
Solar Eclipse 2019 : Taking the leap

This whole Universe( and much beyond)  is whole one Organic Being and changes appearing at any level is bound to impact other parts, that’s what the basic underlying principle of Vedic astrology is .Eclipses are the time of sudden shifts .Taking an example, think about overeating to the point of extreme discomfort or taking a fast, abstaining beyond limit which leads to exhaustion. Compared to normal day eating habits, these can be said to sudden shifts. Any sudden shifts give us an insight (the diamond ring?), a deep realization, as if truth has suddenly flashed before us, like a thunderstorm. Those who can keep their focus, their desire, their intent on finding this spark, the realization, will find eclipses to be time for sudden leaps in consciousness.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Pisces sign

Quote from Thomas Jefferson will perfectly describe the real essence of Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Pisces sign people: Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you. With the movement of Jupiter into Sagittarius, pious and great benefic Guru enters your house of Karma, initiating a new phase where responsibilities emerge, and things come to visible form, but asking your immense patience and testing your values intensely before blessing you. Impact of this transit is huge for you and changes appearing now will reform your life in longer run. Its time when lessons learnt, freedom obtained from previous years will have to be put to work and responsibilities must be taken up. No doubt Jupiter in own sign of Sagittarius is now ready to give you rise, wealth and confidence, but with simultaneous testing your skills, your patience and asking you to work harder .Let us now move to discussion of how this Jupiter transit is going to impact you in longer run, creating your reality by putting your vision and values to test.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Aquarius sign

Jupiter moving to Sagittarius for Aquarius sign is extremely pleasant event. This is the change you have been asking, dreaming and praying for. Jupiter moves to your eleventh house from Moon sign which is known for all goodies, for growth, for increase in wealth and for moving ahead. It’s going to be extremely pleasing to read in-depth about the impact areas brought by pious and benevolent Guru. Its like one-year window given to you by cosmos for dreaming, achieving and making strong progress towards your goals and aspirations. Greater life force, enthusiasm, energy and opportunities for growth are essence of this transit. Let us see the impact areas and how this transit is going to raise your life to level next.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Capricorn sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Capricorn sign people is more of personal, extremely qualitative phase. It’s the time when your life will seemingly go in back gear, things can seem overwhelming and even getting out of hands, though understanding the essence, long term lessons of this transit will make you feel settled and grounded. Extremely important to mention here is fact that Jupiter now will be in its own sign which also means in invisible and to some extent visible mode too, it will generate blessings and protection as well. Impact areas are many. It needs open heart and mind to comprehend the impact and lessons of this transit. So let’s explore.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Sagittarius sign

Jupiter transit to your own Sagittarius sign means time for a big change, great support. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise amid the deep darkness which helps you see things with clarity and march ahead with more confidence. Generally, Jupiter’s entry into Moon sign is not considered to be good, but this interpretation is grossly wrong as its generally a period of many new beginnings, many transformations and such events need extreme hard work, moving out of comfort zone and leaving old and known patterns behind. Phenomenon of birth of something new can be painful, but pain in the process doesn’t define the essence of this transit, its long-term gains beyond this pain which holds the real beauty. Jupiter movement to Sagittarius, your sign, is going to bring immense protection from your ongoing Sadesaati. Let’s see the details now.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Scorpio sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Scorpio sign people is beginning of new era. Its no looking back now. Jupiter brings end of your long wait and struggle, and your life starts to fall in place, in all aspects. It’s completely benefic transit for you. It’s time to reap the benefits of all of your patience, intentions, hard work and learnings. Mighty and pious Guru of Gods is now ready to bless you in bounty and its manifestation will be seen in many areas of your existence which is all pleasant to hear, explore and go through in reality. Jupiter transit will lay seeds for many new beginnings and hope, enthusiasm and cheerfulness are few of them. So let’s start your journey towards affluence.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Libra sign

Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. These words from H.L Hunt are good to start with. Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Libra sign people is going to initiate such times where you exchange your time, energies, ideas and on broader terms, your whole being, and this is how your life is going to grow in many aspects. If we need to label this transit for you in one word, then it would be inner and outer dynamics .Its time you have to move outside your comfort zone, open up to new possibilities, give yourself more to your work which means greater engagement. You now grow by considering all possibilities, making adjustments, lowering down some of your parameters and also by getting connected to others. Jupiter makes you learn importance of give and take, connectivity is the key word. The essence of this transit for you is Dynamism, in and around. Let’s take a deeper look at the areas impacted.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Virgo sign

