
Saturn in sixth house

Out of all houses placement of Saturn is said to give best results in sixth house. This seems to be quite intriguing on the face reason being the challenging nature of this house and testing and contractive nature of Saturn itself. The results are indeed not straight forward as they are generally pronounced (and even exaggerated many times).Though placement of Saturn in any house needs careful attention and detailed study but when this Mighty Spiritualizing agent is placed in sixth house of chart at time of birth, then especially one will need extremely sharp distinction about what is possible, where limitation lies, potential challenges and scope and direction of achievements.

Living with the Saturn : Practical Remedies for planet Saturn

Saturn is known to give most challenging times and its transit(or dasa) is most feared. Amid mess and hopelessness one try to find remedial measure, any method which will please this planet and will take away all the pain. Saturn wants a fundamental change and working on outer level, through exoteric rituals alone won’t work. Remedies do have some effect, but when it comes to Sadesaati, Dhayya , etc.,Saturn needs change in inner most level and expecting relief solely through lightening Deepak under a tree or pouring mustard oil on Saturn’s idol are bound to disappoint .Lets have a look at some fundamental areas where one should work diligently to gain true Grace of Mighty Saturn.

1.Discipline is the key word for Saturn. This is the starting point, the main message in broader sense. Accept the fact that until and unless you bring discipline in your life, things won’t change for better.However long you resist organisation in and around you, Saturn will continue to haunt through in-numerous means .So accept and acknowledge the very first and main lesson which Saturn wants to instill in you.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Pisces Moon sign

Saturn transit bring relief to you with its movement out of your difficult sector .Previous stay of Saturn gave you opportunity to learn in many areas and as per the true nature of Saturn,many of your lessons might have come in difficult way .Now Saturn comes to your ninth house from Moon activating new phase in your life.Impact areas are many and this movement of mighty planet is more on positive side and will allow relatively free flow of growth. Let’s have a look what this transit has stored for you, going from the most subtle to concrete manifestation.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Aquarius Moon sign

Saturn transit for you bring gradual change and shift in your focus areas. Saturn now moves to your tenth house from Moon, which now is grand scheme to bring your work, career to limelight. Saturn will now exercise great level of control over you as many important areas will come under its scanner.Impact areas are many and almost all of them are critical part of your life .Lets have a look how Saturn movement to Scorpio is going to affect you.

The first and foremost impact will be seen in your work and at workplace. How your individual time periods are aligned will determine exact nature of effect but talking in generic sense your work life will come under limelight now .Many of you who were thinking to change the job for better ,this is the perfect time.Time till August 2015 is perfect to make a big jump in search of better prospects. Those who decide to stay in their present job, they will have to take up additional responsibilities, which can also mean a rise in your current role .For some of you this movement of Saturn will activate process of inquiry within and it can also give you possible shift in your work line itself. For those who are seriously pondering over making a big jump in their careers,2015 is the year to go for it.In context of work ,there can be possible change in location too and coming out of your comfort zone will become necessity now. One of the important feature of this transit should be given attention,its Saturn’s desire to have a relook at the way you work, your approach .If individual time period pattern is not supportive for career jump then a period of stagnation, where you will need to work extremely hard ,might come forcing you to restructure your approach.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Capricorn Moon sign

Saturn is infamous for being great malefic, for giving pain and harsh times. But there are times when Saturn blesses too, and when this Mighty force blesses, expect the experience of real freedom joy and sky is literally not the limit to describe it. Capricorns have reached that stage where they are ready to receive blessings from Saturn. Out of all zodiac signs, Saturn transit for you is the best. It’s actually the best times one can ask from Saturn and it can grant with its all might. It’s time to sing in joy, dance in freedom and move ahead in life like never before .Saturn’s blessings are rarest of rare and its now all open for you .Impact areas are many and contrary to image of Saturn, all manifestation are fantastically positive for you people. Let’s see what’s all stored for you.

Most amazing change will be seen in your career or business. For the ones in service, its time for rapid growth and promotion, assumption of bigger and brighter role is now seen. Your authority at workplace will increase and you will receive respect and your opinion will now be counted as very crucial. Your career is now ready to shine and you could literally outshine the best ones and be the winner in all areas. Your working capacity increases and you would be able to work long hours without any complain, in fact you would love it. Your productivity also increases and you are sure to capture the attention of many around you. Your work will now be recognized and time till August 2015 is specially very good for getting awards and visible appreciations.For business persons it’s time to expand and launch new products/projects, build and grow your network and go beyond your own expectations.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Sagittarius Moon sign

Saturn transit for Sagittarius people brings change and time full of opportunities for self-growth .Saturn now enters sign previous to your Moon sign and thus your Sadesaati has started. But before you instill fear and any assumption in your mind takes birth,it should be made clear that its not a period of doom and gloom, rather it’s a period which requires cleansing of your psyche and it will restructure your life for the best. Impact areas for Sagittarius people are many and lets being from inside to outside manifestation.

