The position of Sun in fourth house will mean a
significant aspect of chart that will have huge impact in the way life
is molded .Fourth house is one of the most fundamental sector in chart
as it means inner core of an individual ,the early
stages on life and education ,the place where one lives ,emotional make
up and attitude towards events at large. Also its
very important to first note that as per the chart either Sun is basically a good or difficult planet .We will use
benefic and difficult words in future for these two conditions of Sun ,or in fact any other planet in future.
When being benefic ,Sun occupies fourth house
,person is bound to gain immense status in society .During early stages
,education is given much importance at home and environment will be
utmost disciplinary .Such Sun gives a deep sense of
honor related to the home where one dwell or style of living that is
being pursued .If Sun is in great strength then the place where one
lives will actually be a masterpiece .The father of native might occupy a
prominent place in society, which impacts childhood
in most positive manner ,as a sense of pride prevails at home by the
virtue of dignified living .Sun in fourth structure inner beliefs of
native in a direction where acquiring high social status and success
comes natural and it will be appropriate to say ,these
beliefs will be deeply engraved in his psyche ,right from the childhood.
When we talk of beliefs and living environment it
will be right place to say that such Sun gives intense Self belief and
such native have their very own perspective of situations, which at
times might look quite imposing or out of the way
.Once we understand the underlying principle of the Planet Sun ,its
placement in each house will be much easier and intuitive to comprehend
.Sun always want to exert its supremacy ,wants to carve out a top place
in society and shine bright among the crowd
.The persons who have bright positive Sun in their charts can never
remain satisfied with
routine life ,as they are born with inbuilt desire to excel and
distinguish themselves .So when same positive rays act from fourth house
,it means an urge to leave a mark among the rest .Tremendous focus and
discipline are general trait of such placement.
One will not hesitate much in leaving away the home in search for more
dignified living and often we see life improving in later years of life.
Another impact of this placement is to make one conscious of Spiritual
growth ,and often we find one engaged in
uplifting overall personality and as life progresses ,one might find
focus shifting more towards inner world after attaining much success in
mundane world.
Please Click for Sun in Other Houses:
1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House |
7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House
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