
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Scorpio sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Scorpio sign will mean activation of their Dhaiyaa phase which is time when Saturn blesses after taking tests .The key word for this transit for you is slow growth with obstacles.

Career changes are favoured but will involve long preparation, hard work and going through some problems in the process of changing job.

Business expansion is weakly favoured and should be done only when you are well planned and risk element is low. This is average transit when it comes to moving to business field from service sector but still this move is totally favoured if you have done your homework well. Saturn is not opposing your career growth, the only point to understand is shift might not be smooth and you will have to stay consistent and well prepared. If you have truly done your homework, Saturn will reward you with desired job and rise in career.

This is good time for those looking to move to new places. Relocations is favoured now. Even moving to new country, foreign migration is totally favoured if you are eligible. So process can be started and for those already in the process can expect success and movement.

Good phase for buying house, investing in properties and gaining through selling your properties ,assets. Financially this is still a decent time and will bring gains. For those eligible, this phase can bring gains from inheritance as well. In general this transit shows focus on home, home needs, so house renovation, adding assets to your house ,buying vehicles and moving to new house all are possible now.

Challenges ahead

Saturn can create many tests now. There can be challenges in your career .Some of you can face stagnation, poor growth and being questioned. Your worth will be questioned and you will feel as if you are being watched closely. This will lead to pressure. Work relations can become messed up ,people can oppose you and your bosses, seniors can become hostile. This all can add to your woes.

If your individual charts doesn’t indicate strong time then its possible that career changes can come suddenly. Loosing job, work can be a possibility as well but that will require that your personal time to be very weak. Overall career growth can come after setbacks, sudden lows and hostility from others.

Health concerns of elders at home can rise .Health issues of parents seems concerning now. Your own health can create small issues and mainly it will be mental health .You can face exhaustion ,breakdowns and nervousness, lacking direction.

Some of you ,if not very well planned will have to take loans to fulfill your life situations.

This transit can create tensions in small to big matters, pace of progress can be slow and you can feel doubtful, tensed and even hopeless about your life at times. Such waves will come and go often.

Note that all the listed challenges might not occur. Many of you will see only few tensions and majorly this transit can be decent one. The above list is about all possibilities ,which of course doesn’t mean that every individual will experience all of them .Yes, some of them can come during coming 2.5 years time.

What needs to be done

Become sincere in working. Its time you understand that your goals will be accomplished through diligent and consistent hard work .Giving up is no option at all. Once you accept that your path ahead needs patience, working hard will come easy.

You will have to learn to accept orders and face some difficult scenarios at workplace. People there, irrespective whether they are right or wrong can create disturbing scenes for  you .Fighting for your rights is absolutely fine but make sure you are not getting into cycle of revenge ,showing your ego, becoming sarcastic. Fight with dignity. Being rude and arrogant at this point will backfire badly in some form or other.

It is also critical to understand that you will achieve success, your dreams by making some sacrifices. It could be of your time, leaving your family for some time ,giving less time to them for work sake or simply leaving old way of life in order to achieve something. Movement outside comfort zone is loud and clear message of this transit. The earliest you accept it, easier your life is going to be.

Do not resist changes. This transit can bring changes in so many aspects, like your work ,in your family ,your equation with family members, your place of residence ,your equation with people at work and how you feel .Going with flow and not holding on to something or someone too rigidly is very important point.

Spiritual journey

This transit does have some strong lessons for you. Some of the past karmic balance will occur which means some bonds can break away, you can face opposition and many challenges which will mainly come to balance some karma with people. Now this means in this transit you will have to learn humility, patience and acceptance .There will be continuous leaning in some form of other, the point is often we fail to recognize the lesson behind the event and become too concerned by the pain caused. So make sure you are eager to learn ,to improve .Lessons cannot be specified as they will come in accordance with your karma and what you need at this point of evolution. Learning to live alone, depending less on others and learning to live with self are some other prominent ones that will come via many situations. Remain accepting and fearless, Saturn will bring out best out of you.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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