
Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Libra sign


Expansion areas

Movement of Saturn to Aquarius for Libra sign brings immense relief .You are now free of the Dhaiyaa phase which was causing immense troubles and some painful events. So essence of this transit for you is relief, joy, peace and stable growth ahead.

Career changes are decently favoured, though not the essence of this transit. It means if you are willing and working for it, then career changes will occur. Rise in work is also possible and you will do well in your work life with end of some past troubles, stagnation and excessive pressure. Work atmosphere will become better, you will get more respect and higher authority in work life. Also your professional relationships will improve now.

Its also good time for better business expansion, growth and if well planned, then you can even move to new domains of business as well. Work in partnerships is not really favoured but you can do it if again you are legally sound in terms of working process.

Financially this is decent time too and you will see slow and stable wealth growth. This is also a good time to gain from real estate and your stuck matters in context of buying home, or moving to new house or selling some property will get resolved now. Overall next 2.5 years favours all possible good events which brings assets, comforts to your life.

Good time for marriage and planning family both. So those looking for will get married, love life matters looks strong and your relation will move ahead .Many of you will find your partners in this phase and will fall in love and this is best time for your love relationships, for matters of finding your future partner and building a strong connection in general .This also means time is good for better social relationships and your friendships will become peaceful and old problems will fade. Your family life in general will become peaceful, old wounds will heal ,you will spend many good moments with family members and health, wellbeing of family members will also get better. Your own health will improve majorly.

This is brilliant time for anyone in learning process. Gains of new skills is seen. Many of you can leave job and take admissions in higher education courses which will ensure better future careers. This phase assures excellence in studies. Also brilliance in media, creative, writing, publishing and similar lines is seen. Your mind seems highly fertile and you will produce original and good content. Your visibility will rise.

Challenges ahead

This transit actually signifies end of challenges ,hence in future there are no major obstacles for you .This transit signifies clearing of past hurdles, so now you can expect very minor issues only.

Still issues related to married life can come for those whose chart (hence destiny) indicates marriage area as problematic .In fact such people can undergo separation too.

Health of spouse in general can need care now.

Your financial rise will be slow and expenses can overpower your earnings which at times can bring concerns.

What needs to be done

This is rather a peaceful transit and Saturn now will not bother you. Neither you will face heavy karmic events nor you need to learn some heavy lessons .This sets you free .This means you will lead a happy, carefree life ,so there are no major dos and don’ts.

The best possible way to utilize this transit is by working on your skills. Saturn has set you free so that you can work on weaker areas of your personality. The last 2.5 years apart from suffering also brought some weaker aspects of your nature to surface .By this time you actually know where you lack and where you need to improve. Now is your time to do that inner work. Its important not to waste this phase by making any excuses or living entirely in comfort zone. This transit has capacity to bring you peace, good connections and growth when you work slightly towards bettering yourself .So don’t sit back and relax entirely, focus on gain of new skills, learning new stuff and also improving yourself as a person.

Try to save whenever possible. This transit is good for wealth growth but expenses seem heavy too which means you will have to adopt pattern of savings more consciously.

This phase can make you bold, clarity of mind will come, you will know reality of some people, some relations and this all will lead to a sense of directness, sharpness in your nature. It is very important that you do not turn cold or become arrogant. This is light, peaceful and progressive phase which can surely make you egoistic. So make sure you are not losing the ground.

Spiritual journey

This is a Spiritually active and highly significant phase for you. This is not the time to absorb heavy lessons through karmic events but the nature of this phase is light and constructive for you. You have seen many problems ,suffering, setbacks in life in past which caused you pain, trauma and many of you would also have experienced shattering of belief system, questioning everything, losing faith altogether and becoming directionless. Now this transit will bring back your faith ,and this time you know what it means to have faith and how karma operates. Now you will re build your belief system in very organized manner. This is time when you will become systematic, principled and will again walk on Spiritual path but this time it will be intentional and precise, not blind or shallow believing.

You will also have many Spiritual travels and this is good time to learn anything related to healing, occur ,mantra-tantra branches, astrology and other ancient forms of knowledge which heals you and other people. You are also in commanding position to guide others and many of you can start in this direction. You will also perform many rituals.

Genuine Spiritual aspirants will find direction ,blockages will end. Many of aspirants can find Guru, can get initiated and will get brilliant confidence in learning process .Higher aspirants can even expect to experience mystical insights and even highest level of Spiritual elevation. This transit is brilliant when it comes to becoming a better person in general ,for amassing huge knowledge of many branches and also for advancing Spiritually and collecting yourself in general from past setbacks and again becoming a constructive and sorted person.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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