
Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Pisces Sign

It’s time for a Sunrise, for birds to sing and your Sprit to fly. Jupiter is going to enter your fifth house from Moon, which is considered to be very auspicious transit. Pisceans have seen much troubled times in recent past as Saturn was taking rigorous tests on various fronts. Movement of Jupiter in Cancer this June will bring lot of ease and comfort in your lives. It’s like tremendous support and guidance of some elderly and experienced member of your family coming to your rescue. This will be the one of the most memorable year in your lives which will leave lasting impressions on you. The impact areas for you people are literally huge, both in terms of quantity and quality, Pious Jupiter is going to bless you immensely this time.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Aquarius Sign

One man with courage is a majority said the Thomas Jefferson. Jupiter transit for you people is going to bring same courage in you in its pursuit of making you a fighter. Jupiter for Aquarius people will enter their sixth house from Moon and it will be exalted there, meaning in very powerful position. The very mention of sixth house generates a feeling of doom among those who know even bit of astrology. Even many experts will narrate a sorry story when Jupiter enters sixth house, but before anyone jumps to conclusion it should be clearly remembered that this mighty planet will be getting exalted, hence it will be in mood to bless even in most complex situations, so the equation changes altogether and a more open mind is needed to comprehend and implement what Jupiter wants to say to you guys. The impact areas for Aquarius people are many and emphasis is on preservation. Let’s explore in details.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Capricorn Sign

You are back, and with a super-duper bang. This is the year to rise, and come back on the track. Jupiter is going to enter your seventh house from Moon, which is a highly auspicious transit. The previous transit for you had already given enough tests and your spirit is feeling dull. Jupiter entering in your seventh house is similar to moving from 50 degrees sun stroke to chilling AC room. You are going to feel and see that relief now. The effects for Capricorn people are many and all of them fall in their comfort zone. Let’s explore more on what is stored for you people.

First and foremost change that will be felt is tremendous change in the way you feel about life itself. This is the period where your Spirits will stand up once again and will crave for the sky. You find enthusiasm and courage back in your life. You are going to be motivated in leaps and bounds. You will clearly feel that positive energy inside yourself, bubbling to come out ,more so as it has been put under lid since last one year. The issues and tasks that are lying pending and unsolved due to either lack of will to face them, or just due to plain ignorance will come to the surface and you will be mood to finish them off with your master stroke. Stroke will be yours, the same you always had, but strength and mighty force will be transmuted by Jupiter himself. Apart from old things and people, this transit will bring an altogether new breeze in your life. You will witness new opportunities coming your way which will actually lift your overall mood. You will now be actively involved in whatever is happening around you .You will make new plans, expand your reach among people, looking forward to each sunrise as if something truly exciting is going to happen with you, which actually will.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Sagittarius Sign

When you sow a seed, nowhere in your subconscious you have a question about the possibility of a tree springing out of it. You put the seed deep inside the surface, water it and then leave it to nature to handle the rest. And after few days you see a sapling. Jupiter transit for you people is going to work in exact manner, first an invisible phase where things will be working in invisible mode, whose effect won’t come to physical world immediately. Then second phase of visible manifestation of what was going in the background. The impact areas are many which will leave a lasting impression your subconscious mind as well as in your surroundings.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Scorpio Sign

The scorching sun is shining on your head, draining all of your stamina but you still need to run many more miles.You feel tired, loosing much of your energy, but somehow continue to run. Suddenly you see a tree on the way, with fully grown mangoes loaded on it and a fresh running pool of water nearby. On the sight of it,you become delighted, excited and straightforwardly jump into the water stream to rejuvenate yourself and then enjoy sweet mangoes at length. There you are, totally energized once again to run many thousand miles. Jupiter transit for Scorpio people is going to offer exactly same scenario, a pool of infinite energy where you can get yourself recharged for you journey ahead.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Libra Sign

And thou will give thyself relief, if thou does every act of thy life as if it were the last - Marcus Aurelius

More transformation is on its way for Libra people and your inner desire for things to take concrete shape is now ready to manifest. The test from Saturn though continues but Jupiter coming into your house of Karma that too in exalted(very powerful ) state will bring quite drastic changes in your life. For Libra people impact areas are the most basic pillars i.e family and work. It is no surprise that why the most basic areas come under scanner, it’s the all part of grand plan where Librans are thoroughly tested by Saturn, and Jupiter is now ready to provide you with a layer of protection and gives you a support, though from the behind.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Virgo Sign

Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin.

