
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Aries sign

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe said Gail Devers. It’s time to get your self-belief back. Saturn is now ready to bless you as its test has ended. Saturn transit to Sagittarius brings relief to you with its movement out of your difficult sector. Previous stay of Saturn gave you opportunity to learn in many areas and as per the true nature of Saturn, many of your lessons might have come in difficult way. Now Saturn comes to your ninth house from Moon activating new phase in your life. Results, as usual are wide but the essence of this transit, is sense of relief and clearing up the way ahead. Saturn leaves you, Saturn frees you. Impact areas are many and this movement of mighty planet is more on positive side and will allow relatively free flow of growth. Let’s have a look what this transit has stored for you Aries people.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Taurus sign

Saturn transit into Sagittarius for Taurus Moon sign people is challenging one, but also full of immense possibilities and this transit will invoke many unconscious traits, events, samskaars, to become visible and without a doubt such transit bring deepest level of changes in life. These are the times when one’s deeply buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts. This phase of Dhaiyaa for you, though creates fear instantly, but understating the core essence is extremely important. Saturn doesn’t not destroy or create endless difficulties here, it just reminds you by taking small tests. It really depends on how well you are implementing the lessons imparted by Saturn in the past. So this phase of Dhaiyaa cannot be same on everyone, it really depends at which level your consciousness is operating and how flexible and receptive you are to acknowledge and implement the forgotten lessons.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn transit to Sagittarius means its movement into seventh house from your sign. This transit symbolizes time to introspect and bring fundamental changes in many spheres of your life. Some changes are swift to occur while others can be forced, rather, your attention would be forced towards some neglected aspects. This transit is known to suppress life force and bring restrictions which make it look deadly, though real essence of this transit is that it actually makes one become practical and this is the time to accept realities, work on the ground level and restructure your life with respect to what you have and what you want in future. To gain more clarity, let us move ahead to discussion of its impact on different areas of your life.

It doesn’t imply bad times for your career, but yes this transit is here to make you more real and become more accommodating with your work life. Changes are possible as well, particularly in later part of transit, after October 2018.Though the main essence is slow down. Saturn wants you to attain perfection with repeated efforts. Your weakness will come to surface, relationship at work, your working method all can come to focus and you can be asked to upgrade yourself. Dasa or transit of Saturn works best when you cooperate freely rather than developing escapists tendencies via some magical remedies. Here Saturn would work in most optimal manner when you really evaluate your approach, current limitations, you identify how and where you can improve and implement what is ought to be done. Time from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 is still encouraging and can bring positives changes in work life, expansion of business, more contacts and much more work but this all can have some condition and/or its own price. This transit means growth won’t be possible now without moving to level next, without working on yourself. April-Aug 2018 and 2019 will need cautious approach and this phase can bring real complex scenarios in work, health of close ones, relationship and in your health as well. Later part of transit post Nov 2018, i.e in 2019 can become stiff and you will be required to put immense efforts for sustaining work life.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Cancer sign

Saturn moving to Sagittarius sign is sign of celebration for Cancer Moon sign people. This transit is most praised in classical texts, as form your Moon sign Saturn will enter into the sixth house, the house where Saturn is ought to work in most effective and in positive manner. For you, many changes are clearly seen and more than anything else, this transit will bring acceleration in whatever you are doing, Saturn would provide you all tools so that you can make the most out of your work, finance and relationships. It’s time to optimize your life and realize how well you can live. The areas impacted are many, let’s have a look how mighty Saturn will bless you. First and foremost, change will be seen in context of your work.

A change at work place is awaiting you, time will show you the contrast and this is the time when one finds fault existing within himself in his way of working, if the inspiration hits you right, it could prove to be a very bright beginning in your career or business. Often individual starts new venture, change job for better and engages oneself more proactively in whatever he is doing. In gross terms, time from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 can bring pressure situations, new twist at work, excessive workload and high demands from you but this phase would also have seeds for bigger transformation. Time from Nov 2018 onwards till end of 2019 is what is best for restructuring of your work life. This is not just a phase for change of job or expansion of your business, rather Saturn in transit for you symbolizes something defining. This transit can bring change of work field itself. Those looking for jumping to own work, starting something of their own, set a startup or move to different areas, this transit will provide excellent platform and needed skills/courage to actually make it. Though for many of you such change can come via jolting experience like sudden job loss or your health or family situation becoming a barrier to continue to work. In such scenarios just remember the essence, it’s all happening for something bigger, so remain grounded and thoroughly hopeful. Time to watch out is April-Aug in 2018 and 2019 where you can experience maximum turbulence, but leading to enhanced clarity and way to brighter future. Trusting the process is what you really need.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Leo sign

