
Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Pisces sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to eleventh house activating trine of power and passion in full intensity. It signifies great energy, enthusiasm, opportunities opening up. This transit signifies immense life force and positivity being generated in your life.
  • It will impact third house which shows generation of new connections, reaching far, expansion of work, taking many new initiatives which will result in your growth.
  • It will impact fifth house which will uplift your energy, create enthusiasm and also defines a new phase of personal growth. It stands for overall comprehensive changes in all sectors of life.
  • Seventh house is also impacted which shows expansion of reach, rise of passion, better social connections and generation of good image leading to healthy mixing and your return to main stream life in full way.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aquarius sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to twelfth house which is time for a slowdown, though as its debilitated it also has some blessings in disguise. This transit stands for changes in work, in place of residence and major rearrangements in life through uneasy flow of events.
  • It will impact fourth house which signifies strong focus on family, family matters and assets. It’s time for taking some decisions keeping your family members in mind which can involve some personal level sacrifices.
  • Sixth house is also impacted which brings hard work, pressure in life in increased amount. This also means taking some decisions in forced way for better future.
  • Eighth house is also aspected which can mean rearrangement of life patterns, routine and taking some tough stand not for immediate but for long term gains. Combined impact on fourth and eighth house also means gains of assets, family support and Spiritual growth gaining focus strongly.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Capricorn sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves in your Moon sign. This transit is of great significance not in terms of gain or loss but in terms of shift, change of perception and overall attitude shift. It signifies new life force, greater focus and better events in life compared to past which will allow growth to sustain.
  • It activates trine houses. It impacts fifth house which is good for formal and self-learning both. It means more focus, dedication ,extension of thought process and family as well.
  • It impacts seventh house which stand for strong marriage possibilities. Focus will come on relationships and blossoming of new bonds is seen. This aspect will create a balance between pure personal growth pursuit and with social life, relationships in your life.
  • It aspects ninth house which signifies greater life fore, visions developing in you. This transit in nutshell will provide you inner strength to face challenges of life. Its important to note that in itself this transit is not gain oriented, rather it will provide you moral support, will bring your enthusiasm back and will provide you ways through which you can move towards growth and harmony. It will give some counterbalancing power to handle harsh tests from Saturn.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Sagittarius sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to your second house which brings immense ease for you. This transit stands for ease coming in life in family, health, work. Its transit where you will be free to move towards actual growth. Phase of planning and wait will be over now.
  • It will impact sixth house which stands for higher focus and new work opportunities to flow in directly. It also stands for ease in health matters and end of some old health issues or simply end of tensions and conflicts.
  • Eighth house is activated as well which will brings good wealth and for those eligible it will also bring inherited money, wealth, help from family in form of money and support. For genuine aspirants it can be time to move deep into Spiritual practices as well.
  • It will impact tenth house which again focus on work life strongly. Its time to move ahead. Career shifts of pleasant nature, future course becoming clear and better avenues to perform will unfold. Good transit for lighter feel, good opportunities, more money and happiness to rise.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Scorpio sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move to your third house, activating the trine of Maaya. This signifies moving to main stream life, new avenues to grow, mingle and feel alive, fresh and normal. Jupiter here signifies increase in desire, higher earning and some of your basic, instinctive and old wishes will resurface now and will be fulfilled.
  • It impacts seventh house which shows focus coming on relationships, marriage, love life and also improved social life. It also stands for higher intimacy and rise in passion.
  • Ninth house will get focus too which at times will push you to pursue learning, Spiritual practices but the inherent desire will be material. So seeking Divine for moving ahead in personal life.
  • It will impact eleventh house which shows higher earning, more social gatherings, connections being formed. It means earlier phase of learning, isolation and personal focus will get diluted and now you will become open, life energies will flow, mix. Its time to experienced life in all of its colors.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Libra sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to your fourth house activating the trine of deeper knowledge with ideological shifts. It signifies time for external and internal level changes. Externally this transit will bring strong changes in living environment, work place and in equation with those who live close to you. Internally it means drastic changes in your belief system, feel and core values can go through change as well.
  • It will impact eighth house which is deeply related to shattering of earlier beliefs and patterns. Explicitly it means major health, routine, beliefs, lifestyle changes .It can even bring lifestyle which is quite new to you.
