
Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Cancer Moon sign

The transit of Saturn for Cancer Moon sign people is going to bring huge relief and beginning of a new era. Impact as usual will be felt and seen on many areas, but perhaps the greatest change will be a sense of calm and relief,you will feel light and hopeful .Its a transit to cheer about, Saturn will bring you  much joy ,but certainly not without some responsibilities. Let’s learn how this transit will mould your life and what’s stored for Cancer sign.

First of all its time to say good bye to heaviness inside you, mighty Saturn now removes all the blockages from your life. Many pending tasks ,projects and complex unsolved matters will now look up for resolution. So the foremost impact is green signal, to wake up from your sloth and stagnancy and move ahead .A strong impact will come in your relationships, the personal ones. Year 2015, especially time till August is extremely auspicious for love to blossom in your life. The feeling of barrenness and isolation for many of you is now all set to depart, making a space for love to fill there. Time is very conducive to open your heart ,take initiative in matters of heart and love .Not just romance and emotional upsurge, Mighty Saturn has come to bless you with long term serious and sincere bonding, so for the ones who are looking for marriage or soulful connection, time has arrived with a bang.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn moving to Scorpio sign is sign of celebration for Gemini Moon sign people. This transit is most praised in classical texts ,as form your Moon sign Saturn will enter into the sixth house, the house where Saturn is ought to work in most effective and in positive manner .For you changes are clearly seen and more than anything else, this transit will bring acceleration in whatever you are doing in your life. The areas impacted are many, let’s have a look how mighty Saturn will bless you. First and foremost change will be seen in context of your work.

A change at work place is awaiting you, time will show you the contrast and this is the time when one finds fault existing within himself in his way of working, if the inspiration hits you right, it could prove to be a very bright beginning in your career or business. Often individual starts new venture, change job for better and engages oneself more proactively in whatever he is doing .But expecting smooth things without any genuine intention of hard work doesn’t work well with the Saturn.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Taurus Sign

Change is here for Taurus Moon sign people. Change in many areas can be expected and now the time is for fundamental shift in your life. For you people Saturn will come into seventh house from Moon and it has its own importance and will bring visible effect in many spheres of your life. First area which deserves attention is your relationships. For the ones who are waiting for someone special and looking for long term commitment and marriage, this transit will bring the good news .Its time for Taurus people to get into serious and stable personal bonding. Time till July 2015 looks extremely fruitful and conducive for any step towards union and for starting your new family .For the ones who are already settled ,this transit will bring some shifts in perception and your outlook towards your partner is all set to change now. Any pending matters will now become ready to be sorted out. You can take some firm decision about your personal life and steps taken now will impact your life in long turn. 

For some of you, depending on current state, this transit can also break away old bonds and create a space for new ones. This process cannot be isolated from feeling of pain and deep mourning within .Saturn emphasize on results more ,and not on the method or how one will feel things,so concentrate on outcome rather than becoming too critical of the process.Its time to be open and receptive for the change in your life in terms of personal relationships. Decide what you want , how you want ,time is now stable and auspicious, you will get results of long term relevance.

Direction of Life force and Ascendant ruler

The higher and more mature use of astrology is to see where does an individual stands in process of evolution. When one takes birth, one’ s primary motivation factor, important characteristics traits and evolutionary path are shown by position of planets. Where and how one would feel comfortable, what would be the areas which will give one a feeling of being in harmony with self and how basic impulse in person would express itself, these all questions can be answered through placement of Moon, the nature of ascendant and positioning of ascendant lord .How and where ascendant lord(first house ruler) is placed in chart decides ,rather show, where individual will find his or her motivation and basic life force .Let’s try to touch the essence of it in brief.

Saturn Transit 2014 - Impact on Sign Aries

Get ready for the action. For Aries Moon sign people, transit of Saturn is challenging one, but also full of immense possibilities and this transit will invoke many unconscious habits, events to become visible and without a doubt such transit bring deepest level of changes in life. These are the times when one’s deeply buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts. Your financial matters will require utmost attention and disciple in money matters should be cultivated now. The dissatisfaction in career related matters can force you to change your present job with some form of frustration surrounding your efforts,or the extra amount of hard work you have been spending at your workplace will manifest itself in the form of some elevation or recognition .Change of residence is much possible and in some of the cases Saturn’s influence might cause tensions in family matters ,causing some form of separation ,either mental or physical.

Saturn in fifth house

The nature of Saturn should always be comprehended in all forms before one can really grasp the essence of its placement in any house of the chart. Fifth house is extremely critical and shows how we perceive events, how outer circumstances affects us and how and where our brain & intelligence reacts and find stimulation .We all have seen in our childhood how someone looks deeply dissatisfied and lost even after getting 95% in exam and how some others seems to feel relief and are able to derive joy in merely passing. What makes it possible? Mystery lies in our fifth house(though role of fourth house cannot be separated and both fourth and fifth houses need to be judged in matters of feel and inner joy).