Saturn transit brings fresh vibes to you Leo people. It’s time to take a deep breath and let the old go, it’s time to move ahead again. The transit of Saturn into Sagittarius for Leo Moon sign people is going to bring huge relief and its beginning of a new era. Impact as usual will be felt and seen on many areas, but perhaps the greatest change will be a sense of calm and relief, you will feel light and hopeful. It’s a transit to cheer about, Saturn will bring you much joy, but certainly not without some responsibilities. Let’s learn how this transit will mold your life and what’s stored for you.

It’s time to say good bye to heaviness inside you, mighty Saturn now removes many blockages from your life. Many pending tasks, projects and complex unsolved matters will now look up for resolution. So, the foremost impact is green signal, to wake up from your sloth and stagnancy and move ahead. Your work life is going to be impacted positively by this transit. Time from Nov 2017 is very encouraging to look for new jobs, better work environment and expansion in your business. The stagnation that was prevailing till now ends. Things move, you see changes, better opportunities that matches your talent. Such opportunities can even come via some jolt, sudden loss of job which you weren’t expecting, but all happens to make you move to a better place, so do not panic if you see unpleasant events in the beginning, remain assured they will take you to better state. Specifically, time between Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 remains very pleasant for favorable changes in work and some relocations, travels are also seen. Though greater responsibilities, more mature roles have to be assumed, which you should welcome whole heartedly as they would take you to level next. Time for caution is between April to Aug in 2018 and 2019 when you can see strong disturbance in work life, in health, in your relationship with family, children. These are the months which can have element of suddenness and can make you unsettled. In particular time April-Aug 2019 is much more testing and can cause severe strain at work, these times would need your patient approach.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Virgo sign

Saturn for Virgo people enters the fourth house from Moon, activating the phase for challenges, intense churning of past karmas and most importantly this phase is here to test you whether the lessons learnt in past (during the phase of Sadesaati) are still intact or not. This transit starts your Dhaiyaa, which is much feared though essence should not be forgotten. Phase of Dhaiyaa is not troubling always, it depends how well you remember the past lessons and how intensely you are applying them. Despite the heaviness connected to it, there is much to learn from this transit. Let’s explore the manifestation of this transit, from gross outer world to the deep within the psyche for you Virgo people.

The biggest impact is seen in your work life which is sure to undergo transformation, though the process might be intriguing for many of you. Much more effort and consciousness will be required in whatever you are doing, but this is not some insane burden being imposed on you without any specific reason(In fact nothing is without a reason when it comes to Mighty Saturn).Saturn needs you to pay attention to what you are doing and its motive can be many, like to make you excel in whatever you are doing through optimizing your actions by bringing your weakness to the surface(hence the ‘pain’ associated with this transit).Next, Saturn can also show bring sudden break in your work or even in work line for something bigger and better, which you won’t be able to see or sense right now. In gross terms, change of job under pressure, even loss and sudden twist are possible and in terms of timelines, April to Aug 2018 and same months in 2019 are very weak which can bring unrest in work life. There could be change of place, relocation associated with your career aspects. 2018 still has balance and intensity of such changes, new developments in work life would increase many folds post Nov 2018 onwards. This is not the time to expand your business, rather your focus should be on improving your current mode of working. Its time you gain perfection in whatever you are doing currently.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Libra sign

I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom - how great is that?  said Soledad O'Brien. Now it’s your turn to know how great is that. Saturn transit into Sagittarius brings end to long phase of Sadesaati for Librans and this statement in itself is enough to reveal all. Saturn leaves you completely and your good times will set in now. This transit of Saturn lasting roughly around 3 years will bring your life on track in all most all areas. Though impact areas are many, but essence of this transit can actually be summarized in very simple way, it’s like a bird being freed from the cage, it’s like breaking away of various sorts of chains and bondages. Transit of Saturn for Libra individuals simply means freedom and joy. Saturn has freed you from its clutches and you are free to fly and explore new worlds. Let us move to discussion of all possibilities that lies ahead of you.