The essence for Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Virgo sign people can be stated through well-known saying, When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one must undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. This is your time to first fight your inner battles which will then reflect in your surroundings, in your behavior and material aspects as well. Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your mind programming, surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’, your comfort zone. There are many areas where impact of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s have a look at all those areas where you will witness brightness along with areas where greater responsibility must be taken up.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Leo sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Leo sign people is extremely important, encouraging and life force infusing phenomena. Jupiter enters the fifth house from your Moon which is known to uplift whole life and inner mind to new levels.  Leo people have been undergoing through a stagnating period which is going to end now as mighty Jupiter enlightens your whole personality as it moves into house of inner psyche and vision and it’s like green signal from Universe to go ahead and pursue what your heart desire. Its more of qualitative transit for you which will bring back energy, enthusiasm and grace and you will see greater luck and end of obstacles from your path. Manifestation of this movement for you people are many, and pleasantly, all lie on positive side. Let’s discover what Guru of Devas has got for you.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Cancer sign

For Cancer sign people, Jupiter transit to Sagittarius is phase of self-discovery, gaining clarity by realizing limitations and by deeper indulgences to test your limits.  Deep churning and deep digging into your Karmic store house will be performed by Pious Guru. Jupiter enters your sixth house from the Moon, signifying a transition phase where things get renewed after strong reshuffling pattern. It’s like dentist digging deep into your decayed tooth and while it will pain a little, deep down you know it’s all happening for the best. As Jupiter is now in its own sign, remain assured you will move to stability and your findings will be concrete and meaningful. This transit in its core essence means finding, discovering your boundaries, your weakness and hence true potential by seeing, feeling, getting into opposites, struggles and by facing some Karmic events. Let’s have a look what this Jupiter transit will bring for you and what are its impact areas.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Gemini sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Gemini sign brings back the spirit, energy and enthusiasm. Hope, desire, focus and eagerness to work are back. This is the movement clearing the way for life force to surge and symbolizes great revival of your spirits which will enable you to come back fully in mainstream life and pursue your goals with clarity, new strategies and involvement. You people have seen tremendous restructuring/suppression in last year and what you need at the moment is stabilization in those areas. This is exactly what this transit will brings to you. Jupiter transit for you means entry of pious Guru into seventh house from your Moon sign which is auspicious from all the angles and symbolizes coming back of life force ,renewed energy ,focus ,ambitions along with needed methods, skills to actually achieve your goals which you were merely dreaming/planning about for long. Let’s get into details.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Taurus sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Taurus people is going to move to eighth house from Moon, activating the enigma. Changes now go into invisible mode and most of the impact areas will be felt rather than seen, at least in the beginning. Though generally this transit is considered to be ‘bad’ but it has so many faces and as Jupiter is coming in its own sign, this transit has so many shades and strong flavors of blessings as well .Impact areas are many, and quality of changes happening would be sharp and defining, the only relative thing here is time, time to actually realize and see these changes appearing in concrete world .Another aspect which is crucial before you realize and then utilize blessing of Jupiter is your willingness to act, stand up for what you are asking and actually performing on the ground without any rigid attachments. Let us now move to discussion of impact of this Jupiter transit in various aspects of your life.

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Aries sign

Movement of Jupiter into Sagittarius brings one of the finest times of your life. This transit is like a huge blessing, like a grace being dawned upon you. Jupiter moves to your ninth house giving you new level of hope. The grace of Jupiter has capacity to bring huge changes, great progress, new beginnings and acceleration like never before. It won’t be wrong to say that this phase has ability to alter your life altogether. It brings command back and it primarily signifies a push, greater inner drive, strong luck element and far greater support from your surroundings which you will start to receive now. Impact areas are many and are pleasant to discover. Jupiter is here to hold you, inspire you, give you great new beginnings and will open up possibilities beyond your imagination. Pious Guru is here to infuse great life force inside you.

Karmic Lessons Learnt - Journey of Saturn and Ketu - 2

In the first part we explored the events and broader patterns activated by Saturn-Ketu association. In this part we will dive in deeper and see specificity of these events how these patterns will sink in. This sinking in will take place in second phase of Saturn-Ketu association which remains effective from October 2019 to January end 2020.This is the phase of ripening of these changes and coming to terms with lessons learnt.

Aries people needs to reform their belief system ,how they perceive working with others, some of their professional karma will get complicated before it gets settled .Change in attitude about others, about elders in family, lessons learnt from events occurring in life of father or someone senior at work/family .Forced relocation ,work related changes ,need to upgrade skills and working on lower ego are bigger lessons. Religious beliefs, lifelong perceptions about Divine and destiny will be shaken as well, some will find drifting away while others will get back home, depending on individual destiny as well. It’s about changes in your approach due to shattering of earlier beliefs and with end of many associations out of whom you derived a sense of security. It’s time to become self-reliant again. Saturn-Ketu will teach you not to rely on some idea, people, situations or resources blindly as these are subjected to change. Your sense of identity owing to your status will also undergo change.

