses, expect the experience of real freedom, joy and sky are literally not the limits to describe it. Aquarians have reached that stage where they are ready to receive blessings from Saturn. It’s actually the best one can ask from Saturn and best what it can grant with its all might. It’s time to sing in joy, dance in freedom and move ahead in life like never before. Saturn’s blessings are rarest of rare and its now all open for you. Impact areas are many and contrary to image of Saturn, all manifestations are majorly positive for you people. Let’s explore.