Your work life will undergo many positive changes, but first things first, all the positives that are promised by Saturn will be on hold (or too slow) to manifest till November 2017.Once you move post this timeline, you will start to feel impact of this transit in free manner. Career is sure to go up, new job opportunities are sure to come, specially in 2018 which is year for new opportunities to come. To be very specific in terms of timelines ,fresh breeze is seen to come between Nov 2017 to Oct 2018.This one year time for you will set pattern where you will get new job, will be given more responsibilities ,your talents would be recognized(but not given financial due immediately).New business ideas will come ,more people will come in your life bringing new avenues to earn .Though it’s important to understand that time in 2018 in particular is not for realizing immediate gains and rise, rather it’s for working hard, getting engaged, setting up platform and laying foundation. Moving ahead, it would be 2019 which actually bring real fruits of your past efforts. Your takeaway should be, have patience and hold your nerves in 2017 and vigilantly keep looking for new opportunities and/or new way of working in current state, specially in 2018. Time ahead will itself bring much life force in you and this transit of Saturn will bring back your work life on track and by the time this transit ends, you will be rooted deeply, beaming with energy and renewed life force and all settled in your work life with much security and prosperity.

Financial growth will also follow similar pattern for you, looking low in 2017, picking up slowly post Nov 2017 and 2018 will bring many new earning opportunities but can ask you to come out of your comfort zone with higher salary or gains having some condition attached to it.2019 onwards is where lies your real freedom and affluence and this year will set in long term trend of intense financial rise. Important to know, some weaker months in this transit, for all aspects, are between May-August in 2018 and 2019 as well. During these months, you have to practice caution and not lose your calm, those would be momentary pause and not any major trend to worry about.

Your health is sure to reach to new optimum levels. You are all set to regain lost glory. While 2017 does have some lows as far as your health is concerned, specially till September 2017, time ahead will bring vitality back and your immunity, sense of wellbeing all will move up. Physical wellbeing is accompanied with emotional balance making a comeback. To get very specific time till September 2017 is low for health and then during May-August 2018/2019 will again need attention, rest it looks all encouraging for you. Emotional suppression has ended, pressure inside mind will end, external situations become conducive to help you gain greater peace of mind. You need to give some time for old memories and wounds to heal, just don’t bring them back and let go is extremely important lesson for you as far as your experiences are concerned to allow overall healing.

More than expecting growth in current place, this transit actually brings the time to get set go and do new things. It’s time to open up, leave your inhibitions behind. You can now get into entirely new areas. Starting a new venture, finding a new job, falling in love, starting a family or simply starting afresh from wherever you are at this moment is gist of this transit for you. Meet new people, form new groups, attend more parties, make new friends. Saturn now free you from its clutches hence no longer there is any need and desire to remain aloof, circumstances around you will bring pleasing events which will allow you to mix up and get back into mainstream of life, something which eluded you for long. Apart from generic social life, this transit of Saturn will bless you with someone special.2018 holds beautiful alignment which is very good for falling in love. Your love life will move ahead and show signs of dramatic improvement. For getting married, if your individual chart permits, this is also the best year and for extending your family life as well. This Saturn transit doesn’t have any Spiritual messages, as need not say, you have already seen the biggest Spiritual journey in past. Though extremely important; you need to remember, practice and preach what Saturn has taught you in the past.

Your extent of growth now only depends on your hard work and strength of your intentions. After coming from stern test of Saturn, your Karmic issues has been settled as of now to great extent and now time is to reap benefits of all the patience and hard work that you have put in past. This is also the time when your creativity will rise and you would be able to actually utilize your all the learnings of the past. Cosmos is smiling on you, it’s time to dream again. Life has come back in its full vigor to you, celebrate and feel the joy of life in its most vibrant colors.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

For Other Moon Signs , Please Click :

Aries | Taurus Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
     Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces 

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Scorpio sign

Saturn transit for Scorpio Moon sign people bring great relief as their Sadesaati now enters into third and last phase, which is less tormenting as compared to initial years. Saturn now goes way from your Moon sign, and results would show as less burden inside you. There will be feeling of lightness and though your troubles and challenges cannot be said to end completely, this transit is sure to being a new, lighter & better era in your life. Impact areas are many and Saturn brings you relief along with caution. Open minded approach should be taken for the signs where Saturn is making direct impact, hence its required for you guys to be highly open minded and receptive to fully understand and appreciate message of Saturn. Let us see what Saturn moving to last phase of your Sadesaati has got and what you need to remember to sustain the heat and keep moving on.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Sagittarius sign

