
Year ahead 2015 : Aquarius

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Aquarius people have a happening year ahead and there are many positive events waiting for you. To begin with, the first and perhaps the most fundamental change can come in your work life. This is definitely a year when your career will undergo change. Those looking for better jobs will get it and as you move into second half of this year, rise in your profile and increased authority is also visible. The changes awaiting in career can be slow to unfold, but restructuring looks almost certain. For the ones who are aspiring to get into some new ventures and start or expand business, then this is the year. Initiatives should be taken up now and post July time seems green. Your period of isolation will gradually fade away and you are going to make a comeback in mainstream life with your network all set to grow. Meeting new people at both personal and professional level is seen and it would accompany your increased fame. Apart from all these aspects perhaps the best thing that is waiting to happen gradually this year is feel about life itself. Heaviness inside you will leave and make a space for hope and events happening around you will give boost to your self-confidence and you will have something to look forward to at all the times .On relationship front, this could be decisive year with many of you getting into serious mode and long term commitments are clearly seen, this is an ideal year to get married and look ahead for starting a new phase in life. On the financial front, this whole year is good and later half particularly has some good news stored for you. Post August you can expect stability in your money matters and a sense of relief coming to you. Travel is another big highlight and you are surely going to get to new places. A gradual shift towards the hope is ready to unfold for you this year.

Year ahead 2015 : Capricorn

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is your year, a year for liberation, a year for zooming ahead. There are so many positive things and events waiting for you and basic essence of this year is indeed growth and expansion. Initial months are good for continues rise and growth in your work with increased fame and good will. Those looking for new job will find it, those looking for stability and promotion will get it. This is also best year to start something of your own. New startups, business partnerships and expansion of your current business all are seen .Time till first half of this year is very good for growing your people network and building contacts. You can see some big deals getting finalized with respect to your work .In terms of finances, this is a shining year, throughout twelve months money keep flowing and time is very auspicious for investments. New avenues for income will open up for you. If you have been planning to start something or get into some venture, time has arrived, jump in. Not just self-earned money, you are bound to get are many assets, property, inheritance and legacy of some kind this year. Sudden and big gains are on their way. Whatever grows in your life now will be in big proportions, time this year is reserved for big events. For relationships too this year is perfect .New bonds will develop and its going to be long term bonding now .Many of you would get married as time is more than perfect .You will meet influential and powerful persons which will help you rise. Support from everywhere flows to you and this year is amazing for you Capricorns. Fun, celebration and lot of travel too, everything which is counted as good and makes you happy will be available in bounty .This is going to be memorable one for you, smile you lucky ones.

Year ahead 2015 : Sagittarius

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This year begins with slow pace but down the line there are many positive and desired things coming up for you. This is the year when your finances can grow to desired levels and its good time, particularly till first half, to invest and look for the ways to grow your money .Many objects of your desire, gifts ,unexpected admiration ,money and other good stuff seems to be coming to you .First half will surprise you many times with sudden big gains .Many of you can see new vehicle, a big property deal ,your home getting finalized this year. Many long term travel and new places will be seen this year and you will see many expenses on big stuff, which will fill up your home and delight your heart. There are many celebrations lined up and many get together and family functions will keep you pleasantly occupied. Your self-esteem and ability to act on your inner voice increases by many fold and this year is especially good for planning long term goals. Second half will bring strong trend of education and many of you would take admissions in formal way. Flying to foreign lands for studying or for purpose of work is also seen. This is the year to meet many new people, experience new things, new culture and perhaps greatest expansion will come in your thought pattern. Your horizon expands and your life is going to be enriched this year. Its more of inner phenomena as you move down the year. This year is also good for planning a baby for settled ones. Time beyond July is good to have a look back and write down your long term goals as your vision, ability to calculate and analyze would get better and hence setting some blue print for future would be a very good thing to do this year. 