You could feel increased sense of responsibility in your life ,in your work, in your personal relationships, at home and with your finances. The main aspect here is increased sense of awareness that sincerity is important and you need to deal with utmost practicality as realm of dreams and plans in air is over now. You would feel the need to act with sensibility and if your life is in mess right now, then you can feel the panic. There could be pressure from various means to organize yourself .First important manifestation is issues with health, which often comes in this period and old and neglected health problems can now become bigger and will cry for your immediate attention .Its highly advisable not to postpone them, rather you should take your health on top most priority now and should build a very disciplined diet and routine for yourself .Secondly your mind can get little blurred now and you might find it difficult to draw a line between what is necessary and what is not. Your travels can increase now out of sudden with many planned and unplanned trips coming up.Time till August 2015 is very good for travelling worldwide as there could be many opportunities to travel foreign lands.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Scorpio Moon sign

We often see and hear inspirational stories about many great and renowned celebrities.We get goose bumps listening to their tale ,we derive motivation from them. This is your time to make your story, this is your time to stand up to the challenge and show the strength of your character. Saturn transit for you brings your Sadesaati to the peak. Saturn now enters your Moon sign and with this you enter in a phase which is most feared and is literally damned. But before you make any fatal impressions it will be good to be reminded that promotion in work, considerable financial success and awards at workplace are also seen in this phase, and it’s not just a phase to mourn and condemn ,rather it’s the time to witness the biggest revolution that can happen in one’s life. Now we can get into details with your open and receptive mind.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Libra Moon sign

Saturn transit for Libra Moon sign people bring great relief as their Sadesaati  now enters into third and last phase ,which is less tormenting as compared to initial years. Saturn now goes way from your Moon sign ,and results would shows as less burden inside you .There will  feeling of lightness and though your troubles and challenges cannot be said to end completely, this transit is sure to mark a new era in your life. Impact areas are many and Saturn brings you relief along with caution .Open minded approach should be taken for the signs where Saturn is making direct impact, hence its required for you guys to be highly open minded and receptive to fully understand and appreciate message of Saturn. Saturn doesn’t want to give you mindless pain, all it wants is your attention.

Saturn moving out of your Moon sign will first get reflected in your health. Your health is bound to bounce back now and those of you who are on medication, medicines will start to affect more now. Now any effort given towards betterment of health would give you results, unlike before where efforts were going in vain .Greatest influence of this transit is perhaps felt on inner mind, how one feels .Your Sadesaati now getting into last phase marks the rewinding phase, where you journey for revival will begin ,though gradually .You would start to gain some form of mental balance and relief in your heart will translate into better peace and harmony at home as compared to earlier times. The heaviness in heart and dullness in mind will ease out and you will find inspiration to move on. Next impact is most important as it relates to your work and finances.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Virgo Moon sign

Dance, sing and celebrate. Virgo Moon sign people now witness historic times, this transit will bring end to their Sadesaati, the seven and half years crucial test of Saturn will now end completely .This transit is actually memorable and most pleasing thing that could happen with you in terms of planetary moment .Out of all zodiac signs, Virgo sign is going to be blessed in most affluent manner. Saturn is now ready to bless you with all of its might. Though impact areas are many ,but essence of this transit can actually be summarised in very simple way, it’s like a bird being freed from the cage, it’s like breaking away of various sorts of chains and bondages. Transit of Saturn for Virgo individuals simply means freedom and joy.

The most important impact will be seen in all pending matters .All the pending issues in your life, be it in any area, will now be ready to sorted out and in most of the cases result should be very satisfactory. Career matters will now look up, stagnation in job and business will say good bye and its time for rapid growth. Those waiting for new job should pull their sleeves and bring back their sprits as their Sunrise has arrived. For the ones aspiring to grow in their current roles can surely expect promotion and rise along with substantial financial growth too. For the ones in business it’s the time to grow their network and 2015 is especially extremely auspicious for taking the steps.Your people management skills will see a brilliant and positive turn and a certain charm will envelop you.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Leo Moon sign

The times of great reshuffling and restructuring are here for Leo people, Saturn arrives in your fourth house from the Moon, activating the great churning within and around you. Impact areas are numerous and this is one of the place where transit is much misunderstood and simply feared on the face, so to comprehend it better and completely we have to increase the limits of our mind. Let’s explore the manifestation of this transit, from gross outer world to the deep within the psyche of Leo Moon sign individuals.