We often see and hear inspirational stories about people who have sustained the challenges in life and have come out as winner. We get goose bumps listening to their tale, we derive motivation from them. This is your time to make your story, this is your time to stand up to the challenge and show the strength of your character. Saturn transit for you brings your Sadesaati to the peak. Saturn now enters your Moon sign and with this you enter in a phase which is most feared and is literally damned. But before you make any fatal impressions it will be good to be reminded that promotion in work, considerable financial success and awards at workplace are also seen in this phase, and it’s not just a phase to mourn and condemn, rather it’s the time to witness the biggest revolution that can happen in one’s life. There can be volumes written about Sadesaati and impact of Saturn when it enters the Moon sign, but the real essence can be described in very simple way ,rise of Tamas, the negativity within and around .Let us see what are possible changes and challenges stored in for you and how you can cooperate in this huge recess of self-transformation.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Capricorn sign

“Life is moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation” said actress Nia Peeples. Capricorns people have arrived at the state where they need to accept and/or get ready for the process which would make them realize that indeed life is a dynamic thing, ever changing, ever pushing us to evolve and transform.Saturn now enters sign previous to your Moon sign and thus your Sadesaati has started. But before you catch fear and any assumption arises, it should be made clear that it’s not a period of doom and gloom, rather it’s a period which requires cleansing of your psyche, your accumulated karma and your life style and approach as a whole. Saturn movement to Sagittarius starts your first phase of Sadesaati and result of this transit simply cannot be pronounced in specific sense, as its starting of a very personal journey which really cannot be described in words. It’s one of the most complex, yet beautiful time that one go through in life time. It’s simply beyond reach of human language to fully describe possible manifestations of this phase, still let us see what this Saturn transit can do and wants from you.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Aquarius sign

For truly appreciating the freedom of light, one must experience the limitations of the dark. You already had your lot of limitations and now is the time to move in the domain of light. Saturn for you people move into immensely powerful and blessing position. Saturn is infamous for being great malefic, for giving pain and harsh times, but there are times when Saturn blesses too, and when this Mighty force blesses, expect the experience of real freedom, joy and sky are literally not the limits to describe it. Aquarians have reached that stage where they are ready to receive blessings from Saturn. It’s actually the best one can ask from Saturn and best what it can grant with its all might. It’s time to sing in joy, dance in freedom and move ahead in life like never before. Saturn’s blessings are rarest of rare and its now all open for you. Impact areas are many and contrary to image of Saturn, all manifestations are majorly positive for you people. Let’s explore.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Pisces sign

Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Saturn transit for you people hold such secret, buried deeply into layers of events, being subtly planned by mighty and indifferent Saturn for you. Saturn now moves to your tenth house from Moon, which is grand scheme to bring your work, your approach, to limelight and in deeper sense this position of Saturn is known to create immense resistance and bring slowdown in major areas of life. This is how your pace will be aligned to nature’s hence allowing to you unleash secrets, inside out. Saturn will now exercise great level of control over you as many important areas will come under its scanner. Impact areas are many and almost all of them are critical part of your life. Let’s have a look how Saturn movement to Sagittarius sign is going to affect you in most transformative ways.

Year 2017 : Impact on Pisces sign

Expansion realms
This is the year of grand restructuring for you Pisces people. Amid much happening, or much waiting to happen, there are indeed many positive expansions and fresh vibes this year. To begin with, this is the year to experience job change and/or realize importance of taking yourself to next level for continually moving forward. You can experience rise in work, but with additional responsibilities. This year also seems good for moving to new places and many of you can also expect to migrate to foreign lands if individual charts supports it. Time till August this year is good for financial rise, travels and meeting new people.  Rise in your public network is also seen. One of the best highlight of this year is rise in your financial status, though coming very gradually. Time post second half of this year will open up new avenues for earning and also you stand very strong chance to receive big amounts in inheritance or money/assets coming to you owing to previously made efforts/investments. Another positive expansion is seen in your overall level of abundance and assets which are seen to grow nicely this year. Buying new home, new vehicles, deals of lands and properties all are very much part of this year. Also, you will get chance to work on core family life values, which means this year you do have brilliant chance to infuse new life force to your family life and begin from fresh perspective. Later part of this year also has strong prospects for long distance travels and in essence this year marks beginning of something new, be it work, your education, your relationship status, better financial life or simply the feel about life itself. Given your individual charts promise it strongly, the first half of this year also shows decent yoga for getting married. Though coming with intense effort and asking you to develop patience, this year is sure to bless you in slow yet steady ways.