Year ahead 2015 : Scorpio

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
There are some growth opportunities and relief points available for you this year, which will impact some of the important areas of your life. In initial months of this year you will see and feel some ease in the way your tasks gets implemented .Your generic luck is at good place as of now and owing to blessing from heavens, some of the major blockages will go away. This year is good for taking up pending matters, and for giving a shot to things which look difficult .Time is particularly good for leaning and gaining education. This is one of the best years to get enrolled in formal education and many avenues will open up for you. In general, time till July this year is more than brilliant to learn from multiple sources. Exposure to new places cultures, people, events and situations will expand your consciousness to great levels. This year is also big on your travel plans. Many of you would go on long distance journey and movement to foreign lands is certainty for those looking for it. If your individual charts offer good time period then starting new ventures is also seen. Birth of new born is also foreseen very strongly and time is also exceptionally good for planning your family. Provided your effort level remains high, recognition, awards and rise in work is also possible for many of you. Better role with more authority is seen, particularly till July this year. Second half of this year can bring many assets to your life, like a property, a new vehicle, objects of your desire and better times in family can be expected. There seems to be some strong reasons this year to celebrate at home and some of the matters/events related to your close one will give you opportunity to feel the joy.A decent year for positive trends.

Year ahead 2015 : Libra

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of gradual expansion, there is definitely big hope and relief coming to you in many areas, the only thing is it will take some time before you can realize it. Though slow pace doesn’t mean hopes are low too. This is the year to regain your balance and come back to track .Positive and expansive touch will be seen in many areas of your life. The very first area which will see upliftment is your career. Many of you can see getting into new job, starting new ventures, rising at work, getting new roles with bigger responsibilities and higher authority, new place and type of work. Basically this is one of the strongest year for strong reshuffle in your work life .Next big change is your finances. Your struggles and feeling of being stuck will loosen up as you enter in second half of this year. Initial months of this year will give you opportunities, and once you hit them right, new and many avenues are going to open up for you to earn more, save more and spend more. Another very important change will come in your social life. Dullness and isolation which you have been undergoing is sure to fade away and there is going to be whirlpool of people entering in your life. This is the year for your social life to revive. You will build your network, hone your PR skills, will get a chance to come into focus and support from friends, relatives, from elder ones in your own family will now freely come to you. You will meet some of very influential persons which can become great asset to you. Your career matters, finances and social life all seem to be interrelated and all seem to grow this year. Love life is another sector which is all set to bloom. New bonds, blossoming of strong relationships and even marriage is strongly foreseen for you people this year. In terms of growth, this year stands for coming back to main stream life ,for getting back in shape,for warming up to the race. By the time this year ends, you will find yourself at entirely new place, far above and encouraging from where you began your journey. So its time to feel alive, life is coming back to you.

Year ahead 2015 : Virgo

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Virgo people, this is your year without doubt. You will enter celebrating and this year will bring expansion in so many areas of your existence .Positivity seems to be all around you and this year’s main highlight is to accelerate your growth in almost all sectors. The foremost change is ease in your thought process. You feel light, less burdened and feel expansion of calmness within in you. You will be able to think clearly and speak with conviction. Personal relationships seems to be in focus and this is the time for blossoming of new bonds in your life .Time till July this year is very auspicious for matters of heart and love. Basic essence of this year is to bring back the fragrance of love in your life. Many of you can surely expect to get married and begin your second phase of life. Next big positive change will be felt and seen in your work life .Rise in your work, promotion, increased efficiency, rapidly growing good will and healthy bonding with people around, all is yours. In terms of finances, this year is high and will initiate a chain reaction like phenomenon. New sources of income would open up, many of you can start new ventures and expansion in current business/work is clearly seen.Its the year to grow, expand your reach, build your network. Leave your hesitation behind and jump into unknown, you will get opportunities everywhere. First half is high on visible changes and all kind of material gains and growth . Second half will bring a desire to get more rooted and can initiate self-inquisitive process within you. Long distance travels are seen in later part of year .Post July you can also expect to get new house, new vehicle, big deals in lands and property and many celebrations at home. In terms of desired positive changes, this year is like an Aladdin’s lamp, make sure you make most of it and use this year to achieve your heart’s desire, be it whatever, your wish shall be granted.