  • Tenth house is also under focus which brings career changes, uneasiness and difficult events into picture. So career now will undergo change, shift which might not feel pleasant immediately.
  • Twelfth house has focus as well which completes the trine of knowledge. It signifies intense internal churning, thinking, analyzing, outflow of energy, wealth in trying to figure out things. This transit stands for a transition, you won’t feel at ease, or settled and can feel as if your personality, thought process, lifestyle is undergoing changes rapidly and continually.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Virgo sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter comes in fifth house activating the prime trine houses indicating major return of enthusiasm, focus and opportunities to grow .It signifies cheerfulness, greater energy and determination naturally. This transit stands for greater life force, ease in life, more growth, greater connections and enthusiastic attitude.
  • It impacts ninth house which will promote learning, forming new beliefs, expecting new events which will broaden your horizon. It stands for greater reach, expansion of network and mind gaining new heights to learn and assimilate.
  • It also impacts the eleventh house which means as a by-product of increase in life force, your desires will also rise to connect, to earn, to grow. New hopes, aspirations will take birth in you.
  • It impacts the first house completing the trine. It means overall positive changes in nature, fundamental shifts in how you think, feel and see life.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Leo sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to your sixth house, which needs careful explanation. This is not the weak transit altogether. This means you might go through some difficult scenarios in family,health and at mental level but rewards will also be there, without any much delay.
  • It will impact tenth house, symbolizing changes in work, rise, promotions but coming through hard work, consistency and after phase of stagnation and efforts. Also it means finally understanding what you need to do and where you need to put your efforts to be productive and happy.
  • Twelfth house will also be activated which shows higher outflow of wealth, energy and intense phase of thinking. It means you can go through phases of frustration, dejection at times in effort to bring your life together.
  • Second house is also impacted which means as a result of good rise in work, satisfaction in what you do and clarity about long term career goals, your financial state will stabilize and inflow will rise. In deeper sense it also means feeling more secured, stable ,happy and opportunity to live your values. Family support will be felt strongly and you can become close to some of your family members again. This is the transit to get into confusion, turmoil, stagnation first but quickly finding way out and stabilizing towards its end.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Cancer sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move to seventh house activated the trine of Maaya, the worldly desires. This means old, basic, instinctive desires will be back and so does issues and grudges. This also means growth in core areas of life without any major resistance.
  • It will impact eleventh house indicting rise in wealth, more people connections, greater involvement, end of isolation and hence happiness, connectivity from your relationships and social life.
  • It will aspect first house which means direct change of perception of how you see life and generation of new life force and enthusiasm in you.
  • It will aspect third house which again shows overall rise in connectivity, creativity, engagement in life .The activation of Maaya houses signifies fulfillment of wishes, happiness in family, love life, marriage, social life being alive again and catching up to others. You move to normal life stream again.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Gemini sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will be moving in your eighth house, signifying unpleasant changes in and around and shattering of earlier life patterns. This will be both happening at external level and at level of psyche.
  • Its impact on twelfth house can mean higher energy outflow, intense thinking, trying to make things work which will also bring frustration and dejected feeling at times. It also means moving inside, to Divine for help, for insights and overall trying to link things and make sense of everything.
  • It will impact second house as well which means good times for wealth generation and you can also come closer to family and your values will be reinstated now. It means deciding what’s really important to you and rearranging life, routine in such a way that you work in most optimal manner and feel good finally.
  • Fourth house will also come under focus which means core values getting firm though tests and trails.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Taurus sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move to your ninth house which signifies focus on movement, end of stagnation, new plans, new aspirations and major changes, movement in life .It means entirely fresh phase and life can take major turns in many areas.
  • Its aspect on first house signifies overall change in how you see life, your health, your confidence levels.
  • Its aspect on third house signifies need to exchange your energies, connect, meet, travel, associate in order to grow ahead. It also means more involvement in family and social life. This can be seen as result of end of past stagnation and greater life force leading to more engagement in relationships.
  • Its impact on fifth (the trine houses are going to get activated) means overall shift in how you think, feel. It also means learning new skills, higher enthusiasm and desire to expand your knowledge. This expansive trend also means extension of family.

Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aries sign

Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move in your tenth house which implies time for major shifts in work life, in   your approach towards work, some relations and life itself.
  •  Then its aspect on second signifies expenses, energy exchange needed to accompany this major shift along with gains that you will derive later on of your hard work.
  • Fourth house aspect shows its strong correlation with your family life ,your belief system and changes that will come as by product of other work changes.(Accommodating new lifestyle, routine and making adjustments in family life for the sake of career)
  • Lastly its aspect on sixth house shows higher hard work, need for handling stress, family-work balance and changes in your company, social life (again a by-product of your primary pursuits).

Global crisis : Impact and Psyche types

In context of any global crisis due to war, disease ,natural/man made calamity etc  the external event seems to be constant for all, however the individual planets, Samskaars (seen from birth chart),personal time patterns etc will actually decide how such events are perceived and then acted upon. Though the situation is same for all, different mindsets receives them differently. Leaving the detailed part of individual destiny, its interaction with collective karma, dasa, transits etc, we will study impact based on some broader classification of prominent elements in nature (the personality/psyche type) .We will see how individuals can perceive current situation, how it can impact their minds and most importantly, ways to handle them most effectively.

Back to Roots : Corona virus and Vedic astrology

Current world scenario and widespread panic don’t need any introduction. Onset of Corona virus is extremely fearful and has raised countless questions. In this piece, will focus on three aspects. First, what are the planetary indications for such outbreak. Second, when this all could end, and life can go back to being normal. Third, what are major implications, higher lessons or to say prime purpose for all this mess. So let’s get into details.

The planetary indications for Corona outbreak

This is rather a baffling, very complex question, though looking closely we can clearly see some major pointers for it. To name them, its about Rahu-Ketu axis causing Kaal Sarp yoga, then mighty Jupiter and Saturn in their own signs, role of Ketu in Moola, Rahu in Ardra and then recent Solar and Lunar eclipses falling very closely.

Though the Kaal Sarp yoga in individual charts doesn’t seem to have much influence (debatable point) but its impact on masses in transit cannot be neglected. This this yoga is effective between February to June end 2020 which shows mass fear and panic. Then role of Ardra and specifically Moola nakshtra is highly critical. Ketu, the destroyer, detachment creator planet is in own Moola which shows its power to spread panic. Also note that germs, viruses comes under domain of Rahu and Ketu. Note that Jupiter with Ketu is helping such virus to spread as Jupiter signifies rapid expansion. Saturn in Capricorn is strongly ruthless and causes major restructuring and mass level changes in lifestyle(remember that Capricorn is Karma house of Cosmic Man).There is also a major factor which is under play, which is of Collective Karma Consciousness So in brief, these indications are some major ones which points to some major panic being spread for some long term, decisive purpose.

Possible end of Corona

Without getting into too much technicalities, end of Kaal Sarp yoga in transit, then Jupiter temporarily moving to Capricorn and Sun getting exalted, in nakshtra of healers Ashwinis are some major pointers. Now to put it in specific timelines, some minor changes of positive nature will set from 30th March 2020.Then major push can come after 14th April 2020 after which some medication can be found or some ways to tackle it. Thirdly in broader sense, its end or major decline is seen in month of May-June and some sort of major/decisive relief/end of this panic can come by June end 2020.To summarize, this panic should go under declining mode post mid of April in slow manner.

Higher lessons/Purpose

Its very difficult to digest that Jupiter and Saturn being in own signs can bring such panic and restrictions. But there is surely Higher Will at play. Jupiter in Sagittarius stands for enforcement of rules, ethics, intense learning/re-learning and physical/emotional/Spiritual upliftment. Saturn in Capricorn is ruthless, and it generally brings large mass level changes often coming through limiting, harsh events.