Year 2017 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Expansion realms
This is the year of breakthrough for you and positive expansions are in bounty. Aquarians have a fantastic year ahead which is sure to bring immense joy from many directions. To begin with, you experience joy in current situations as stagnation phase ends for you completely. You feel relaxed, free from many complexities and many of your old conflicts, problems, inner and outer struggle all comes to end. This is one of the best year to get a new job as changes in career for the better are clearly seen for you. Many of you find dream job, get great rise with higher authority and with greater financial freedom. Rise in career graph in most comprehensive way is one of the best highlight of this year. Apart from moving up in the ladder of your work life, financial rise is yet another equally impressive area where you see immense possibilities. New avenues open up for you, you see rise in your salaries and even some of you get into parallel steams of earning. If you are planning to start something of your own, expand your work, your network, get into more exciting areas or simply take your business/work to next level, this is the year. Though entire year seems fine, but later part from August onwards seems best for these positive changes. You are seen to get lump sum amount from family, from deals in lands and properties or simply through investments made in past. Essence of this year is to bring greater financial prosperity, addition of new assets in your life with feeling of solid security with you.

Year 2017 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Expansion realms
Capricorn people move into phase of immense restructuring with Saturn coming to test you and modify your lives for the better. Still this year many positive events are aligned which would bring you joy. To begin with, this is the year when despite challenges you can get rise in work and your position can get elevated. Some of you can even get a job change, but this is subjected to many conditions and might not be a smooth and hassle free process. Time in initial half of the year, i.e till August is fine for making long term plans, for getting good rise in work which can even give you desired financial push. This year is good for matters of education, for adding new skills, getting certifications in new languages, talents etc. You are seen to make strong value adds to which would give you good results in times to come. For the ones aspiring to move to foreign lands for pursuit of education or even for work related aspects, good results are expected. Time till August again is very hopeful here and many of you would travel for long term. Those who have migration possibilities in their individual charts, can also expect it to happen this year. This year is also good for gains from lands and properties and many of you are seen to buy/sell your property and/or move into your dream house as well. In essence, this year is very good when it comes to addition of new assets in your family life. Positive vibes, though in subtle form, which needs high awareness to be utilized, are also present at home where much better atmosphere will start to be created but would require your intense attention and genuine efforts. For concrete gains of any kind, the second half of the year is better. Those looking to get married and extent family, this year does offer some hope as well. This year is also good for those involved in creative fields and in learning process ,be it formal or very individualistic.

Year 2017 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Expansion realms
Though you are passing through peak phase of test from Saturn, still you do have many positive changes and hope in this year. To begin with, foremost area where you can expect many desired changes is your work life. Stagnation and frustration in work life is sure to end now as you move into his year. Changes in job, expansion in work and/or business, entry into new areas and rise, promotion all comes to you with time. The time frame for this is particularly post August this year though ground will be created well before it. Apart from rise in work and freedom that you feel, it is also the year when you will experience relatively greater financial freedom. This year is extremely good when it comes to rise in your wealth. New avenues for earning opens up, you find more satisfaction in what you have and also gain much help, assets, gifts and material objects of desire from people connected to you. Essence of this year for you is rise in your overall worth. This is best year when it comes to matters of relationships. As you move into this year, you see strong and potent ground being created for your relationship to blossom. Existing relations find harmony while many of you would experience new ones as well. Falling in love and long term relationships are seen, though some of you can also experience some temporary flings. Time post August this year is perfect to get married and for the ones looking to extend their family, this is brilliant year as well.

Your health also improves to some extent and you remain motivated for longer durations now. This year you will see expansion of your public network and you move out of your isolation and self-created world and meeting with old friends, relatives, and acquaintances is seen which is sure to bring immense contrast, hence new insights to you. This directly means greater support from your social life and many of you can also start some venture in partnership and/or with support of your family/friends. This is also very potent year when it comes to pursuit of education, gain of knowledge and many of you can expect some strong skill enhancement. Time for higher education, learning new skills, doing some long-short term courses to move to next step in your work life is seen this year. When it comes to positive areas, this year brings expansion in both qualitative and quantitative sense.