On outer levels in visible world there are many new things and events that are now ready to unfold themselves. This is the best time to invest in lands and properties, specifically till the august 2015.Depending on your current state, you could get property in inheritance, or you can take decision to build house of your own, or simply buy or invest in it. This is also the time to get a new vehicle in your family and next year is best time for it.This is the time to break the inertia and allow change in your life, so a change in current place of residence is very much possible and relocation to different city or different country too is foreseen.Not just change in location ,this is very ideal time for traveling around the world as Saturn here likes to throw one completely outside the comfort zone and exposing one to different culture and people is one of the typical trait of Saturn.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Cancer Moon sign

The transit of Saturn for Cancer Moon sign people is going to bring huge relief and beginning of a new era. Impact as usual will be felt and seen on many areas, but perhaps the greatest change will be a sense of calm and relief,you will feel light and hopeful .Its a transit to cheer about, Saturn will bring you  much joy ,but certainly not without some responsibilities. Let’s learn how this transit will mould your life and what’s stored for Cancer sign.

First of all its time to say good bye to heaviness inside you, mighty Saturn now removes all the blockages from your life. Many pending tasks ,projects and complex unsolved matters will now look up for resolution. So the foremost impact is green signal, to wake up from your sloth and stagnancy and move ahead .A strong impact will come in your relationships, the personal ones. Year 2015, especially time till August is extremely auspicious for love to blossom in your life. The feeling of barrenness and isolation for many of you is now all set to depart, making a space for love to fill there. Time is very conducive to open your heart ,take initiative in matters of heart and love .Not just romance and emotional upsurge, Mighty Saturn has come to bless you with long term serious and sincere bonding, so for the ones who are looking for marriage or soulful connection, time has arrived with a bang.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn moving to Scorpio sign is sign of celebration for Gemini Moon sign people. This transit is most praised in classical texts ,as form your Moon sign Saturn will enter into the sixth house, the house where Saturn is ought to work in most effective and in positive manner .For you changes are clearly seen and more than anything else, this transit will bring acceleration in whatever you are doing in your life. The areas impacted are many, let’s have a look how mighty Saturn will bless you. First and foremost change will be seen in context of your work.

A change at work place is awaiting you, time will show you the contrast and this is the time when one finds fault existing within himself in his way of working, if the inspiration hits you right, it could prove to be a very bright beginning in your career or business. Often individual starts new venture, change job for better and engages oneself more proactively in whatever he is doing .But expecting smooth things without any genuine intention of hard work doesn’t work well with the Saturn.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Taurus Sign

Change is here for Taurus Moon sign people. Change in many areas can be expected and now the time is for fundamental shift in your life. For you people Saturn will come into seventh house from Moon and it has its own importance and will bring visible effect in many spheres of your life. First area which deserves attention is your relationships. For the ones who are waiting for someone special and looking for long term commitment and marriage, this transit will bring the good news .Its time for Taurus people to get into serious and stable personal bonding. Time till July 2015 looks extremely fruitful and conducive for any step towards union and for starting your new family .For the ones who are already settled ,this transit will bring some shifts in perception and your outlook towards your partner is all set to change now. Any pending matters will now become ready to be sorted out. You can take some firm decision about your personal life and steps taken now will impact your life in long turn. 

For some of you, depending on current state, this transit can also break away old bonds and create a space for new ones. This process cannot be isolated from feeling of pain and deep mourning within .Saturn emphasize on results more ,and not on the method or how one will feel things,so concentrate on outcome rather than becoming too critical of the process.Its time to be open and receptive for the change in your life in terms of personal relationships. Decide what you want , how you want ,time is now stable and auspicious, you will get results of long term relevance.

Direction of Life force and Ascendant ruler

The higher and more mature use of astrology is to see where does an individual stands in process of evolution. When one takes birth, one’ s primary motivation factor, important characteristics traits and evolutionary path are shown by position of planets. Where and how one would feel comfortable, what would be the areas which will give one a feeling of being in harmony with self and how basic impulse in person would express itself, these all questions can be answered through placement of Moon, the nature of ascendant and positioning of ascendant lord .How and where ascendant lord(first house ruler) is placed in chart decides ,rather show, where individual will find his or her motivation and basic life force .Let’s try to touch the essence of it in brief.

