
Year 2022 for Pisces


Expansion areas

This is a decently good year and represents time to make most of opportunities. Career changes are favoured though will accompany some conditions. Work expansion will come but slowly in second half of the year.

Financially time will get slowly better beyond May and excessive expenses will stabilize as well.

Year 2022 for Aquarius


Expansion areas

This is a much better year when it comes to gaining momentum in your work life. The stagnating of past years will end now and for those looking for new jobs, better jobs, better position, dream will come true. Good year to experience rise in career. Deserved promotions are also seen ahead. For business individuals this is strong year to gain new clients and also get higher returns.

Year 2022 for Capricorn


Expansion areas

A very hopeful year for you. Your work life is going to get much better .Job changes can be possible given you are truly committed and do needed hard work and take risks .Pattern is mainly of performing better where you are. Still till May job changes, movement are favoured. Business expansion is highly favoured and many of you can get into new partnerships and new business domains too. Career consolidation is key essence of this year.

Year 2022 for Sagittarius


Expansion areas

This is a decently good year and will bring career changes of desired form with efforts and patience. Job changes ,promotions ,career progression all are possible now .Business expansion is also possible with new partnerships, moving into new work areas as well.

Year 2022 for Scorpio


Expansion areas

This is extremely good year for you to experience overall growth and happiness. Career growth is certain now. You can experience desired job changes, rise, promotions are specially seen for those looking. You can move to better position, more authoritative roles and will gain dignity. Business expansion is also seen along with possible new partnerships and movement into new areas of work.

Year 2022 for Libra


Expansion areas

This is very welcome year for you and will bring steady career rise. All of your hard work, patience, struggles of past will pay off now which will lead to better job .Job changes, rise, promotions all will be possible now. Your career is all set to move to level next. Many of you will get their dream jobs as well. Its time to shine in your work life.

Year 2022 for Virgo


Expansion areas

You are going to witness very blessed times for your work life. There will be rise in career, expansion, major jumps and leaps of growth. This is one of the strongest years to expect desired (and even more than desired) growth in your careers. Whatever your aim be, be it job change, getting dream position, promotion, moving from job to business, business expansion, moving into new business fields ,new partnerships, this is rewarding year and you will get major rewards for your patience and hard work of past.

Year 2022 for Leo


Expansion areas

This is strong year for your careers.  Whatever you are looking at, preparing for, will become reality. Growth in career, desired change, rise, promotions all are possible. For those looking to switch from service to own work will also find support, given they have done all the needed home work. This good phase exists specially till initial 5 months specially.

Year 2022 for Cancer


Expansion areas

Career change though is not the essence, but is still favoured, specially towards the second half of the year beyond May. The stronger pattern is of rising, doing better and getting promotions etc where you are.

This is good year for higher learning. Many of you can go for higher education, to foreign universities. Those working and looking for break to gain skills, this is perfect year to take break and upgrade yourself.

Year 2022 for Gemini


Expansion areas

This year is a breather, a huge relief and energy, life infuser for you. There will be sure rise in your work. You will move to better, more honorable positions along with rise in roles, responsibilities and status as well. This is one of the strong year which will give you results of all of your hard work and patience of past. Promotions for those looking, major career breakthroughs, dream jobs and even switch to business/independent work will become a reality in this year. This can prove to be a game changer year for your careers.

Year 2022 for Taurus


Expansion areas

You will experience bold, major and decisive career rise. This year stands for grace in your work affairs and will bring promotions, rise in position, dream jobs and expansion in work life .For hose looking for major jump from service to business/own work will find great support and easy transition. You are blessed in this year in your careers.

Financially this is one of the finest years in recent many years. In fact this year can prove to be a game changer when it comes to your work life and wealth both. This year can bring major shifts in how you earn, from where you earn, can open more than once sources for earning, you can move into new domains of work, substantial rise in earnings, profits will come. Note that such positive trends in this year will start mainly post May.

Year 2022 for Aries


Expansion areas

There are strong patterns for rise in work, change of job as per your expectations which will also accompany more wealth. Financially there are mixed patterns, with rise, expansion majorly in first half of the year.

This is strong year for taking your love life ahead. For those looking for marriage, this year has element of certainty. For those looking to conceive, plan family ahead, this is again a very blessed time.