Year 2017 : Impact on Scorpio sign

Expansion realms
This is the year which brings hope on so many areas. Scorpio people enter in this year with strong ray of hope which brings huge relief and impact would actually manifest in all aspects of your existence. Now to get to specifics, this year your test from Saturn enters in last phase and celebrating point is that you have covered most difficult phase now. From now onwards you will see things coming back to shape, better emotional state and lesser friction in family front and career as well. Career is sure to look up this year and opportunities will come to you very swiftly as compared to what you have seen in recent years. New job offers, change in work place, your role and quality of work all are seen to come/improve for the better. Many of you would get deserved rise, promotion, higher authority after phase of much turmoil. Those in business, can surely expect for expansion, better connectivity and greater returns. New career avenues also open up and you just need to move ahead leaving your all inhibitions behind. This is the year of good financial inflow. Better gains from your earning, gifts, appreciation, new investments of long term consequences are aligned in this year. Major financial decisions should ideally be aligned in first half of this year and time till August seems good for riding high and planning long term growth of your money. Though trend of this year is brilliant and you will continue to get good news, positive events all-round the year. Gains from lands and properties is another strong highlight of this year. New vehicles, objects of your desires and many other fixed assets will come to you. Those looking for buying/selling can surely expect better deals in second half. You can target September to December for all major transactions, given you have a proper plan.

First half of this year also has strong promise for those looking for love and settling down. New relationships will blossom and you should be ready to leave old behind as this year brings the fresh breeze with new people. You meet many exciting people and can lose your heart to someone very quickly. Time for marriage also looks perfect for eligible ones and for the ones looking for extending family, this is the perfect year. In fact, one of the most important aspect of this year, at least in initial half, is to enhance harmony in your family environment. Extremely good year for creative pursuits, for students, for anyone looking for adding new skills. Your people network, fame, good will all increases and you do feel light and refreshed, capable of doing more and living with greater sense of freedom.

Year 2017 : Impact on Libra sign

Expansion realms
This is the year you have been waiting for. Libra people have something extremely special in store. This year brings end to your extremely long test from Saturn(Sadesaati). To say this is a positive year would be undermining the power and essence of these times. This is rather transformative year and starting of new phase altogether. In subtle sense, it won’t be rhetoric to state that this year feels like a new birth all together. Now to get to specifics, this year brings end to your emotional turbulence, your financial worries end and also struggle in work and stagnation starts to fade as well. New career opportunities, starting of your own work, rise and long awaited promotion all comes to you. Time in second half, in particular post August, is best when it comes to clear rise in work life and moving to level next. Time from February onwards is good for decent rise in financial state and new avenues are sure to open up. Work, finance and overall level of abundance finally moves to new heights. Your emotional state loosens up, you feel relaxed and would be able to think from new perspectives. Your physical health and energy levels rises as well, though gradually. Old health issues, issues in family, old pending matters at work and with friends, all start to resolve ,or at least you start to see ray of hope now where it all felt dark since ages.

This is also good year to add new assets in your life. Buying new vehicles, lands and properties, new long term investment and small objects of your desire, all are coming your way. Time post July is good for rise in your overall worth. This is also brilliant year when it comes to blossoming of new relationships and end of many useless gaps and misunderstanding in your existing relations. You get chance to improve all your relations, be it public, professional or personal. Those waiting to get married can surely expect rituals now, particularly post September. Same timelines apply to extension of family life which is strongest highlight of this year. Those in creative areas, media and arts field can expect new projects and intense rise in new ideas and inspiring attitude. Good and path-breaking year for pursuit of education. Opportunities are also seen to relocate, to move to new city or even new country all for your best in longer run. Trend of travel remains open throughout the year, while first half of the year can have some trips which make you feel out of your comfort zone, latter part will give you command hence travels for your pleasure and betterment are seen. This is the year to dream again, for making a strong comeback to normal life stream and deriving joy in what you do and feel. In very steady manner this year open new horizons, new heights for you. Welcome your new life, your new birth and like a new born child, start to live magic in everything once again.

Year 2017 : Impact on Virgo sign

Expansion realms
Many positive influences are ready to enter your lives this year. Virgo people experiences push in many areas which were awaited long. The foremost area which is ready to get transformed is your work life. In previous years, you have given efforts, created frame work & platform and now this year is ready to take you to level next where you see actual results manifesting and your dreams taking shape. This pattern applies specially in context of your work life. To get to specifics, this year shows new and better career opportunities, rise in work and you finally get deserved rise and attention. This rise in work accompanies rise in your financial aspects. To discuss it separately, exponential growth in finances is a big time positive outcome of this year. You gain from many sources, you get rise in salary, your business starts to deliver more effectively and your family also shower much love and assets on you. This year takes your overall level of affluence to new heights, in gradual form. Time for these positive events is post August. Time in particular between September to December will bring man positive events in context of work and money. This time is also good for enhanced family life happiness but only when you accept responsibilities with sense of surrender. Time is also good for purist of education and many of you can expect to enroll in better universities and also moving to foreign lands for fulfilling your dreams for gaining more knowledge. Foreign travels trend remains strong particularly till July.