Saturn Transit 2014 - Impact on Sign Aries

Get ready for the action. For Aries Moon sign people, transit of Saturn is challenging one, but also full of immense possibilities and this transit will invoke many unconscious habits, events to become visible and without a doubt such transit bring deepest level of changes in life. These are the times when one’s deeply buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts. Your financial matters will require utmost attention and disciple in money matters should be cultivated now. The dissatisfaction in career related matters can force you to change your present job with some form of frustration surrounding your efforts,or the extra amount of hard work you have been spending at your workplace will manifest itself in the form of some elevation or recognition .Change of residence is much possible and in some of the cases Saturn’s influence might cause tensions in family matters ,causing some form of separation ,either mental or physical.

Saturn in fifth house

The nature of Saturn should always be comprehended in all forms before one can really grasp the essence of its placement in any house of the chart. Fifth house is extremely critical and shows how we perceive events, how outer circumstances affects us and how and where our brain & intelligence reacts and find stimulation .We all have seen in our childhood how someone looks deeply dissatisfied and lost even after getting 95% in exam and how some others seems to feel relief and are able to derive joy in merely passing. What makes it possible? Mystery lies in our fifth house(though role of fourth house cannot be separated and both fourth and fifth houses need to be judged in matters of feel and inner joy).

Saturn in fourth house

A family living on the foothills of Himalayas in India was apparently content and happy. The couple had a small boy, who being their only son was being brought up with extreme caution and sincerity. The mother was particularly very concerned about safety and growth of her child as she had experienced some traumatic events in her own life which led her to be quite obsessed about situations surrounding her child. Being surrounded by dense forests and various sorts of wild animals, parents always made sure that their kid takes only safe routes, do not go beyond certain heights and alike. While the father was busy in earning and feeding the family,mother being solely responsible for bringing up her kid and also immensely driven by her own fears in unconscious ways, had put severe limitations on what the boy should do and what not .Though the external beauty was immense ,the boy gradually build a world of his own, accepting limitations imposed in most diligent ways. His room had a corner where he used to feel himself cozy lying with his old and faithful dog. He used to talk very less, and even if he wanted to have some amount of it, he didn’t know how to express himself. His mother who was now growing old was somewhere satisfied as she thought she gave a protected environment and brought up her child safe and strong amid such wild conditions, but then the knots and clots in psyche of young boy were immense, he grew up in illusion as to which world was real and why his world looks so different to the world which his eyes could see, but heart couldn’t felt.

Saturn in Third house

Saturn in third house, like any other placement, is one of the most influencing configuration and its effects could literally shape up the initial years and long term outlook of an individual. Third house is crucial sector in our chart as it describes how our environment would be, what kind of people one will be surrounded with and what kind of learning opportunities will be given in childhood for personality to shape up .Apart from these aspects perhaps most important is how one will express his or her self and planets placed in third house play extremely crucial role in deciding it. Understanding Saturn is absolutely necessary before one really appreciate and accept its placement in any house of the chart, same is true when at the birth time mighty Spiritualizing agent, Saturn is placed here in third house of birth chart.

Trasmutation of Faith , Karma and Astrology

Birth chart analysis in its most widespread form is primarily used as a tool for seeing the difficult periods along with prescription of remedial measures to minimize the ill effects. Rishi Prashar in Brihat Prashar Hora Shahstra has prescribed Mantras and worship of deities as potential way to tackle difficult times as indicated by planetary periods. There are numerous ways in which indivuals try to please deities as presented by planets. The intent of this write-up is to explore the link between faith and its effect on one’s destiny. This is rather grey area as generally such effects are invisible but in certain cases planetary positions in chart show miraculous placements whose linkage with Divine Grace cannot be ruled out by mere reasoning .Here as an example we will see two birth charts, one of a woman and second one of her child to see how beautifully faith has worked and more importantly how faith has been transmuted into position planet Jupiter, which represent Divine Grace of God in chart.Its important to differentiate the subtle message here ; intent here is just not to show how faith worked, rather main point is to explore how faith of parents has resulted in planetary position in birth chart of child.