And it’s time for your Diligence to pay you back. Of all the zodiac signs ,sign Virgo is going to witness best of what Jupiter has to offer in Cancer sign, and you people deserve it to the core. Jupiter is in mighty position for you people as it will enter your eleventh house, illuminating your entire life and giving you extremely bright rays of hope. Coming out from severe test of Saturn since last many years, this is the year to be reborn, to come back to track once again and that too pretty fast. Most of the impact areas for Virgo people would lie in visible domain ,i.e changes happening around  will take concrete shape without requiring you to undergo any drastic personality changes. It’s the year to reap benefits of all of your past Karmas, for all of that patience, for holding on to your nerves, its payback time from the Cosmos, and that too in a Grand way.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Leo Sign

When we see a nuclear reactor its appearance will seem to be relatively silent in comparison to what it actually achieves. The story of Jupiter’s transit in Cancer sign for you Leo people is going to be exactly similar; it’s the time for inner dynamics, for setting up a chain reaction which will produce tremendous amount of force in you in future. And all of this happens without a sound without a fuss.
Jupiter for you people will enter twelfth house from Moon, which needs to be understood very carefully. There is generic tendency to over condemn and completely reject almost all the benefic tendencies of Jupiter when it enters 12th house. Agreed that this is house of “loss”,but sticking to single term is like mistaking elephant’s tail for elephant himself. More so before any one begins to make any impressions about this transit, its important to be reminded that mighty Jupiter will be in glorious and most powerful situation and that too in a house which is intimately related to Unity Consciousness, domain which lies pretty close to its heart. Areas are numerous where this inner dynamics will be felt and manifest.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Cancer

First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans,then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination - Napoleon Hill

Yes the change has arrived, that too in style. Jupiter will grace your ascendant ,i.e your very first house from Moon which means time for a big change that can be safely termed as revolutionary. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where this change will be experienced .Cancer people have been witnessing challenging times owing to ongoing Saturn transit. Now Jupiter entering in Cancer will come as a strong counterbalancing force and will provide them support from the back, which will give you strong base, which was lacking till now.To bravely face the test coming from Saturn, and its not just the time to face the test, rather come out with stunning victory.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Gemini Sign

It’s an year for which you waited so long, earnestly.An year where much fulfillment will be achieved of your long cherished desires. Pious and benevolent Guru will enter your second house from Moon, indicating huge amount of blessings to be showered on you in coming year. Such transit is considered to be very lucky and is highly praised in almost all astrological classics. Areas where Jupiter will make its impact for Gemini people are many, ranging from self to money to workplace and much more. Let’s have a look in details what this mighty teacher, who will be in extremely pleased state now ,has got for you.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Taurus Sign

Its time to come out of your shell and experience the world in its utmost diversity.Jupiter transit for you people is going bring back, or build, a fresh network where you do not feel like a isolated being rather you feel part of the family. The mighty Guru will enter your third house and will illuminate important areas of your life, which primarily deals with how you exchange your money and yourself with others.

The previous trend of Jupiter was meant to give you results of all of your hard work, but more on individual level, now is the time to get into cycle of Universal exchange where your existence helps others to prosper and vice versa. The easiest and most easily available area where this exchange can be found is your family ,friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Aries Sign

“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves”
Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one has to undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. Here comes the Jupiter to give you strong roots so that first you settle down with yourself and later on go to win the latter battle.

Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’. There are many areas where positive and refreshing breeze of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s` have a look at all those area where you will witness brightness.