Karmic Lessons Learnt - Journey of Saturn and Ketu - 1

Who has really experienced the swings of time with awareness will surely know how Saturn works and what it stands for. Saturn is known to bring karmic lessons to attention, it has duty to bring justice via balancing of karma which is done through events generated in its period or in its crucial phases of transit. Ketu, among all the planets, has special role. Its planet of detachment and signifies Spiritual shift, learning and realizations. Any combination of these two planets is bound to have deeper implications which will shine apart, which will need repeated, focused efforts to be acknowledged and then worked upon.

In year 2019, Saturn and Ketu are transiting in same sign of Sagittarius since April and will remain together in whole year. Since April these two planets together have activated an intense process. These planets together symbolize need to learn lessons in some aspects of our lives which will necessarily involve letting go, detachment from certain people, certain emotions, way of living. This process will involve repeated realizations that you need to change some aspects within which will have direct impact on outer world. As planets involved are intense, this process of change will invariably involve pain, frustration and fear of unknown(because known patterns will end) .Though introspection, bringing change is a continuous process in our lives, coming together of these two forces means some major, unresolved, deeply buried or karmic issues which will need special attention.

Free will - A short note


It seems sometimes like I’m a robot, performing a role and I don’t control the script at all.What is your view of free will? 


About free will, there is so much debate, unending one on it. In my experience I would say we do have free will but in matters which are relatively free and less dominant.
Like areas of birth, death, parents, city you live in, career, people you meet, money you earn etc. these broader aspects are destined and cannot be changed even a bit. This is the area of predestination which I would say will cover 80% of will .

The left 20 % can be said to be free will. It can be practiced in how we react and whether we form a new karma cycle or we let it exhaust and let our karma burn completely. Here comes the role of free will. Like for example in marriage/relationship, which is destined, partner is destined, fate of marriage is also destined. Now suppose if partner is abusive and marriage is going to break. Now if other partner has decent consciousness (so that free will can be practiced) then there will be two choices, either blame partner, hold grudges, create legal mess, and after separation hold on to that person and experiences. This approach would further bind you to same person and it is likely that same person now will have to bear your aggression, hatred and punishment in next life
Second act of free will could have been understanding that this relation was bound to end and hence tolerating with grace, letting go of person, situation and forgiving that person and yourself as well. Just taking the lesson ahead. This approach will majorly burn all karma with this person, and you will create freedom for your next life when it comes to choosing life partner. (This doesn’t mean that necessary and right action should not be taken, rather formation of new karmic cycle refers to unnecessary and prolonged attachments, keeping strong grudges and not forgiving that person (or self), something that comes from area of free will) .
May be free will exist in small and irrelevant activities of day to day which are minor. In my humble opinion amount of free will is very small and most importantly even to use this free will a person has to get awakened to some extent else this amount will also be lost owing to automatic responses to people and situations.

So more awake a person is, more he or she can feel and apply free will and mainly it will come in areas of how we react to people and events, which very gradually but ultimately, design the bigger patterns of our immediate and future karmic webs.

Heart of the matter: This is not an article in strict sense of terms but just a response to a query. This is vast and extremely complex area and this piece is just is an opinion, of course coming from long experiences and observations and tries to touch the essence only on this subject.

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Year 2019 : Impact on Pisces sign

Year 2019 for Pisces people is a mixed bag. While the transiting Saturn poses stiff challenges, Jupiter’s grace will sail you through. To catch the essence, this is the year for slow but steady growth .It’s the year where you will realize many mistakes, have to take up big task of self-improvement and also do some clean up act in your personal relationships ,but at the same time you will also be granted your wish, your work will expand, new associations will be formed, and learning avenues are high. Let’s directly move to discussion of details about how year 2019 is going to impact Pisces sign people.

Year 2019 : Impact on Aquarius sign

This the year of opportunities and responsibilities walking hand in hand for Aquarius people. Year 2019 symbolizes a surge in opportunities to earn, grow, self-improve coupled with heavy expectations that will be aligned with them, part of them. Expansion indeed is the pattern though things will be slow, even frustrating many times, but in the end you will move ahead. It’s the kind of year where expectations will be high from you and you have to show up, escaping the scenario or delaying your action part won’t be possible anymore. Let’s move to details about how things are for you people in this year.

Year 2019 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Capricorn people get a hopeful year amid ongoing challenging times. Year 2019 for you people is of mixed nature, though do have some strong protective shield in it from intense tests generated by Saturn. This year stands for gentle expansion, some good financial success and better experiences in family life as well, though as your Sadesaati is on, so everything will take lot of time and there would be some conditions attached to your growth, though they might not be visible immediately. Essence of this year for you seems slow growth needing sense of responsibilities for rewards you get. While Saturn shows contraction in your energies leading to delays and stagnation, its Jupiter which will protect you majorly in this year creating strong protection, generating avenues for progress. Let’s move to details about how this year is going to change you.