Saturn in second house

Saturn the planet of severe austerity and patience when placed in second house at the time of birth of an individual is of mighty importance and provided it has good strength,it can create a strong pattern in life .Its always good to be aware of the fact that when you are reading and learning about Saturn ,you need to remain entirely open and receptive, as with Saturn acceptance is the key rather than expectations.Second house is our intimate sector, apart from wealth it is concerned with our beliefs, our value system and perception about the self. This house is intimately related to experiences that we receive in early part of our lives ,which shape up our thought patterns and character.To fully comprehend and appreciate the impact of Saturn in second house it is necessary to understand probable reasons along with deeper implications of this placement.

Saturn in First House

Saturn is the most extraordinary planet in the entire solar system ,both in terms of its physical appearance and more importantly in its esoteric significance .Placement of Saturn in chart is of perhaps utmost significance as it shows how Karmic patterns are going to unfold themselves as this mighty planet contains all the past memories and Karma of an individual. Placement of Saturn in first house is not a simple phenomenona,rather it shows an extremely intriguing individual and it needs thorough explanation and deep pondering as to why one is born with Saturn here.

The Human Touch

Vedic astrology indeed gives us strong clues and probable path that life may undertake to unfold the potential of chart and make one experience the contrasts, inducing the evolution through it. Looking for one particular meaning of planets in one’s chart might not be possible as astrological interpretation strictly depend upon skills (both analytical and intuitive) of an astrologer. What’s even more important in contemporary times is how much exposure does the counsellor himself has to really relate to issues of the native .Level of exposure and educative background of astrologer gives him or her the ability to explore more varied meanings of planetary placements and combinations.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Pisces Sign

It’s time for a Sunrise, for birds to sing and your Sprit to fly. Jupiter is going to enter your fifth house from Moon, which is considered to be very auspicious transit. Pisceans have seen much troubled times in recent past as Saturn was taking rigorous tests on various fronts. Movement of Jupiter in Cancer this June will bring lot of ease and comfort in your lives. It’s like tremendous support and guidance of some elderly and experienced member of your family coming to your rescue. This will be the one of the most memorable year in your lives which will leave lasting impressions on you. The impact areas for you people are literally huge, both in terms of quantity and quality, Pious Jupiter is going to bless you immensely this time.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Aquarius Sign

One man with courage is a majority said the Thomas Jefferson. Jupiter transit for you people is going to bring same courage in you in its pursuit of making you a fighter. Jupiter for Aquarius people will enter their sixth house from Moon and it will be exalted there, meaning in very powerful position. The very mention of sixth house generates a feeling of doom among those who know even bit of astrology. Even many experts will narrate a sorry story when Jupiter enters sixth house, but before anyone jumps to conclusion it should be clearly remembered that this mighty planet will be getting exalted, hence it will be in mood to bless even in most complex situations, so the equation changes altogether and a more open mind is needed to comprehend and implement what Jupiter wants to say to you guys. The impact areas for Aquarius people are many and emphasis is on preservation. Let’s explore in details.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Capricorn Sign

You are back, and with a super-duper bang. This is the year to rise, and come back on the track. Jupiter is going to enter your seventh house from Moon, which is a highly auspicious transit. The previous transit for you had already given enough tests and your spirit is feeling dull. Jupiter entering in your seventh house is similar to moving from 50 degrees sun stroke to chilling AC room. You are going to feel and see that relief now. The effects for Capricorn people are many and all of them fall in their comfort zone. Let’s explore more on what is stored for you people.

First and foremost change that will be felt is tremendous change in the way you feel about life itself. This is the period where your Spirits will stand up once again and will crave for the sky. You find enthusiasm and courage back in your life. You are going to be motivated in leaps and bounds. You will clearly feel that positive energy inside yourself, bubbling to come out ,more so as it has been put under lid since last one year. The issues and tasks that are lying pending and unsolved due to either lack of will to face them, or just due to plain ignorance will come to the surface and you will be mood to finish them off with your master stroke. Stroke will be yours, the same you always had, but strength and mighty force will be transmuted by Jupiter himself. Apart from old things and people, this transit will bring an altogether new breeze in your life. You will witness new opportunities coming your way which will actually lift your overall mood. You will now be actively involved in whatever is happening around you .You will make new plans, expand your reach among people, looking forward to each sunrise as if something truly exciting is going to happen with you, which actually will.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Sagittarius Sign

When you sow a seed, nowhere in your subconscious you have a question about the possibility of a tree springing out of it. You put the seed deep inside the surface, water it and then leave it to nature to handle the rest. And after few days you see a sapling. Jupiter transit for you people is going to work in exact manner, first an invisible phase where things will be working in invisible mode, whose effect won’t come to physical world immediately. Then second phase of visible manifestation of what was going in the background. The impact areas are many which will leave a lasting impression your subconscious mind as well as in your surroundings.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Scorpio Sign