  • Jupiter and Saturn powerful in own signs have given relief to Mother Earth rather than giving usual personal /mass level benefits (these two planets strong signifies Universal Consciousness in decisive mood for major changes).Year 2020 no doubt has immense potential, but to surprise of us humans, this goodness is taken by our planet altogether. Time to realize how selfish we all were in merely expecting good for ourselves ?
  • Such changes will settle somewhat by June end but its impact will remain strong and will continue to come to teach us through Saturn in Capricorn ,i.e till end of 2022.It means world at large will have to implement many new learnings taught by this phase in next three years. It means social, personal level changes, reforms to come in next three years.
  • Higher lessons are obviously to stop mad hunt of humans, go back to roots, realize the rat race and get in touch with ourselves, be it at superficial or Spiritual level. Saturn in Capricorn is what ‘quarantine’ is all about, to learn new ways of life, through living in boundaries.
  • If one has desire to go even beyond to think the purpose of existence, then it will become even more clear. Transits this year in forceful manner have stopped Humanity from its blind race so that we all can learn to pause and think what we are here for. When we humans didn’t bothered to clean our mess, Nature decided to throw us all into this panic. Will we learn now?

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Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Pisces sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn moves to your eleventh house. Focus now comes on growth and end of all of previous stagnation, finance issue, work or any personal level confusion will end .This transit phase will bring intense focus on your personal growth. Career and financial rise can be steep and even beyond your own expectations.
  • Saturn in transit will aspect ascendant, fifth and eighth house. This means time to remain humble, stay free, open and mix with others. Also do not forget who helped you and practice humility. Thirdly focus will come on your children, their well-being as well and for growing you have to commit to upgrading yourself constantly.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aquarius sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn moves to your twelfth house of chart which starts your phase of Sadesaati. Now the next 7.5-8 years are going to be with Lord Saturn and he is going to transform your life altogether. Focus now goes to very details in almost all aspects. Now you will start to see delays in small things and there will be need to upgrade yourself and become responsible in what you speak, what you commit and what you do. No longer you are free to pursue your goals without utmost sincerity. In deeper sense this initiates time for paying back your old and very old karmic cycles/debts.
  • Saturn in transit will aspect second, sixth and ninth house. This means slowing down your state of growth, earnings will slow down and savings as well. This phase will raise expenses, personal-professional confusions and can cause many conflicts in family, with elders and at professional level.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Capricorn sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn will move to your Moon sign .It will lead to start of peak phase of Sadesati, though make a note that Saturn being in own sign will give you relatively more time and space to learn lessons and its usual harshness will be much less(about half of its harshness). This is known to be most intense phase but will be better than previous one and will open career growth, will bring relative ease in thought process, your emotional state will get slightly better though challenges still exist. Focus comes on identifying all of your weakness, accepting them, working on them and committing to total dedication and sincerity in whatever you do. Focus comes on you entirely.
  • Saturn will aspect third ,seventh and tenth houses .It means focus on your social relations, your love life/marriage and generic professional-pubic interaction as well .Thirdly focus will strongly come on work life which will occupy your attention .It also means need to focus on how you approach anyone or any event without being driven by same old past mechanism.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Overview of transit
  • For Sagittarius sign people, Saturn moves to second house which now leads to end of peak phase of Sadesaati and start of last phase where Sadesaati will decline. Focus will come from on self ,on how you can improve and what actions you can take to make things better .Focus will come from intense problems ,stagnation and lack of opportunities to implementation, your career growth and financial growth too will pick. Main focus seems handling issues in family, in work and your finances.
  • Saturn in transit will aspect fourth, eighth and eleventh house. It means focus on family, self, what you have to do about these aspects. Secondly it means lack of support from others and need for self-reliance. Thirdly focus will come on how to use your wealth, resources wisely and some relations in social-family life can offer resistance.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Scorpio sign

Overview of transit
  • Saturn moves to third house ending your long phase of Sadesaati. So this is big event for you. Focus is now on new beginnings, starting life afresh, taking new steps, moving out of your isolation and forming new principles with lessons that you have learnt in recent past. This transit phase will create many new events, new relations cycles and is nothing less than a new birth.
  • Saturn will aspect fifth, ninth and twelfth house. It means need to take actions very wisely, do not judge anyone quickly and commit yourself to dedication in whatever you do. Secondly it means not to rely on anyone and develop respect for rules and processes. Thirdly it will now mean becoming more specific when it comes to where you are spending time, energy and wealth and also travelling for precise reasons.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Libra sign