Year 2019 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

You people are undergoing though one of the most transforming times of your life and this year brings peak of it. Year 2019 for Sagittarius people has many ups-down, new patterns in work, travels and most importantly, realizations. Directly touching the essence of this year for you, this is the year of learning many lessons and realizing many truths, most of them would be uncomfortable but have to be accepted and worked upon. There is ongoing Sadesaati, the Saturn’s testing transit in peak coupled with weak Jupiter transit. Though there are many positives and blessing in disguise waiting too for you. Let’s move to discussion of what are the challenges and where lies the silver line for Sagittarius people.

Year 2019 : Impact on Scorpio sign

Year 2019 for Scorpio people seems a better one, bringing new hopes, greater energy and focus. Expectations from you seems high and this year literally will challenge you, will ask you to raise your standards and go beyond your limited beliefs and comfort zone in order to achieve your goals .Success, be it work life ,financial goals, your love life, can be yours ,but you have to move, make efforts and ready to be next version of yourself. Touching the essence of this year for you, its accepting challenges of life and resolving to evolve, leaving behind your old concepts, way of life and impressions. Let us directly move to how this year is going to make you grow and where lies these challenges and how to access the potential of this year for your favor.

Year 2019 : Impact on Libra sign

Libra people continue to move high and this is very powerful year for you people. Year 2019 for Libra people has everything in it. Be it your career rise, changes you were looking for, more money and better emotional state, you will get it. This is kind of the year which imparts great momentum and it will bring your life on back on track, will accelerate your progress and will move to closer to your long-term aspirations. Coming to the essence of this year, its expansion and greater self-belief. You are going to witness many positive events, which apart from fulfilling your aspirations will bring back your confidence and also will invoke better sense of belonging. Let’s move to discussion of different aspects in details.

Year 2019 : Impact on Virgo sign

There are certain times when people and situations in your life force your attention towards more important aspects where energy focus needs to get more intense. Year 2019 is such for you. Virgo people in year 2019 will undergo through many events which will pull back attention towards area of family, your responsibilities and this is the time when you have to accept some ground realities and start to build or rebuild your life and career goals as well after realization of practical realities. Another highlighting lesson of this year around which most of events will revolve is learning to raise quality of your work and being more realistic in your approach. Though the best part is support, guidance and visible-invisible mode of help that remains with you throughout this year helping you cope up with such events well. Let us move to discussion of such events and intricacies involved.

Year 2019 : Impact on Leo sign

Year 2019 for Leo people stands for transformation, though the process seems to be strong. This year you people will see many ups-down and changes in your life. Changes are seen majorly in your work life and some major ones will also come in family front as well. Directly touching the essence, this year symbolizes a sense of deep churning, a turning page in your evolution which can seem difficult in beginning but is important to take you ahead. You are seen to make many prominent decisions, or rather many bold decisions which will need great courage and can also involve some compulsions and obligations. Let us move to discuss what year 2019 has in store for you touching major aspects in details.

Year 2019 : Impact on Cancer sign

Cancer people have a busy yet very productive year ahead. Year 2019 for Cancer people seems to have god potential in making their dreams come true, give them immense confidence and avenues for learning and earning both. This is kind of year which has high momentum and energy content in it and will help your growth rate accelerate. Best part of this year for you is its ability to raise your confidence levels, make you more optimistic and lively in attitude which would reflect in your attitude and then in results of your actions .Most of the aspects in this year are pleasant for you, with a phase of struggle and slowdown, but making you immensely strong in the end. Let’s directly move to the detailed discussion of patterns of this year for you people.

Year 2019 : Impact on Gemini sign

Gemini people have a very busy year ahead. Year 2019 for Gemini people does have good potential to make dreams true, bring career rise and for good wealth as well though there are several tests on the way and lessons to be learnt before you finally receive these blessings. The main essence of this year for you is learning to grow more responsible in your work life and develop greater organization. Optimizing your potential through being more disciplined and organized in work life and accepting some ground realities about people and situations, especially in your personal relationships, is the essence of this year. Let’s discuss it in more details as to how this year is going to make you learn these lessons and what pleasant promises lie ahead for you.

Year 2019 : Impact on Taurus sign

This year has great potential along with intense pressure in it for you Taurus people .This is kind of the year where your aspirations will get fulfilled though you have to fulfil many conditions and take on far greater responsibilities in order to move towards your goals.Though many pleasant surprises, gains and happy news will come swiftly as well without any attached conditions. Taurus people have seen tremendously testing times in past and this year does bring relief and, in a way, will act as platform to build your dreams upon. There are many ups-down waiting for you but promise and potential of this year is far greater motivating then challenges trying to test you. Let us now move to discussion of details of this year for you.