The scorching sun is shining on your head, draining all of your stamina but you still need to run many more miles.You feel tired, loosing much of your energy, but somehow continue to run. Suddenly you see a tree on the way, with fully grown mangoes loaded on it and a fresh running pool of water nearby. On the sight of it,you become delighted, excited and straightforwardly jump into the water stream to rejuvenate yourself and then enjoy sweet mangoes at length. There you are, totally energized once again to run many thousand miles. Jupiter transit for Scorpio people is going to offer exactly same scenario, a pool of infinite energy where you can get yourself recharged for you journey ahead.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Libra Sign

And thou will give thyself relief, if thou does every act of thy life as if it were the last - Marcus Aurelius

More transformation is on its way for Libra people and your inner desire for things to take concrete shape is now ready to manifest. The test from Saturn though continues but Jupiter coming into your house of Karma that too in exalted(very powerful ) state will bring quite drastic changes in your life. For Libra people impact areas are the most basic pillars i.e family and work. It is no surprise that why the most basic areas come under scanner, it’s the all part of grand plan where Librans are thoroughly tested by Saturn, and Jupiter is now ready to provide you with a layer of protection and gives you a support, though from the behind.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Virgo Sign

Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin.

And it’s time for your Diligence to pay you back. Of all the zodiac signs ,sign Virgo is going to witness best of what Jupiter has to offer in Cancer sign, and you people deserve it to the core. Jupiter is in mighty position for you people as it will enter your eleventh house, illuminating your entire life and giving you extremely bright rays of hope. Coming out from severe test of Saturn since last many years, this is the year to be reborn, to come back to track once again and that too pretty fast. Most of the impact areas for Virgo people would lie in visible domain ,i.e changes happening around  will take concrete shape without requiring you to undergo any drastic personality changes. It’s the year to reap benefits of all of your past Karmas, for all of that patience, for holding on to your nerves, its payback time from the Cosmos, and that too in a Grand way.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Leo Sign

When we see a nuclear reactor its appearance will seem to be relatively silent in comparison to what it actually achieves. The story of Jupiter’s transit in Cancer sign for you Leo people is going to be exactly similar; it’s the time for inner dynamics, for setting up a chain reaction which will produce tremendous amount of force in you in future. And all of this happens without a sound without a fuss.
Jupiter for you people will enter twelfth house from Moon, which needs to be understood very carefully. There is generic tendency to over condemn and completely reject almost all the benefic tendencies of Jupiter when it enters 12th house. Agreed that this is house of “loss”,but sticking to single term is like mistaking elephant’s tail for elephant himself. More so before any one begins to make any impressions about this transit, its important to be reminded that mighty Jupiter will be in glorious and most powerful situation and that too in a house which is intimately related to Unity Consciousness, domain which lies pretty close to its heart. Areas are numerous where this inner dynamics will be felt and manifest.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Cancer

First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans,then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination - Napoleon Hill

Yes the change has arrived, that too in style. Jupiter will grace your ascendant ,i.e your very first house from Moon which means time for a big change that can be safely termed as revolutionary. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where this change will be experienced .Cancer people have been witnessing challenging times owing to ongoing Saturn transit. Now Jupiter entering in Cancer will come as a strong counterbalancing force and will provide them support from the back, which will give you strong base, which was lacking till now.To bravely face the test coming from Saturn, and its not just the time to face the test, rather come out with stunning victory.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Gemini Sign

It’s an year for which you waited so long, earnestly.An year where much fulfillment will be achieved of your long cherished desires. Pious and benevolent Guru will enter your second house from Moon, indicating huge amount of blessings to be showered on you in coming year. Such transit is considered to be very lucky and is highly praised in almost all astrological classics. Areas where Jupiter will make its impact for Gemini people are many, ranging from self to money to workplace and much more. Let’s have a look in details what this mighty teacher, who will be in extremely pleased state now ,has got for you.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Taurus Sign

Its time to come out of your shell and experience the world in its utmost diversity.Jupiter transit for you people is going bring back, or build, a fresh network where you do not feel like a isolated being rather you feel part of the family. The mighty Guru will enter your third house and will illuminate important areas of your life, which primarily deals with how you exchange your money and yourself with others.

