
The Sunday Sip [ 25th - 31st Dec 2022 ]



Decent week for you, it brings you balance, progress in work, appreciation but minor issues, ego matters and fights will also be there. There can be trips. You need to work on your aggression, eating habits and generic routine which otherwise can crate many problems for you. Gains pattern is now open and will remain good for next few weeks .Use this week for improving your skills ,to meet family, friends and improve your relationships as well. Note that problems presenting through relationships will be opportunity for you to rectify your behaviour.


Mixed times for you. You need to be very disciplined in your lifestyle. You can face health issues, emotional upsets and mood swings very often. Do not change medication if going through. Changes, decisions brought in now might not lead to any significant relief .Trips pattern is on as well and on work front you can get impressive success and it’s a phase of new beginnings. Many of the stuck matters will move again. Financially you are now moving into very strong phase as well .So once you are healthy ,you will have plenty of things to look forward.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Pisces sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius for Pisces sign people is start of a journey called as Sadesaati. This is a journey of deep self-transformation and karmic balance. Key words for you are slow growth with struggle, reorientation in many aspects and learning to adapt to new situations.

Career growth seems weak part and changes in career can come but can have conditions attached with them. Career changes are favoured when you are ready to make needed small to big sacrifices. Business expansion or any major career shift is not favoured unless you are too well prepared and you don’t have any option.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Aquarius sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius is in your Moon sign. Now your Sadesaati will reach peak and this transit phase signifies the peak time of your Sadesaati, i.e the intense phase of tests from Saturn. So key words for you are growth amid many challenges and intense time for personal transformation.

Career changes can come with intense preparation. This phase is average though for getting stability in work and changes in job can have some conditions attached with them .Its not the time to expand business and new ventures should be taken up with utmost caution. Career will grow but at slow pace.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Capricorn sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius for Capricorn sign people brings relief and start of decline mode for Sadesaati, which is a life changing event and a major turn in your current life state. Better work life, better finances, less problems, ease in life and greater mental strength are key words for you. This is very welcome transit for you, problems in your life have peaked now and its all going to get easy with each passing day.

Career matters will get major relief now. Excessive work pressure, career threats and insecurity about work life will continue to decline rapidly. Those who are willing to work hard can also expect better jobs, better salary and movement to higher roles. This is decent time to expand business but movement to business from service sector is still less favoured.

Saturn transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Sagittarius sign is huge event. Its time to celebrate, your Sadesaati has ended. After a very long phase of tests and turbulence, now Saturn has freed you. You are free to live life with great joy. Happiness, freedom, success, great peace, courage and clarity are yours and are key words for you. This is life changing event for you.

You have seen enough of problems, now Saturn is in blessing mode for you. This means whatever your aspirations are will be fulfilled, be it any aspect. Career matters will look up. You can get your dream job, opportunities will open up freely. Career rise, promotions, desired changes will come as expected and even beyond expectation growth can come. You can start new business ,can change field of work, can leave job and move to business ,now you are free to take bold moves .Its entirely your phase ,your career growth is going to be phenomenal now.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Scorpio sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Scorpio sign will mean activation of their Dhaiyaa phase which is time when Saturn blesses after taking tests .The key word for this transit for you is slow growth with obstacles.

Career changes are favoured but will involve long preparation, hard work and going through some problems in the process of changing job.

Business expansion is weakly favoured and should be done only when you are well planned and risk element is low. This is average transit when it comes to moving to business field from service sector but still this move is totally favoured if you have done your homework well. Saturn is not opposing your career growth, the only point to understand is shift might not be smooth and you will have to stay consistent and well prepared. If you have truly done your homework, Saturn will reward you with desired job and rise in career.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Libra sign


Expansion areas

Movement of Saturn to Aquarius for Libra sign brings immense relief .You are now free of the Dhaiyaa phase which was causing immense troubles and some painful events. So essence of this transit for you is relief, joy, peace and stable growth ahead.

Career changes are decently favoured, though not the essence of this transit. It means if you are willing and working for it, then career changes will occur. Rise in work is also possible and you will do well in your work life with end of some past troubles, stagnation and excessive pressure. Work atmosphere will become better, you will get more respect and higher authority in work life. Also your professional relationships will improve now.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Virgo sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius is beginning of golden period for Virgo sign people. Saturn is now in immensely blessing position and you are going to witness strong growth, rise of great will power, fierceness in attitude and all-round success.

Career success is totally assured now. Career changes are certain and you are sure to get your dream jobs. This is best time for taking bold career moves and go for any major career transition. Business start or expansion is also favoured and time mainly till May 2023 seems brilliant for it .Career growth will reach a new heights in this transit period.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Leo sign


Expansion areas

For Leo sign Saturn movement to Aquarius is decently good and key words for you are good growth, career rise, better will power and success through focused work. Saturn will bless you in accordance with your efforts of past and current times. There are no limitations majorly and Saturn transit for you is still a good time to make healthy progress in all spheres of life.