Overview of transit
  • For Libra sign people Saturn will move to fourth house. This does initiates Dhaiyaa phase but being in own sign its impact would be very mild and majorly good results will be seen. This means focus coming back to family, self, your immediate needs, surroundings, current scenarios and your mind will become occupied with improving your current state at home, your earnings. Family matters, health of family members, their concerns will come into focus along with financial investments and assets and aspects related to that.
  • Saturn will aspect sixth, tenth and ascendant. It means challenges in your work relations, learning to coexist with others with tolerance. Career matters will need more effort ,more dedication and new set of beliefs to make it grow .It also means having intense focus on self and matters which are close to your heart and learning to solve such issues with whatever wisdom and resources you have gained till now.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Virgo sign

Overview of transit
  • For Virgo sign Saturn moves to fifth house. This brings focus to self, to creation of new identity, accumulating knowledge, possessions, status and relationships. This is phase of progress and you will form many new perceptions, your idea of self, about your personality. Your role in lives of others will be renewed. Its phase of rise.
  • Saturn will aspect seventh, eleventh and second house. It means there will be need to get selective in many of your relationships. Some new relationships will also be born but many more will end as well. Its also phase of slow, steady financial rise but you will have to put hard work and upgrade yourself in order to seen career-wealth growth. Focus will come on your self-worth, image, esteem and family matters as well.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Leo sign

Overview of transit
  • For Leo sign ,Saturn will move to sixth house .This in essence means getting firm, higher growth, good health and your past learning ,efforts and associations giving in results or creating platform through which you will realize your goals in this phase.This phase stands for working and living in most optimal manner and continuously finding ways to improve and organize self even better.
  • Saturn will aspect eighth, twelfth and third house. It will mean need to live in most effective manner which can reduce wastage of wealth and time. It means saving more money and travelling for specific work, causes. It also means getting selective in your relations and outgrowing many people who cant match up to your consciousness which means phase of steady restructuring in social life as well.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Cancer sign

Overview of transit
  • For Cancer sign, Saturn will move in seventh house. This will bring focus on learning from external events, people, relations, work life and your own tendencies. This would be phase for work life changes ,rise, improvements ,formation-end of relations and intense personal level changes happening due to learnings, realizations about people, relations, truth about life ,professional world and your reaction-attitude about all these will bring subtle ,continuous formation of beliefs.
  • Saturn will aspect ninth, first and fourth house. It means focus on professional relations, role of seniors at work, elders in family getting louder. It means need to face your own shadow, your illusions and conditioning. Thirdly focus will come on some close family members/associations, affairs of home and need to reform your ideas about family and your role in it.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Gemini sign

Overview of transit
  • For Gemini sign people Saturn moves to eighth house. This initiates Dhaiyaa or Ashtam Shani phase. Though being in own sign, Saturn will treat you mildly and will give more space for you to learn and grow. Focus will come on taking up responsibilities in all spheres with actual doing. This is overall a major restructuring, though focusing more on fact that now you need to accept reality and start doing things which you know should be done (which become clear from past learnings till now).
  • Saturn will aspect tenth, second and fifth house. This means your general approach, career part coming in focus needing work. Secondly time to become aware and disciplined about your resources and thirdly spend more time in learning, in evaluating self rather than focusing on others. This is completely personal transit where you must bring changes from inside out.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Taurus sign

Overview of transit
  • For Taurus sign, Saturn will move to ninth, ending their earlier Dhaiyaa (Ashtam Shani) phase bringing in relief. This is phase to reform yourself at deepest level, learn new skills, explore new areas, places, relationships and basic essence is constructing new life and beliefs.
  • Saturn will aspect your eleventh, third and sixth house. It will bring need to get selective in your social life(in context of building a new life).Secondly it will reform/change your relations with close family members, friends as well and means time to pay attention to details in your actions and new initiatives. Thirdly, time to pay attention to health, develop new regimes and in aiming complete mind-body-soul alignment through diet, exercise, yoga and similar aspects.

Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aries sign

Overview of transit
  • For Aries sign people Saturn will move into tenth house from Moon. This will bring your approach, your generic karmic patterns to focus. It means focus on career, your overall behavior, how you act and what you do about your intentions.
  • Aspect of Saturn will fall on twelfth, fourth and seventh house. This means focus will come on what you do about your fee time, your wealth ,how you spend, basically how you deal about your resources .Secondly it will bring focus to your family members,your core values and responsibilities in your life. Thirdly focus will be on your relationships in general. Your approach, your destined karma and related need to bring changes in self/surroundings to make relations better will come into focus.

Year 2020 : Impact on Pisces sign

Year 2020 for Pisces sign people signifies rise after accepting the responsibility. This year will bring major changes in your life and most of them would be for the good .Year 2020 for Pisces sign people brings growth though demanding acceptance of much higher responsibilities and upgrading yourself to match up the demands .This year brings end to your earlier problems in work and family and without a doubt this can be the year for finding major breakthroughs .For many of you this can prove to be the milestone year which will change everything and will lay out platform for your rapid growth. Your past efforts and patience are ready to give you results. Let us now move to discussion of how this year is going to bring such changes in your life.

Year 2020 : Impact on Aquarius sign

This is going to be a mixed year having varied sorts of experiences on all sides. Year 2020 for Aquarius sign people signifies time to make yourself balanced, correct your mistakes and the deeper essence of this year is a wakeup call. This year while Saturn moves to your twelfth house initiating phase of Sadesaati, your Jupiter for majority of year is still in protecting mode which means you still have lot of time to work on self and get back to basics. This year does show progress in desired direction but in between you will have phases of realizations and some events in your life will also pull your attention towards your weakness which should be worked upon immediately. Let us now directly jump to details about your time in this year.

Year 2020 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Capricorn people are undergoing through intense tests from Saturn owing to phase of Sadesaati. Year 2020 for Capricorn sign people does bring a relief and finding balance and sustaining patterns is essence of this year for you. This year signifies end of many earlier issues, specially related to health and finances and opening up of some growth prospects.Though this year your Sadesaati will start in peak mode(second phase) which does signifies challenges and stiff work and family environment ,though still Saturn being in own sign also means possibilities for rise, stability for those acting sincerely. This is not easy time, though is sure to bring end to some of earlier problems and delay in work, complete lack of opportunities will end .Let us now directly move to detailed patterns of this year for you people.

Year 2020 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius sign people have been undergoing through intense phase of Sadesaati. Year 2020 brings a shift as Sadesaati moves to third and last phase where its intensity starts to decrease. Year 2020 for Sagittarius sign people is going to being hope, relief and avenues for growth opening up gradually. Many of the obstacles are going to end. This is the year to bring yourself back from deep slumber and start to get back to your goals with better determination. The essence for you is end of previous extreme stagnation .In a way the worst and most complex phase of Saturn’s test is now going to get over and gradually there will be new opportunities  coming in and rise of hope and better life force in you .Let us directly move to details about how this year is going to bring you relief,hope and how new avenues are going to open up.

Year 2020: Impact on Scorpio sign

It’s your year. Year 2020 for Scorpio sign people brings immense hope, end of all past troubles and beginning of an entirely new era. As you move ahead, there will be end to your ongoing Sadesaati which has been suppressing your potential since long. This year will finally bring end to it which will open up a fresh phase of life. In this year you can surely expect life to move ahead with end of past struggles, conflicts, delays and recovery from traumas and emotional suppression will occur rapidly. It’s a year to heal inside out and recreate your life. Year 2020 without a doubt is going to be a milestone time for you from where your life is going to take a major turn. It’s time to leave all of your past behind and look forward to fresh, very encouraging life which is full of possibilities .Let us move to details as to how you are going to experience this positive, decisive and life infusing change in this year.  

