Sun in sixth house woks at many levels .This
placement of strong Sun ensures that one will try to develop more of his
latent talent as life will progress .Such Sun gives a deep commitment
to whatever work you do ,and after the initial phase
of confusion and egoistic tendencies ,when one really aspires to work
for up liftment of Self and others ,that is where this placement of Sun
would really help .This position of Sun will make extremely aware on how
his work is seen in society ,and whether it
is being recognized and praised or not .The quality of work ,whatever
sphere you seem to happen in ,will matter to you a lot .There is a
general tendency to identify a lot with the work you do .Such people
like to keep themselves very busy as it boost their
ego in great manner .In-fact several workaholics can be produced by
this placement.
The way these people receive feedback entirely
depends on how important their actions are for you .These people are
extremely critical of feedback indeed.
Sun in sixth house make one superbly hard working
and such people often have a list of activities in their hand as soon as
they start their day .They like to remain focused all the time .These
people love challenges to the core and their
leadership quality comes to the fore whenever opportunity show its
The most striking part of this placement is that
when Sun is under other supporting influence ,then such people can
really offer services of supreme importance in society. Many of doctors
,nurses ,physiotherapists, social workers will be
produced under such condition .The new age gurus we see who stress on
development of our latent faculties ,epically related to thought domain
will generally be having such placement of Sun .These people derive
great pride to see themselves and other growing
more better physically as well as in mental/Spiritual domain.
Esoteric aspects of this placement can be equally
stunning, in some of the cases such Sun can divert one’s mind to study
and master art of Meditation, Yoga, Pranayaam ,the science of breath and
alike. Sun in sixth house can prove to be
a powerhouse of energy which when tapped can result in tremendous
upliftment of overall persona in present life time.
Please Click for Sun in Other Houses:
1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House | 6th House |
7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House | 11th House | 12th House
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