Career changes, career rise, expansion all are seen ahead. This Saturn transit is very good when it comes to your career growth. You can experience bold career moves, many of you will leave jobs and move into business ,start your own venture .Moving to new business lines, expanding your work, all are real time possibilities now .Career growth is a sure thing now. Many of you will also get right partners for your business. Time for major expansion.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Cancer sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Cancer sign people is going to activate their Dhaiyaa ,the 8th house transit or Kantak Shani period .This is significant time and is time for karmic payback. This doesn’t mean growth will stop altogether but growth with obstacles is key word for you.

Job changes are not favoured by Saturn. Now Saturn wants you to do better where you are. Due to blessings of Jupiter though time is still fine till May 2023.Job changes ,movement to new location ,rise in work can come for some of you given individual charts are showing good time.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Gemini sign


Expansion areas

Saturn transit to Aquarius for Gemini people is huge and life changing event .It brings end to your seemingly endless sufferings and many complexes. Now your 8th house Saturn, the Dhaiyaa periods ends bringing in relief, happiness, joy and freedom .That’s what the key essence are for you.

The main essence in work life is doing better where you are. Patterns of job change are also there if others factors are favourable. So yes, you can change jobs, get into new, better working positions. Your work position will rise, you will get better roles ,more respect at workplace .Promotions are certainty now .The peak best of this transit in work and wealth will come from May 2023 onwards .Till then it’s a gradually better time.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Taurus sign


Expansion areas

Lord Saturn is in mighty blessing position for Taurus sign. The essence for you is growth, stability, good health, firmness, wealth and wellbeing. Clarity in life and steady progress are yours now.

Changes in work life are clearly seen. If looking for, you will surely get desired job, rise, promotions. This transit assures that overall in this 2.5 years span, your career rises brilliantly .Its kind of phase which becomes memorable as growth opportunities flow in as expected and even beyond expectations at times .This is the time when you will see sharp rise in your work life .Phenomenal times for your work life.

Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Aries sign


Expansion areas

For Aries sign people, Saturn movement to Aquarius is best time of their lives. Saturn after a long phase of testing you, keeping you waiting, making you work hard is now moving into a place where it will bless you immensely. In fact out of all signs ,its Aries which is going to be most blessed .So key words for you are free ,powerful growth, immense blessings and happiness.

Career matters are going to expand like never before. This transit (on a broader scale this transit means time frame of mid 2022 to March 2025) will bring immense rise in your career. New jobs are certainty, major career promotions, rising to top positions ,getting dream jobs ,sudden rise in work ,suddenly getting dream job calls all are possible now. Business will expand like never before. You can freely take the risks in career and go for best possible scenario. In these 2.5 years span you will see best growth of your life. This is one of its kind time in a lifetime. Its golden phase for your work life.

The Sunday Sip [ 24th - 30th April 2022 ]



Good times and you are seen to take breaks now. Vacations, pleasure, seeking fun, rest and rejuvenation is essence of these times. You will shop, will plan trips and foreign travels are favoured as well. Good times to take love matters ahead. This seems a good, fun filled, easy week for you which will bring lot of happy moments. Take good care of yourself, your loved ones but don’t forget when you need to act and complete your duties.


Very good week for you. You will bounce back from many fears, trauma and this week sets pattern of new energy, new beginnings. Feel free to start anything new, to step into new relation, to take your relation ahead ,to take any bold moves in career ,to spend money in investments or simply to follow your heart .Now you have reached a stage where Universe is ready to bless you and results of past hard work and patience will come now. Stay humble and use this time to be at your peak best.

Foreign travel and settlement : Delays, hurdles and Success


Foreign travel, foreign migration is pursued by many in much passionate way. In one of my earlier articles, have discussed combinations, placements which show possibilities to travel or settle abroad. The focus of this write up is however discussing how planetary influences in chart can clearly indicate how this travel/migration/settlement journey is going to be. Categorizing very broadly, discussion will be centered around three aspects, the delay factor in some cases where a person moves to foreign lands after much struggle and even in later age. Secondly the aspect of hurdles comes in. One can move to foreign lands easily but often can struggle hard to settle there, or the process of migration can itself involve continuous hurdles ,rejections .Thirdly is the most sought out case, success and happiness after migration.

Purpose of life and Vedic astrology - 2


In the first part of article, we have discussed role of Sun to Mercury in context of how their weakness signifies focus on some aspects, which in deeper sense becomes the purpose of life. Weakness, affliction of some planet is often due to prolonged repetition of some karma/intention which means weak planets in charts cannot be made strong at once by any magical remedy, that will violate law of karma. Either some lesson needs to be learnt or some karma has to be balanced. If a planet is taking many years, decades, even life times to become weak, then it will again take much time, effort and conscious action to bring it back in healthy state. Now in continuation of earlier article, let’s move ahead and discuss how weak ,problematic Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu(nodes) symbolize higher messages which until understood and implemented, causes suffering.