The previous trend of Jupiter was meant to give you results of all of your hard work, but more on individual level, now is the time to get into cycle of Universal exchange where your existence helps others to prosper and vice versa. The easiest and most easily available area where this exchange can be found is your family ,friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Aries Sign

“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves”
Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one has to undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. Here comes the Jupiter to give you strong roots so that first you settle down with yourself and later on go to win the latter battle.

Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’. There are many areas where positive and refreshing breeze of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s` have a look at all those area where you will witness brightness.

Turbulent Times : Saturn , Rahu and Mars Conjunction

The challenge and chaos is here again, once again the mighty forces have aligned themselves together whose effect is sure to reflect in many areas of our life. Astrologically in present time Saturn, Rahu and Mars are in same sign of Libra. These three mighty planets came together on 4th Feb this year and will remain in same sign till 24th March 2014.So what does it mean to have these planets together? And why term challenge and chaos is used right at the beginning?

Saturn represents the cautious force which is interested in deep organization at mundane and personal level, and the cost involved doesn’t bother this Spiritual giant.It’s a planet which is intimately linked with giving results of one’s Karma. Mars on other hand brings change in violent and passionate manner, when Saturn is concerned with long term effects, Mars want results in hurry and use of force is inherent part of its nature. Rahu is again a Karmic planet(rather a node) which works in deceptive manner(much like our Karma) and events caused by Rahu are too sharp yet confusing in nature, like a riot triggered by unknown people collectively known as mob. Now when these three forces come together the result is imbalance in Sign of Libra, which is bound to affect us on individual as well as on mundane level.

Questionaire - February 2014

Question :
I have a very big doubt regarding the Fate vs Will power.
i think, the fate we created upon our actions/karma in previous life times, can be changed by the will we project in this particular life time. i also believe God has given us abundant liberty, and bless us always.
One astrologer friend told me that, you donot need to do/try anything, at right time Guru(indicator of spouse for Women) will appear. I wonder these words, how is this possible!
-They say marriage is made in heaven, So, Is it predetermined ?
Is marriage predetermined or/and the person we marry predetermined ?
What about other life events, can they be changed or predetermined as well?

Venus in 12th House

The planet which primarily signifies ability to give and receive love, goes to twelfth house. The results pronounced in classical texts are too crude and make immediate dent in our psyches. Whenever the sensitive houses are matter of study, it is responsibility of both astrologer, who should be termed as counselor in more appropriate terms, and of the recipient to view results in their guiding form .It is important to acknowledge that planets in one’s chart only indicates ,i.e they are not the one who decides ,rather they only show what’s in store in your  Karmic bucket. So taking full responsibility and affirming faith that somewhere it has got deep message for you, such understanding only will bring true guidance. Coming to our topic here, its good to once again know what really is 12th house. Twelfth house stands for all invisible things, which exerts influence over us. Our own subconscious mind is brilliant example. Dreams, unfulfilled desires, Universal consciousness are some other defining traits for this house.

Venus in 11th House

Every planet has got some inherent characteristics which makes it unique. These characteristics get chance to blossom according to the house a planet gets, relationship it make with other planets and the sign in which it is placed. The eleventh house is best described where our dreams, hopes and desire reside, where we interact with others and form our ‘company’, this is the house to look to decide how is one’s social networking going to look like. The Venus on other hand symbolizes finer things, people and events. What is actually finer? The definition obviously is strictly personal here and in general Venus represents desire. Desire to look good, feel good, do good and satisfy your senses with good objects. The degree and quality of good here naturally differs as per our social background and upbringing .So when we look at basic impulse of Venus and inherent nature of 11th house, we see a connect, we notice that somewhere their nature sync and this planet being here is in full authority to display its most basic traits in full form ad might.

Venus in 10th House

It is a great mistake for men to give up paying compliments, for when they give up saying what is charming, they give up thinking what is charming said Oscar Wilde. But the ones who have Venus in the tenth house would rarely encounter it. The placement of Venus in 10th house indeed makes one charm personified. The tenth house is related intimately to one’s perception among the masses ,give strong hints about what we do to make that perception and a gentle planet like Venus brightens the chart here .Those who have this placement would behave soberly, they make their moves in very tender ways and it comes from their pure inner cores. How and why part of their doing will become more clear to comprehend when we pay attention to the origins of it.

 Venus through influencing the fourth house of the chart, make one’s thought process pretty naive. These people think in linear ways, obviously we are assuming the absence of any affliction to this planet here.

