We will discuss some the most important yogas that give an
individual opportunity to travel to foreign lands with all the permutation and
It will be handy to keep in mind what houses signify in a
1st house- It represent self, the native, the impulse
inbuilt in you.
3rd house- It represents short journeys, this clearly stands
for travel within country.
4th house- This is home, the place of residence.
7th house– This is place opposite to 1st house, meaning
faraway lands.
8th house – Though a completely intriguing sector, it does
signifies unknown places, which can mean place different to native’s birth
9th house- This is most important house and signifies
foreign travel.
12th house- This is foreign land itself.
Also Lord of a house means a ruler of a particular house,
for e.g. 9th lord will mean planet who own the 9th house in a horoscope (i.e.
the lord of sign falling in 9th house)
In a horoscope lords of:
9th, 12th,7th and 12th and
planets sitting in these houses are primary planets who makes one travel. Any
relation between these planets gives birth for traveling/residence abroadyogas.
1. 9th lord when in 4th house, 12th house, 7th house becomes
very powerful to bless with foreign traveling. When 9th lord is in 12th house,
individual travel to other countries in search of a Guru, as we often see
people coming from west to India for Spiritual pursuits.
2. Any relation between 12th and 1st lord generates yoga for
living away from home and in many cases native settles abroad. Also 1st lord in
7th is also seen to give this yoga.
3. 4th lord when in 9th house, 7th house or 12th house.
3.7th lord in 1st, 9th, 12th houses is time tested yoga for
long distance travel.
5. Also majority of planets in a horoscope in movable or
dual signs signify tendency to be on the move continuously. Such yogas exists
in horoscopes of individuals who work in travel shows like what we see on
Discovery Channel, Fox traveler and alike.
Movable signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Dual Sign : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Now moving on to the
time period of travel, let us see who causes the travel and when.
1. In time period of 9th lord, a long distance travel
becomes almost certain with dignity in other countries. If 10th lord of
profession is also involved then individual goes for purpose of work.
2. In time periods of 7th house lord – This is generally a period
when one goes to abroad for purpose of business and diplomatic deputations. We
see such yogas in horoscopes of individuals in administrative jobs. Again any
relation with 10th lord will mean involvement of pure work, else if 5th house
lord of education comes into play, we find native going abroad for pursuinghigher education.
3. Time period of planet Rahu generally causes one to visit
foreign lands .Also planets posited in 9th,8th,12th,7th houses in their time
period gives long distance traveling.
4. Time period of 1st house lord,12th house lord also sends
one to foreign land when they form yoga for travel.
5. Also in transit, Jupiter in 1st,3rd,7th,9th and 12th
houses makes perfect yoga for long distance traveling.
As an example, below is a horoscope of a individual whom I
know personally, he has Venus in first house with Mercury. Mercury is both 9th
and 12th lord, so combination of Mercury-Venus in 1st house is actually a
combination of 1st house-9th house or 1st house-12th house, both ideal for foreign
travel. This native flew to Singapore on long term assignment in time period of
These are most powerful yogas for foreign travel which have
stood the test of time .
For Permanent Settlement Abroad Yogas , Please Click: