Mercury in fourth house can be a boon to a chart
provided its strong .When we say Mercury should be strong it means that
it should either be in its own sign or in signs of its friends Venus and
Saturn. So in Gemini and Virgo it gets strong
,and in-fact in Virgo it gains maximum strength .In Taurus ,Libra,
Capricorn and Aquarius too it will be pretty strong. Any conjunction of
Jupiter, Venus or any functional benefic of the chart with this Mercury
add to its strength .Mercury when strongly placed
in fourth house will give an inbuilt desire to learn and grow in life.
Such persons often have profound foundations for pursuing education in
its most prestigious forms ,and for them indeed education matters a lot
as they define person on the basis of their
formal degrees and ability to indulge in intellectual conversations
arising from facts and statistics gathered. Their childhood is often
peaceful and often they seem to be too naïve on their face, but inside
they are quite dynamic beings, especially in the
thought domains.
One of the most interesting facts regarding this
placement is that it makes one extremely able to judge situations and
people ,silently. Such people silently observes others ,the way they
behave ,speak ,Mercury in fourth is very quick and
receptive in formulizing everything into a conclusion of its own .These
people are born with inbuilt intuitive powers which is acknowledged in
later stages of life .At home their relationship with their mothers will
hold supreme importance to them and most
of their informal education is derived from it .When this Mercury has
power in chart then it propels individual towards the field which need
counseling kind of skills. Depending on other factors, this Mercury can
give many talents to one ,like if there is
relation with Sun and aspect of Mars is there then extreme skills in
mathematics becomes a certainty .If Jupiter gets associated with this
Mercury then proficiency in literature is assured and one may do very
well in economics ,also this can become a great
tool in learning ancient sciences like that of astrology and alike.
In deeper sense such placement means one is will be
propelled by desire to learn and establish his worth through display of
intellect and knowledge gained. Their inner restlessness is tremendous
and its almost unbearable for them too to
face their own constant inner dialog and tendency to scrutinize people
and events, but its something they are born with .They are fond of
changing places often which manifest itself in form of frequent travel.
Their later stages of life will be much more affluent
as in second half of their life they will see actual physical
manifestations of all wisdom gained by them, which becomes a source of
happiness and a matter of pride for them.
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Mercury in Other Houses:
1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House
7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House
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