Moon in 3rd House

Moon in third house is quite a good placement. The third sector of a horoscope signifies various forms of movement .On physical level it manifest as traveling and on mental level it means communication ,information exchange and interaction within the social circles. As this planet stands for deep emotional make up of an individual ,it vibrates quite well when placed in third house .These people have quite gentle and emotional mental attitude unless malefics join or aspects this Moon .Socializing ,going out ,talking a lot and making friends gives them great freedom and they feel deep satisfaction .Moon here open up itself to the outer world for exchange of thoughts and articulation comes easy to them.

 If Moon sits here in strength then a artistic personality takes birth .This is quite an ideal combination for excelling in singing as well learning traditional/modern forms of dance. Many of singers and classical dancers have their Moon placed in third house. These people also do extremely well in careers related to the areas where a blend of art as well as technique is required such as mass communication ,social media ,as journalist , as photographers and alike.

In some cases this placement gives deep interest in sports but as Moon has got gentle character, games involved will almost always be the softer ones like tennis, badminton and even indoor ones ,unless other features do not alter its behavior .The reputation of individual is generally quite bright and is known as a charmer among his family, friends and acquaintances. Immense support from family as well as from destiny remains available to them almost for their life span.
They tend to travel a lot and sitting at one place bores them to the core .These persons basically find impulse of life in continuous movement ,be it on the road or in the mind.

Please Click for Moon  in Other Houses:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House
7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House

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 Photo Credit : Images from Pixabay.

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