You will also get inspiration and enough motivation to work on your health and maintain a better routine. Though results will not come immediately but you are sure to get small window where you will gain clear insights about what needs to be done for improving your health and overall well-being. Coming to personal relationships, this is strong year again. New relationships are seen very strongly and pattern for long term commitment, sincere relationship is what is going to click alone. Marriage and settling down is possible as well and first half is very strong here. Those looking for extending their families, can surely plan as well. Good year for people connected in creative fields where new ideas, better connection and help from external sources will help you move ahead and gain more limelight. When seen in broader sense, this year has positive influences all around and shows multifaceted growth.

Year 2017 : Impact on Leo sign

Expansion realms
This year comes as a fresh breeze to you Leo people. It’s going to be end of many of your troubles and real beginning of so many positive events of long term impact. In a way, this year refreshes your life all together. Now to get to specifics, with Saturn moving out of your fourth house post Jan end it will be end of your stagnating phase (Dhaiyaa). This year many of your ongoing family conflicts, suppressing environment and bigger disputes end or move towards resolution. You feel immensely light and internal and external struggle settles down in major way. For the ones searching for jobs or looking for rise in work, this is the time to get deserved result. Time between Feb to August is best for your work life to move to next level. Months of July-August can bring some intense events in your work life. This year is also very good for your personal relationship where you find peace and harmony rising, but with intense patience only. New relationships are going to come as well for the eligible ones. Marriage and long term relationships are foreseen. While the first half is best for making new career related moves, its second half which will bring good financial rise. This year, particularly time post September, is very good when it comes to new avenues for wealth. Many gifts, new assets, wealth and higher standard of living are seen in latter half of the year.

Travel trend is also going to open up strongly post August. Re-locations are seen in this year and in general it’s the year when you will be on the move. Your social life becomes strong, your people network grows abundantly and you go on making friends and healthy contacts like blink of the eye. Your public perception becomes better, people shower much more love and your image see a healthy rise. Though in gradual form, your creativity will grow as well. Those in creative lines will start to get better results. For the ones looking for higher education, specially from foreign universities, this is perfect year to make the move. Many happy events in your family are seen which will bring great joy to you. This year when your triangle of Maaya (relationships, wealth and generic worldly engagements) gets activated leading to all round affluence and relationships, wealth, public image and fame all glow for you.

Year 2017 : Impact on Cancer sign

Expansion realms
Cancer people experience many uplifting changes this year and in essence it’s the year for consolidation of your energies and make you grow in steady manner, wherever your attention goes. Now to be specific, your phase of isolation ends and those who were lying alone or not well connected can expect to make a strong comeback in normal stream of life. This is the year for new relationships to develop and your life love is area which would blossom now. Those waiting to get married can surely expect to settle down, especially months between Feb to August are best for it. Your people network grows, you travel more and make many new friends. This is the year of expansion of your social relationships. Another brilliant area is rise in your financial state. You earn more, save more, spend more and enjoy much more. Stagnation you have been facing till now till go away and rise in your earning capacity is seen. Even some of you can expect to receive good sum of money and addition of new fixed assets like new vehicles, gains from properties and alike. The first half of the year make you grow well and overall living standards go high. Though job changes aren’t really smooth this year, still restructuring and very long term changes are now ready to occur. Many of you can even take huge plunge and change your work field itself, give your individual time pattern allow it. Long term and decisive changes in work life are aligned post August this year.

Giving attention to health and preparing yourself for squeezing the best of yourself is now seen. This is the year to meet the next version of yourself .You are seen to work on your health ,on your routine, on your shortcomings and lessons of past will guide you effectively in optimizing your working methods .You intentionally bring a strong quality check in the way you deal with things and people .This is the year of living smart and diving deep within self to restructure your habits and routine for the best .You will get chance to win over your old health issues in gradual way. Issues in family and conflicts in and around you settle down, especially in latter half of the year.