Jupiter – When Jupiter is weak, afflicted or in unhealthy state then it can signify that a person has karmic debt with someone elder or has goofed up majorly in terms of values, ethics. This can have multiple interpretations. Like deceiving elder, humiliating someone badly, specially parents, elders in family, teachers or even some Spiritual figures .It also means becoming too dishonest ,getting into illegal practices, not caring about consequences of actions and only focusing on money, gains and pleasure. Begin a prominent figure (like saint, some healer, teacher, Guru, consultant, mass appealing figure etc) and then misusing knowledge and wisdom to gain power, money, fame and misleading masses, people in general is also one of the biggest causes. One of the most prevalent causes which can be seen happening too frequently is abusing, insulting some branch of knowledge/tradition without knowing anything about it. This also weakens Jupiter.

Venus – Problematic, weak, afflicted Venus too has severe and deep implications. When one is born with such Venus it often hints at misuse of deep feelings of love and disrespecting emotions of someone. Venus symbolizes the Rasa, the essence of any feeling. So when one bluntly neglect someone’s love ,disrespects, even humiliates someone’s pure intentions/pure love, then Venus will surely become weak in subsequent births. Other interpretations can be cheating, abusing or neglecting one’s spouse/partner which then leads to weak Venus and hence lack of love and security of family in next life(hence karmic balance).Venus is purest form of love and love is always considered to be feminine aspect. So neglecting, abusing, even doing violence against females leads to such poor state of Venus. Again in today’s context a very common and causal looking event, like using someone for pure physical pleasure purpose without having any genuine feeling of love (when other person has emotions and connection though) leads to afflicted Venus.

Saturn – The mighty Saturn when becomes weak, afflicted, problematic can single-handedly create life of blockages and suffering. The reasons can be numerous ,and here we are talking about the essence. Saturn represents the sense of duty, commitment and how you see/value other’s service and efforts. Saturn is Universal judge as well, so in all, any major deceit, unethical practice, theft etc will cause problem from it in subsequent births. Broadly, when one neglects, look down upon any work, any career branch, any person doing ‘small’ work or devalue any effort, then Saturn is sure to reflect that in next birth. When someone steal, speak lies continually, harm others, misuse power and create conspiracy to blame others, causes suffering through looting lands, properties ,imposing false court cases (when other person is not really culprit and one is doing such acts only to shift the blame and for gains alone) then Saturn will get placed in such difficult position so that you have to pay back each penny and suffer hugely. Such causes lists can be huge ,but essence is any form of lie to hurt, deceit, tendency to hoard, loot and look down on anyone/ any work .

Rahu-Ketu ( Nodes ) – Rahu and Ketu ,the lunar nodes, signifies major karmic stuck point in current life due to major event/s in past life. Now nodes are really deep and their placement has numerous implications because where they are placed is one thing but how many planets, which houses they are gripping is main point. So depending on how many planets are suffering due to them and how intense is conjunction will decide. Very broadly if Rahu or Ketu or both are in difficult state then it can hint at some major karmic event like murdering someone, looting someone horribly, devastating someone either physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. Nodes hint at major events which are generally associated with trauma and suddenness. Still decision nodes will strictly need looking at other planetary associations and houses involved. But results of such difficult node mean one can face total denial in some aspect or intense suffering, mental illness or even doing suicide to balance past life karma.

This is a high-level discussion about how weak planets indicates where one might have created bad karma from. In next series of articles we will take up each planet and see how its weak/afflicted/difficult state means in deeper sense ,in terms of when soul has chosen such planetary configuration in order for karmic purification or even for learning some lessons(in such cases there is no adverse karma from past ,weak planets can even indicate soul’s need to learn some deep lessons) or when such planetary placements are for karmic balance purpose only.

Here is link for first part of this article :


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Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Pisces sign


Expansion areas

Jupiter transit to Pisces is in your own sign. This is a majorly positive ,life infusing, highly Spiritual and blessing event for you. The key words for you are overall wellbeing, Grace and intense growth.

Career growth is assured now but job changes aren’t directly favoured. You will have to work hard anyways. This transit only assures helpful conditions in and around you ,rest you will have to prove your worth for getting promoted and for getting new job as well. But better aspect is external level conditions, help, blessing and luck factor will get in your favour.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Capricorn sign


Expansion areas

For Capricorn sign people, Jupiter transit symbolizes balance, moving to mainstream life and greater exposure .This transit has more of qualitative impact on you, as most of the events will expand your mind ,will bring majorly new experiences and will cause expansion of your wisdom ,skills and social circle.

