
Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Pisces sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Pisces sign people stands for time for major changes, shifts in life. Such changes are applicable in almost all areas which means time for job changes, change of place, change in thought process, priorities, schedule. Its time to handle many temporary feelings and phases. This is phase of transition where you work according to long term vision and not for your immediate gains. Time to work according to your values and vision.

Expansion areas

Best results will be felt in gain of assets. This is good time for buying lands, investing in lands, real estate, vehicles etc. Those who are eligible can also gain from inheritance.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Aquarius sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Aquarius sign people is time to stand up and justify their dreams. This transit does bring great energy, enthusiasm, life force but every bit of it has to be justified, given due respect. You are going to get a window where you plan your life, move towards goals and upgrade yourself continuously. With ongoing tests from Sadesaati, you get a sigh of relief and support from Guru of Gods, Jupiter. This transit assures growth at all levels but will be extremely demanding in nature.

Expansion areas

Better energy and enthusiasm will come. This transit will bring you back mentally. Excessive pressure situations, isolation will end.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Capricorn sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Capricorn sign people stands for great ease ,relief, more space and better productivity. You get much needed relief in challenging times of Sadesaati. Jupiter brings hope, opportunities ,better self-esteem and decision making .You become stable minded and firm in knowledge which will lead to growth all around. This is brilliant time for you to arrange your life again, as per your desire.

Expansion areas

Career rise, expected growth and promotions, rise all can be expected from this transit. Career is strong focus of this transit.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Sagittarius sign people ends isolation, self-focus and immediate needs and your consciousness expands now. It means time to consider bigger picture which can involve looking into past, thinking about future, looking at long term picture ,developing vision and connecting to people, things ,learnings needed to grow ahead .Essence for you is increase in life force and expansion beyond yourself .You think, feel and even act from others perspective in order to fulfill your goals and grow as a person too.

Expansion areas

Greater connections, much happening social life and more friends coming closer .This is good transit to feel connected with others.

Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Scorpio sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Scorpio sign people is going to bring back focus, priorities, dedication, but events leading up to all these can be testing. Jupiter transit indicates life changing events but needing you to take charge. Essence of this transit is rising pressure, need of high commitment and hard work in order to achieve your goals. Though growth at all levels is certainly assured as well .Jupiter will wait and watch initially and will bless you in later part of the transit.

Expansion areas

Rise in work, job changes, expansion of work can come.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Libra sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Libra people brings much needed relief and happiness. With ongoing tests from Saturn transit to some extent, you people get new venues for career growth ,earning more, upgrading yourself, connecting with others freely, all leading to great ease and happiness. Jupiter is here to bless you but will also need sincerity and development of commitment towards your goals. A new you is ready to be born, with learnings of past and promises of future.

Expansion areas

Opportunities to grow in work .It might mean change in job or promotion, essence is growth and not change necessarily.

Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Virgo sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Virgo sign people stands for time for changes, mostly challenging ones needing great determination and vision. Jupiter bring your focus to stagnant, complex matters of your life where your attention has to be given now. Anything unnecessary, beyond karmic level and limit will end now. This transit signifies cutting down of all what is unnecessary, bringing back your attention to priorities .Essence is taking responsibility of your actions and stepping up beyond your preferences in order to grow.

Expansion areas

Rise in work will come. There can be promotions, better work environment, rise, changes of job coming up. Though it will come via much efforts, some delay will be there and you can also face intense pressure before situation feels to be in your favor.

Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Leo sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Leo sign people brings back happiness, better energy, hope and enthusiasm. Essence of this transit for you is growth, happiness and merging into normal healthy streamline of life. Jupiter brings rise in work, success in major efforts, much more wealth, openness in thought process and fulfillment of many wishes. You are going to expand, both at material and at level of consciousness, happily.

Expansion areas

Rise in work, promotions, more gains and expansion in business are going to come. New ventures, partnerships, new business avenues will come.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Cancer sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Cancer sign people is of very mixed in nature. Essence for you is focus on neglected, pending matters in order to move ahead. So you need to look back ,look in so that you can find way ahead .Progress, wealth, fame ,learning all possibilities are open but its sure that everything will have a price and somewhere you will have to purify yourself, prepare yourself before you claim your success.

Expansion areas

Jon changes, business expansion can come, but is strictly conditional. There will be some conditions to be met and risks to be taken. Also, this will include intense preparation and commitment.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Gemini sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Gemini sign people bring back hope, relief and opening up of many new possibilities. The essence for you is getting much needed relief in testing times of Dhaiyaa, the test from Saturn. Jupiter comes in position to bless you and it will show up as increased life force ,energy, hope, fulfillment of some wishes and many growth events opening up .Its going to make you light, cheerful and happy.

Expansion areas

Better work environment, end of stagnancy and opening up of growth possibilities at work place. This is good transit for career growth to resume again. So you can surely expect new jobs, rise in work, given you are ready to work for it. Business expansion is sure thing for those genuinely trying.

Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Taurus sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Taurus sign people is going to bring some challenging, some desired and some surprising changes in life .These changes will be in context of work life, home environment, role that you play there and how everything happening around changes your psyche and perception. Its not easy transit in the beginning as it demands movement outside comfort zone, but is rewarding towards the end if you stay committed.

Expansion areas

You will see changes in work, rise, promotions and getting desired jobs, though after passing through phase of struggle or intense preparation.

Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Aries sign


Overview of transit

Its life infusing, immensely powerful and motivating transit for you .Jupiter will give you great energy ,hope, vision and will help you achieve many goals. This transit can literally be life changing for you, given you are fully prepared and be at your best. One of the finest times of your life will be brought by Jupitarian vibes. Key words for you are growth, improvements all round and success.

Expansion areas

Great career rise will come. This is best transit to expect rise in work, promotions, big jump and milestones in your career graph can surely be expected now. Job changes with better position, more wealth will come now. Business people can expect quick expansion of work and very rapid expansion in client network.