
Year 2021 for Capricorn


Expansion areas

  • You will experience mixed events this year but as you reach middle part of year, around April-May ,your life will pick pace and good events will start to flow in.
  • Career changes are very much part of this year. Desired job changes and rise, business expansion and new projects all are good possibilities. Though this will need immense hard work.
  • Wealth is surely going to rise .You will see more wealth ,better salary, more gains from business .Money matters, savings ,investments are going to gain focus.
  • You will also buy many small to big things for your home. So in a way this is charming year for you as it will add so many cherished stuff in your home, family. Your worth is going to rise and its more to do small things which makes your world happier place to be in.
  • Some tensions in family life, some family level concerns, worry about elders and other members will settle gradually. You will find way out to some concerns and this is year of finding breakthroughs in almost all aspects of life.
  • This is also a positive year for those looking to get married. Also this is finest year to plan family as conceiving, birth of baby is strong possibility.
  • Generic people relationships and overall social indulgence is going to rise. This means your recent years of isolation will end. Better connectivity and security in terms of people support is healthy highlight.
  • Very good year to learn new skills, for higher education and academic excellence.

Challenges ahead

  • Its peak phase of Sadesaati still for you which means challenges are still majorly in focus. This means small delays, obstacles to come in your way ,but it will not pose any major threat as this is year of possibilities amid Sadesati.
  • Health needs care. You can go through some slight disturbances and depending on how things look individually, you can also face some bigger health concerns .So pay attention to what your body is signalling.
  • Career growth is assured strongly but this is going to be intensely demanding year .You will feel pressure, more work, very high expectations and long working hours to the point of exhaustion .You will be given your due after much slogging. This is the year to work really hard.
  • For few of you, this year can bring tensions, challenges in personal ,public life relations .This means facing issues in love life, marred life, with some friends and at work too. This is the year when relationships can fall apart if not truly worked upon. Disruptive patterns are there when it comes to how smooth your relations are running.
  • Financially the middle part of year, mainly June to August can be stressful and can lead to immense expense, wastages and even losses. Similarly there can be periods of tensions and even very weak job security in this year .As stated ,this year you have to work really hard to preserve your status ,job and wealth.

Lessons and needed approach

  • Much to learn. This year represents intense learning coming from all the directions. You will learn how people work, what drives them, some ugly realities of life, of some people will be exposed as well. You will learn some hidden aspects in your own families ,some harsh realities .Its year when suppressed ,hidden realities and aspects will come to surface.
  • You need to keep working hard and giving your best even if you don not see any appreciation or you feel nobody is taking note of your work and intentions. This is the year when you simply need to work and be at your best irrespective of results. Do not worry, its all getting stored and your efforts, planning ,learning all will give results later.
  • Majorly you need to work on relationships and family matters. This means some of you will really have to pay attention to their degrading bond. Some ugly discussion have to be taken up, no longer you should neglect concerns of people living with you .You need to give space, you need to understand that postponing leads to exaggeration of pain. Yes it will feel difficult, irritating and unnecessary even, but face what is troubling you, what is crying for attention. The essence of this year is facing your fears and neglected matters.
  • Most critical for you is to remain open for changes, improvements. This year can bring numerous weakness to surface. Also you can be made to accept some faults, your ego can be hurt and you can be forced to take up some learning. Do not become rigid or be driven by lower ego. Accept your faults ,commit to improvement .You need to understand that you cannot be right all the time. Leave scope ,major one ,for improvement. Take feedbacks gracefully, ask for improvements, learn whenever you can. This year can truly be great when you coming to raising your standards. When you do so, years and even decades later on, you will remember this year as most memorable one.


Year of relief, opportunities and moving ahead .You will see major growth avenues and release of tensions and concerns. All it needs you to be prepared both mentally and capability wise to make it happen .You need to continually detach yourself from impressions of past failures or setbacks. This year can make you evolve in quite intense manner. Whether you acknowledge or not, efforts given now to any area will bring good fruits later on .So deep faith in the process of life along with sincere desire to improve coupled with hard work will bring great progress and happiness in life. Year to show your mettle.

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