Year 2020 : Impact on Libra sign

It’s a year of constant change which will continuously make you grow ahead. Year 2020 for Libra sign signifies growth patterns though needing continuous adaptability, greater flexibility and eagerness to learn, to mold yourself according to situations and remain available, open to growth opportunities. This year brings progress in almost all fronts though the essence remains movement outside comfort zone and need for development of new skills ,growth in network along with developing new ideologies and outlook for life .The previous years showed you some growth and financial rise though now is the time for you to learn to accommodate new skills, your past lessons and become open to new possibilities without holding onto any fear or grudges. Year 2020 for Libra people without doubt is time to make a mark and create new life. For some it’s going to be a fresh journey while majority of you will experience constant renewal of your ideologies way of living and thought process .Let us now move to details to learn what exactly this year holds and how growth is going to come in.

Year 2020 : Impact on Virgo sign

New year brings new hopes and new direction for Virgo people. Year 2020 for Virgo sign people stands for firm growth, end of many earlier problems and stagnation along with rise of confidence and getting clarity in life. Essence for you is opening up new paths, new career opportunities and end of many stagnating personal and professional matters leading to lasting relief. Its kind of year where through intense learning in past you will come to terms with current situation. With this earned wisdom ,better ,much more logical and visionary decisions will flow taking you ahead in this year .As old pattern are ending and you need to create new ones, it will take great courage, life force and dedication to move ahead as its similar to moving into unknown. Hence Virgo sign people will experience growth, removal of many blockages along with greater clarity given they are fully ready to move ahead without any strings attached with past and sense of fear. Let us now move to detailed discussion as to how this year is going to impact you in various aspects of life.

Year 2020 : Impact on Leo sign

Year 2020 opens immense possibilities for Leo sign people. It’s the year of flying, rising high, dreaming again, realizing your full potential and achieving your goals without looking back. There are patterns of rapid growth, immense learning, your network growing and inner strength and optimism along with vision making a comeback. Year 2020 for Leo sign people is nothing sort of a blessing, grace descending from Gods themselves. You will experience joy, a sense of exhilaration in life. Growth and expansion patterns are present almost in all sectors of life. It’s kind of year which will take you ahead in speed, in style. Let us directly jump to details as to how and where this year is going to make impact for you.

Year 2020 : Impact on Cancer sign

Its time to walk the talk. Cancer sign people will experience higher decisiveness, greater productivity and sense of responsibility in year 2020.Year 2020 for Cancer sign people brings immense focus and a sense of urgency and linearity in energies which will help you do what you always wanted to do and achieve more. Its the kind of year where you will realize need, urgency and purpose of getting dedicated and becoming attentive for your goals. This is time to deliver and patterns in this year are of growth, progress, more wealth but coming after you show your worth, you do what’s needed and postponing doesn’t occur. Essence for Cancer sign people then becomes rise of discipline, dedication and focus followed by growth and alignment. Let us now see in detail as to how time patterns this year will impact you in various aspects of life.

Year 2020: Impact on Gemini sign

Year 2020 for Gemini people is an opportunity to prove themselves and fulfill their long-cherished dreams and materialize plans finally. This year stands for good growth, progress all around and gain of wealth, assets and more wisdom as well. Gemini people will have very positive impact of Jupiter while Saturn in transit will start their Dhaiyaa(8th house transit) phase which though is known to bring challenges but Saturn in own sign will keep it mild .So this year on one side has immense potential to give you want you want and in parallel you will have to prove it to self, to others and actually walk the talks in order to keep gaining results. Essence for you becomes a year of expansion, fulfilment backed by intense commitment and readiness to act in present without any further postponing of any sort. Let us now move into details as to how Gemini people will experience flow of time in year 2020.

Year 2020 : Impact on Taurus sign

There are times when a person must go through karmic compulsions, events beyond control so that life ahead of that becomes smooth and clear. This is what year 2020 for Taurus people is going to bring. As you move into this year your intense karmic test will end paving way for progress, bringing clarity, peace and stability in and around. Previous year has been very limiting as it had severe karmic bondages but this year will end your ongoing Dhaiyaa (the 8th house transit of Saturn) from February onwards which will create clear, decisive and better path for you to progress. With end of contractive patterns, year 2020 stands for building new life, taking risks and allowing changes and new realities to be formed by being trusting in nature with process of life. In essence, this year symbolizes end of severe bondages, restrictions and generation of new life patterns which will also involve moving into unknown, but nevertheless all for the growth and expansion of your life force. Let us now see how this year will shape up for you Taurus people.