Year 2017 : Impact on Gemini Sign

Expansion realms
This year for Gemini has immense importance and will bring many positive changes, new vibes and many events of long term importance. This year for you can be divided roughly into two halves, pre-and post August. Most of the brilliance is stored in the later half while the first one will need sincere preparation from you. Now to get to specifics, this year is good for new job opportunities, getting rise and great authority in your work life. You will get goodwill, respect and deserved attention gradually as you move into this year. Time from September onwards is good for it. Good time for pursuit of education, for getting into new areas, and this year is extremely auspicious when it comes to creative lines and success in them. Your interest in reading, writing, learning, analyzing all increases and will show up in your performance and personal growth. Foreign travels are seen, admission into new educational programs, learning new skills all are seen this year. This is the year of qualitative changes in you for the best. Financially this is very hopeful year with rise in inflow and your overall level of affluence is sure to go up. Even new sources open up for you which will allow you to move towards better financial state. Time post September shows great rise in your generic people networking as well.

In essence, this is the year to completely restructure yourself. Leaving old habits, moving towards a routine which you aspired for long and optimizing your life for the best, all is good possible now. You form new philosophies, leave behind the rotten thoughts and bonds as well. This year is very good when it comes for blossoming of new relationships and matters of love occupy your attention in strong manner. For the eligible, this year would also bring marriage, though this must be positively indicated in individual charts as well. Though you might be conscious enough or not, events occurring around you would all pull you towards a new you. This is indeed the year to rise to a new level and move towards the direction of your dreams with renewed spirits.

Winds of change
Challenges and areas where improvement will come via testing scenarios too are in bounty which you need to face through intense courage and acceptance of your old karmas. This year you will need to solve some fundamental questions, issues and complex equations regarding your personal relationships. Months of Feb to June and April-May in particular can intensity heat in your family life and also bring difficult experiences in public life. You need to sort out matters in all aspects, be it personal, professional or public interactions and relations. Health too needs attention in initial half and so does health of your parents. Some of the old family matters can reopen this year asking for permanent solution. Also you can see some back bitching, ugly politics and people working with jealous attitude towards you. Some events, particularly from July onwards, can tarnish your image and hence this year is also challenging when it comes to preservation of your image. Though new work opportunities are seen strongly, your work life will also need some clean up and business ethics, way of working, people with whom you interact and model you follow to work, all can become areas asking for attention and events which redirect your attention can be unsettling in nature as well. Owing to many challenges and  crumbling of old bonds, many doubts and inferiority complexities will also be generated in you.

Potential lessons
This is fantastic area indeed when seen from higher perspective, when a year doesn’t only mean getting things you want rather your orientation is towards finding a better you, your time is here. How to deal with people, clean up in your entire social structure and relationships will enable immense learning. Though human interaction and complex psychological behavior around us give continuous opportunities to learn something, this year in specific will intensify this learning. Your love life, matters of love will allow you to enter domain of inner world and play with subtle emotions which will also reveal wealth of leanings for you which would be very personal in nature. Formal education, addition of new skills, leaning new arts, music, painting or whatever appeals you is another gross level addition in your talent pool. How you utilize your talents, your skills and your intentions in real time world is very important lesson that is going to come and stay with you this year. Beauty of this year is its blessing which would enable you to grow continually and mediums would be in and around you and rise in consciousness in second half of year would open your inner eyes as well. Rectifying your existing work ethics and/or adoption of new ways of working is another critical improvement that is ready to enter your life. These are some broad categories, though lessons, improvement and new visions are countless in this year when you are ready to open up and see events from new dimension, putting your personal evolution at the center of your existence.

Spiritual journey
It keeps getting better for you. This area, your Spiritual journey and personal growth, is indeed the highlight of this year. You see many changes in your life and many events, new people entering in your life can come from nowhere, indicating past life Samskaars coming into play vehemently. You get enormously interested in learning mantra-tantra-meditation, new techniques for self-evolution, you read a lot, you join groups, and what not. Whole new world will be opened for you post July in particular. You are seen to give Spirituality and personal philosophy a prime place and indeed this year will make you grow exponentially. Beauty here is that there are no boundaries, you pursue rituals and subtle ways both. Visit to spiritual/religious places is very strong pattern that will get activated post August this year. Rise in consciousness is sure to come and new horizons would be available to you. Later months post October can also bring intense experiences, initiation into higher practices for the genuine and eligible ones. The real essence of this year for you people indeed lies in moving towards a new version of yourself. This year brings a drastic shift in your overall level of consciousness. Accept, explore and rise.

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