Venus in 9th House

The planet of internal and outer beautification, the Goddess of Love, Venus when placed in ninth house of the chart gives immense love for exploration & gaining and spreading knowledge. These people are very gentle and admirable. Venus here is free to receive and give love in unattached mode ,i.e. these persons do not have a rigid or very clingy idea of love, so accordingly they are usually not possessive, they like to give freedom to their partners. Now coming on exploration part, they are very much interested in learning new things in life as in many cases we will see them getting many degrees in their life in pursuit of something more refined. They are constant explorers of better lifestyle and are extremely receptive to any kind of feedback, though other planets needs to be taken in consideration before drawing any final picture about the chart.

Venus in 8th House

Talking in language of aphorism, cure for an obsession is to get another one. In context of our subject it applies to great extent, it catches the nerve indeed. Venus in eight house modify the behavior of this otherwise soft and gentle planet, and give colors of passion, and to be more precise, obsession to it. Whatever house is governed by Venus, those affairs would occupy one’s mind in very prominent way. This planet has been considered to be intimately connected with love and relationships and indeed it signify the outlook and method in which love will be expressed. Those who have this placement seek fierce commitment in their personal relationships, their expression of love is generally very straight and intense. When the fine line is crossed, then obsession with their lovers or else with the idea of love itself happens with them. To say that love becomes a necessity for them and not a luxury won’t be incorrect.

Year Ahead 2014 : Pisces

Expansion realms

Capturing the essence of ‘hope’,poet Emily Dickinson wrote : 
 Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all. And you too won’t stop. Your search for the dawn continues and this year do bring some hope in real sense. The expansion areas for you will unfold them gradually as year progresses. The first area where considerable growth can be expected is your attitude. With the enormous energy available from Mars ,you people will literally become dynamites .The aggression rises in you, your problem solving skills expand along with your eagerness to face the tough situations. The focus at workplace will rise and once you balance this excess of energy inside you, you can see pending tasks getting finished. Appreciation of your efforts at workplace is seen with your innovative problem solving skills at display. The first half is the time when your focus would shift towards your career for sure.

Though the best for Pisces people is stored in latter half of this year, post July, when mighty Jupiter will bless you in more than one way. Following months will see rise in many areas .To begin with, you will witness substantial increase in enthusiasm and a very bright thought process. You would go for organizing yourself and your schedule for the best. It is the year to get back to books, yes its one of the best year to get enrolled in serious educative pursuit. Getting admissions formally and start or else continue your learning journey is the essence of this year. For the ones not engaged formally, this year brings a generic expansion in their ability to comprehend the inner essence of people, events and a fresh new outlook might be formed gradually within you. For many of you, this year can bring birth of a baby in your family too. The events happening after July will give you enough motivation and will bring lot of fresh perspective in your otherwise somewhat stagnant life. Travel is also seen in latter part of the year, that too of long term in nature. Celebration and religious ceremonies are visible too, with you participating quite intensively. Apart from rituals at home, you can visit lot of places of religious or Spiritual importance.

Year Ahead 2014 : Aquarius

Expansion realms

Aquarius people enter the year with burning desire to achieve their specific goals which they have carved out in previous year. There are many areas which will witness growth. Among the others, the most important and critical area would be your attitude.Gradually you begin to lose faith in destiny and belief in free will increase exponentially, but with some trials and tribulations.So the primary area to look forward to is birth of a new fiery vision which rely more on action plan and efforts rather than waiting for some stroke of good luck. The initial six months are conducive for it, it will is the time to build your new philosophy and restructure yourself to work in most optimal manner .Your energy levels can remain alarmingly high and when used judiciously, such constructive energy would make your many pending tasks complete .Another area of expansion will come in your travel opportunities. The initial seven months are quite potent in giving you intense travel adding huge experiences and learning. The nature of travel can be both short and long term ,and irrespective of their nature, they are going to demand lot of your energy. As two  major planets, Jupiter and Saturn sits in auspicious triangular positions in your chart ,many celebrations and important events can be expected at your home, like marriage for the aspiring ones ,birth of a baby for some and extremely ritualistic process can be adopted by many of you.

Year Ahead 2014 : Capricorn

Expansion realms
The essence of this year for you is well presented by words of motivational speaker Tony Robbins; It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.You enter in the year with strong determination to get the hold of your destiny. With all of your learning in past, the belief in destiny is fading in you and you want to be in driver’s seat now, and that’s what this year is all about .You pull your socks and jump into action rather than waiting for something to happen. The first five months are extremely active with tremendous focus coming in you. You carve out a definitive plan for yourself ,so it’s you long term vision which will see expansion in this year. The time period till June is very favourable and inspiring, and its pleasure to hear how.