Year ahead 2015 : Leo

Predictions are based on Moon Sign.

Expansion realms
Your journey this year will gradually pick up the pace, from silent to aggressive, from qualitative to quantitative. There are many areas which will be touched and will get expansive and positive blessing and the beauty for Leo people is that impact areas are huge, spanning from very personal to professional one.This is going to be quite strong year, but manifestation of your desires can take their own time. Initial half of this year is low in visible changes, but deep inside something hugely expansive will take birth in you. Time till July this year is primarily meant for expanding your thought process, though again this process can be very slow to be visible concretely. On physical level, many big investments are seen. You can get your house, deal in land and property is big time possibility. The first half of this year basically stands for getting many objects of your desire, be it in form of gifts, be it big investments or simply in form of big expenditure for buying things you love. Traveling is also in focus and while it could take some time for your plans to take shape, second half will see you on the move. Its actually the second half of this year which will bring many concrete and positive changes in your personality .Your thought process will expand owing to exposure to new people, places, events and new thought patterns. It would be the time when new schedule and way of living would spring for you. Many of you will get involved in education and gathering of knowledge is strongest expansive area for you this year .In fact second half will bring whole sort of things to you, travel, learning, expansion of your network, rise in your fame and general good will. In subtle sense as you move deep into this year, your self-esteem and sense of relief would increase. Many of you can see development of new relationships and even getting married is definitely possible. To summarize the expansive realms in short, this year brings the opportunity to reset your life in the way you always wanted and time, energy, resources and circumstances will be provided to you in abundance.

Year ahead 2015 : Cancer

Predictions are  based on moon sign.
Expansion realms
This is a defining year, a year of a kind which is rare. Cancer people are going to witness a truly colorful year full of events and life and perhaps the most important feature of this year is to create new benchmarks for you .In terms so expansion and positivity, this year is high, very high. Out of many areas, the foremost aspect which needs detailed mention is arrival of tremendous energy, focus and life force in you. There will be expansion in your thinking abilities, your horizon is going to widen up and how actually things manifest depends on many factors, primarily being what you really want and what your expectation are .New ventures, new opportunities will be available in bounty. This year stands for emergence of new thought patterns and rise in your multi-tasking abilities. First half of this year is immensely powerful and very auspicious for gaining knowledge and many of you can begin or continue your education. Many rewards and recognition can come and you its time to shine in your intellectual pursuits. Creativity which was lying dormant in you will show signs of awakening .Along with education, travel is also very much likely, though gist is that you need to do lot of movement and be on your toes to keep up with the pace of events happening around you. Second half will bring rewards for your hard work and planning. Post July you will see fructification of your efforts and its impact will also be seen in your assets and money matters. This is the year to find a new you and explore new avenues, expand your reach, let your talents come to play with full force. This is the year for renewal and getting back to main stream life with much to plan, draft and achieve.

Year Ahead 2015 : Gemini

Predictions are based on Moon Sign.

Expansion realms
This year is literally high in terms of areas where expansion is awaiting you. Gemini people are seeing positive trends since last year and these trend will intensify now. Impact areas are many and as year progresses, you can feel fulfillment of many cherished desires. The first and foremost area of change is your work and monetary benefits from it. This year brings you many new opportunities and change in work look very much possible. If you are in search of better work prospects, intensify your search and make a strong intent, the first half of this year can bring change and rise in your career. Second pleasant aspect is rapid buildup of your assets .This is one of the finest year which will be remembered for increasing your worth, both in terms of money and self-esteem .Major investments, buying and selling of property is strongly seen till June this year. You can also receive many gifts and objects of your desire leading to a sense of satisfaction. Second half of this year will continue to bring expansion, but in more qualitative sense. Your reach, contacts, fame and general good will are bound to increase and post July this year many of you can actually start something of your own. This year is good for bringing out your talents to surface and work on them in open so that they can start giving result now. Your health also looks encouraging this year and through your sheer hard work and will power, you can even reach great optimal levels in the way you think, act and respond. On a whole a wonderful year where money, greater life force,self-esteem and fame will enter your life.