Job changes are not really favoured now. Changes in job ,promotions can only occur if your individual charts is favouring it strongly. This transit in itself focused more on improvement in quality of your work. So your productivity is going to shoot up.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Expansion areas

The key word for you is growth with challenges. Jupiter movement to Pisces will bring immense focus, clarity ,inner strength and growth to you.

Changes in job are certain now. Many of you can experience major changes in work life which means not just changing jobs, but also work field itself. This means if you are well prepared you can take jump to new work domain or to business field itself. This transit has high intensity and shows a radical shift in your lisle which can mean many of you will move to independent form of working ,to business fields or to new work lines.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Scorpio sign


Expansion areas

Jupiter movement to Pisces for Scorpio sign people has essence of clarity, vision, optimism and happiness. Jupiter brings direction, focus, will help you get inspired and gain inner strength and wisdom. This will further lead to many achievements.

Changes in work are not directly favoured, rather its time to focus on your performance. Though this transit can bring promotions, better work environment and end of past conflicts and peaceful working atmosphere where you can excel.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Libra sign


Expansion areas

This is a decently good transit for Libra sign people. Jupiter transit in Pisces will bring inner strength, courage, focus and growth in your life with end of obstacles. This is the essence for you.

Job changes are certain now. Long stagnation, wait in your work life is now ready to end. You will see clear, well defined and desired growth. This means getting promotions if looking for, needed job change and role changes if applicable. Career will grow and hard work of past will give you results.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Virgo sign


Expansion areas

Transit of Jupiter to Pisces for Virgo sign symbolizes growth, material success and enjoyment. This transit will bless you with immense progress, wealth and happiness and will erase thirst ,failures and pain of past.

Job changes are certain now. Your career is all set to grow. This is best time to risk a bit and go for that desired job or business venture. This is extremely good transit for those in business fields and business growth will boom. You can surely move into new domains, can get into new partnerships, can invest money in your existing business and grow in comprehensively. You will see more clients, better returns and all-round success.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Leo sign


Expansion areas

The key essence of Jupiter transit to Pisces for Leo sign people is intensity and Grace. This transit has many dimensions and is difficult to summarize it in few words .It symbolizes changes in your personality, in your surroundings, in your thinking ,in your approach ,more wealth, greater and deeper understanding of life’s truths and becoming a wiser person.

Job changes are certain now. It will be accompanied with higher salary. Business expansion is also seen but will have to be done with planning and with low risks steps. This is not good time to get into partnerships though. So career growth is seen with pinch of caution.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Cancer sign


Expansion areas

For Cancer sign ,transit of Jupiter to Pisces has essence of expansion, blessings and progress with Grace .This is one of the finest transit of Jupiter for you and will change your life for the better in leaps and bounds.

You can experience change in jobs, rise, promotions ,all are now possible depending on your eligibility and efforts .This is very good time for experiencing expansion in work, in business and you can move to new domains, new work fields without any fear. You are now moving to level next in your work life.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Gemini sign


Expansion areas

For Gemini sign people, Jupiter transit to Pisces has essence of focus, growth and a major comeback. This transit will bless you with more work opportunities .Job changes are certain now and will be accompanied with higher roles and heavy responsibilities. This transit brings level next in your work life.

Best time to look for better, more meaningful, next level and more specific career opportunities This means your past learning, skill gain will now yield results. This transit is also favoring expansion of business and even moving to business fields/independent work quitting your job ,if you are well planned.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Taurus sign


Expansion areas

The essence of this transit for you is success and fulfillment of goals. This is extremely brilliant transit for you and will bring all round growth ,comprehensive thinking and fulfillment at many levels.

Job changes are clearly seen. You can expedience major rise, promotions will occur easily and you will also get major hike .This is time for taking your careers to level next and that too with major leap.

Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Aries sign


Expansion areas

This transit signifies gains of heavy in nature of long-term relevance. You can gain from family, your parents, other family members can give you money, those eligible can also get inherited wealth and assets. You can also gain from past investments, selling lands, assets and getting your stuck money back .Your finical worth will rise.

This is brilliant transit for major gains from lands, properties. So heavy gains from real estate are seen ahead. You can also invest in real estate for long term profit.

Year 2022 for Pisces


Expansion areas

This is a decently good year and represents time to make most of opportunities. Career changes are favoured though will accompany some conditions. Work expansion will come but slowly in second half of the year.

Financially time will get slowly better beyond May and excessive expenses will stabilize as well.

Year 2022 for Aquarius


Expansion areas

This is a much better year when it comes to gaining momentum in your work life. The stagnating of past years will end now and for those looking for new jobs, better jobs, better position, dream will come true. Good year to experience rise in career. Deserved promotions are also seen ahead. For business individuals this is strong year to gain new clients and also get higher returns.