
Year 2021 for Aquarius


Expansion areas

  • Decent career growth and job changes are possible after intense preparation.
  • This is decently good year to bring major changes in work, like moving to own work, moving to different work domain. So major career decisions and jumps coupled with thorough homework.
  • Decently good year for focus on marriage, love relationships and take your relation to level next. This is the year to focus on what truly matters to you and take it ahead. It also means of the finest year to extend family for those aspiring. Its best year to plan family as conceiving ,birth of baby is possible.
  • Health will bounce back well as you move ahead. This includes overall well being. Your emotional health will become stable as well.
  • Strong year to learn, to improve. This means year to enroll for higher education or gain some new skills. Best year to read a lot and bring massive self growth. This is the best aspect for you. Creative aspect of this year is very high and if you are inclined and committed towards self growth, learning ,possibilities are literally endless.
  • Some of family level corners, problems can move towards resolution. You can find some way out of your existing problems which can be in context of family-work balance ,solution of some issues with parents, spouse or other close family member .This is more solution oriented year, given you are sincere enough to hold on.
  • Year for realizations. You will get understanding of what happened in recent past and your mistakes will come to surface which were suppressed or neglected previously owing to your ego. So year to see linkages between events and your role in overall sense.

Challenges ahead

  • Its beginning phase of your Sadesaati which means lessons are going to unfold now with high intensity.
  • Challenges can come almost in all aspects somehow .In your work life you can face sharp swings ,job security can fall any time and special during June to September phase. This is challenging year to preserve your job and position as setbacks, sudden lows are likely.
  • Relocations, change of place is strongly indicated and this can make you very uncomfortable as upcoming places might not be as per your choice .Work ,work atmosphere, your place of residence can remain hostile as per your expectations.
  • Health can fluctuate a lot initially till April and then later in June-July, Oct-Nov phase. This year can bring something or other ,major expenses and time going on health matters. Intensity and magnitude depend strictly on how your individual time is faring.
  • Strong disruptive patterns can also be there in relationship area. Though you will get chance to improve them as well, but majorly this year can bring random, unexpected and even jolting events in family life which can be like living away from family due to work concerns or due to difference as well, then health issues of elders at home, then personal relationships/married life can have many swings as well.
  • Financially this can be stressful year. Avenues to earn might remain same gracefully but for outflow will rise immensely. This means you can see many expenses, wastages, even losses. This seems heavy year for your money matters and money ,assets can drain quickly.

Lessons and needed approach

  • As you move ahead in your Sadesaati cycle, you are going to witness high voltage lessons this year.
  • Lessons are many and coming from almost all aspects of life, so there is no one area where you need to focus or remain aware about. Delays in your work, obstacles, failure of some relationships ,strong misunderstandings etc can be part of this year .Lessons can be very subtle and hidden so its another challenge to identify them. This year is actually high on event occurrence which means its implication and importance (hence its meaning and lesson) might not be immediately clear to you.
  • You really need to remain humble. Your past mistakes, wrong attitude can start to show results now which means you can face some isolation, your faults can become too obvious and you might need to accept them forcefully. So main lesson for you is to remain flexible, open, humble and ready to accept where you went wrong. These virtues are extremely important as this year will decide fate of many upcoming years .Like if you do not accept your shortcomings or identify where you work upon, such relations, aspects will become your reality in coming years with almost no hope for major change. So this is year to choose/create your future reality.
  • Very important to realize is this year is under transition, work in process kind of which means job status, your financial state all are temporary realities. This means you should focus on learning, remain open for changes ,relocation ,humble jobs and accepting situations more gracefully focusing alone on experiences that you are going to gain. Even if it doesn’t justify your talents, still accept job offers if you are in need. Its year to move along, learn and not try to look for long term stability.


You are moving up on your Sadesati curve and this year is high on learning quotient and many of events this year won’t make any sense to you .Stay attached to your roots ,stay humble, open and very flexible for accepting your faults and working on your short comings. Do not try to find long term relevance, stability in life patterns, be it job, relation or financial state. All are subjected to change as you proceed ahead but yes this year is certianly going to create your future reality, so be wise in where you are heading .Remember choices that you make, areas that you work upon or neglect will decide your upcoming hard core reality in future years .So its time to be extfremely responsible wherever and whenever you can.

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